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Hydra Clash - one step forward, two steps back

Hydra Clash - one step forward, two steps back

Aug 29, 2023, 15:5308/29/23

Hydra Clash - one step forward, two steps back

So, let's get the good part out of the way - the general structure of the event is solidly implemented. Aside from tiny bugs here and there, the format works.

Unfortunately, the event itself is just a giant move backwards. Plarium, you clearly added the quick battle to CB because you understood that there were too many things which required our time. By making Hydra Clash top reward require as many points as it does, you're surely going to be "forcing" people to run Hydra on manual, or at least manual-ish - eg on auto but watching the screen to make sure nothing goes wrong.

And that is just a ridiculous timesink. That is *hours* every week spent on Hydra, to maximize the points you get - and that's assuming you don't need to restart. You know what that causes? Burnout. All it does is makes people even more fed up with Hydra, which doesn't help when you're trying to get your clan to actually clear them.

The first, and obvious solution, is to change it from every week to every other week. But that's not enough. The boss fight itself is just too much of a slog. At very least, reduce ALL of the reward tiers - not just the bottom one. I'd go so far as to halve them all. It should be such that if you get top chest in Hard/Brutal/Nightmare, you get top reward chest in Clash. 

Of course, there's still going to be the "problem" of the actual clash part of it. And on this note, I'm not sure I understand how the actual event is set up. Are there "clash tiers"? Or are you just matched against random clans? And, if there are tiers, do the rewards change as you move up in clash tier? I'm going to assume, since there is nothing otherwise indicating it, that there aren't better rewards. That's ... fine, I guess, since it means you'll eventually settle into a bracket where you're going to win once in a while, but it feels weird since it surely will mean that the "better" your clan is, the harder it will be to get ... the same rewards? 

Aug 29, 2023, 16:4508/29/23

I posted elsewhere with pretty much the dame thoughts.

The big problem here is that it encourages you to run lower tier hydra with you best teams to score the most points.

Im seeing this in the current clash im in with the winning teams doing so exclusively through normal and hard.

Pretty sure this wasnt the intention. 

Aug 30, 2023, 03:1208/30/23

Isnt time sink a focus of the game to get people to spend to get faster?

Aug 30, 2023, 08:2008/30/23

Not a fan, my clan isn't the best, just a fun do what you want clan, first round we won but only with about 180m in total, this time - we're in a group where we still put out about 180m but the other clans all have at least one guy who does more than that with one key, never liked hydra this nails it 

Aug 30, 2023, 11:0108/30/23
Aug 30, 2023, 11:01(edited)

Has anyone got useable rewards yet? we won this week but despite top chest i yet again got awful items (attack stat amulets etc)

As for the event, yes it takes forever to run, way too long... i run normal, brutal, nightmare and my normal run (a double trunda team) is auto but still ties my phone up for an hour or so...for one run!

If not for clash i wouldnt run normal, but its a guaranteed 3 or 4 hundred million and i want to do my bit.

Aug 30, 2023, 12:4608/30/23

PvP is the lazy way to monetize the game, forcing players to spend to keep up with each other instead of Plarium producing new content. There is zero chance that they will backtrack on this, even if they are fully aware that it makes the game objectively worse. In fact, expect it to get worse. I wouldn't be surprised if personal rewards every CvC will become the norm, or if we get something similar to hydra clash for the CB. Or that handy empty slot on the clan bosses map next to "the great void".

Aug 31, 2023, 06:1308/31/23

idk i guess im in the minority .. i like doing 20-45mins hydra fights just to get 50m on normal ..

im also in the minority trying to get 140m clash pts for 2nd worst chest if we win ... got my 1st chest yesterday ,, had 1 good ring.. 

Hydra just need continuous champ fragments like mithrala to stay relevant and fun , to me ..

Aug 31, 2023, 12:1708/31/23

idk i guess im in the minority .. i like doing 20-45mins hydra fights just to get 50m on normal ..

im also in the minority trying to get 140m clash pts for 2nd worst chest if we win ... got my 1st chest yesterday ,, had 1 good ring.. 

Hydra just need continuous champ fragments like mithrala to stay relevant and fun , to me ..

Multiply that time by 2-3, and then do it again to account for restarts. See how much you continue to enjoy it. 

OracleCommunity Manager
Sep 1, 2023, 10:3709/01/23

Hey! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us!

The concept behind the Hydra Clash is to provide players with additional rewards for battling Hydra. Hydra Clash doesn't introduce any additional activity to the game, strictly speaking, but rather is aimed to create additional motivation to develop your Hydra teams. But I can see your points and will mention them to the dev team, along with the concern about some possible imbalance between Normal and higher difficulty levels.

As of now, there is no intention to change difficulty multipliers for points, but we keep monitoring the situation and will adjust them if it appears necessary.