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New help on what to focus on next.

New help on what to focus on next.

Jun 10, 2023, 17:3506/10/23

New help on what to focus on next.

Hi all, 

I'm currently level 58 and I've kind of run out of direction in the game.

I built up my campaign farmer (Bellower clears 12-3 in 10 secs), and I'm very happy with that.

I've completed all of the challenges except the arena ones, but I'm not prioritising that.

I'm on 4/7 of the missions (beat IG on auto 10 times) and I can't beat that at all. I'm currently maxing Dark Elhain in order to do this. IG is my least favourite dungeon - I find it annoying more than anything, annd the gear doesn't look great to me. I just really have my eyes set on Arbiter.

All of the dungeons are pretty low tbh: maybe 10-13. 

I have a feeling that I should be building a solid CB team, but I honestly am overwhlemed by the process. I think I might have decent champs for it, but no idea on the actual composition.

I have included my epics and leggos roster (I have other rares in the vaults). Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance :-)


Jun 10, 2023, 17:4506/10/23

Toragi and Artak would be good options to invest in for general progression everywhere.

Fahrakin / Tayrel / Toragi / Kael / Deacon would be a solid CB team to start out with.

Artak / Deacon / Apo / Ronda / Kael would do you well in Dragon and Ice Golem.  

Artak / Deacon / Armiger / Tayrel / Mordechai as a Spider team.

Artak / Ronda / Apo / Deacon / Armiger for Fire Knight.

Of course these are generalizations for the time being.

Jun 10, 2023, 19:0906/10/23

Thanks! Following your advice, I would only really have to lvl Toragi (which is a relief to hear).

Also, I'll work on Artak too, as he seems useful almost everywhere.
