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What does everyone do with only 105 energy?

What does everyone do with only 105 energy?

May 9, 2023, 18:1605/09/23

What does everyone do with only 105 energy?

As the title says, I hate when games give you like 2,000 energy when you start and just keep throwing more at you to keep playing, and then when you get past some of the beginner stuff you just stop getting energy  . I was able to do 10 dungeons and that was all. So what do you all do with your 105+ energy?

May 9, 2023, 19:0305/09/23

It's a bit of an inverse bell curve. When you start, you get a ton of free resources to hook you. After you get past that, you do indeed hit a bit of a wall, probably intentionally to try to get you to spend money.

But if you stick with it, you'll eventually find the exact opposite problem - too much energy and not enough time to spend it properly.

If you feel like investing the time, there are a ton of guides out there to help you properly optimize your resource use.

May 9, 2023, 19:2505/09/23

It's a bit of an inverse bell curve. When you start, you get a ton of free resources to hook you. After you get past that, you do indeed hit a bit of a wall, probably intentionally to try to get you to spend money.

But if you stick with it, you'll eventually find the exact opposite problem - too much energy and not enough time to spend it properly.

If you feel like investing the time, there are a ton of guides out there to help you properly optimize your resource use.

I think that "problem" ended with the introduction of IT and sand devil (moreso this).

Plarium has wisely adjusted the system to basically make sand devil a bottomless pit for energy, and unfortunately a necessity 😆. 

But OP, krams advice is correct in that resource management/optimization is necessary.

May 9, 2023, 20:0905/09/23
May 9, 2023, 20:15(edited)

when I was new to the game I had similar feelings, never having  energy sucks.  But as you progress it is as stated above.  I spend time making sure energy isn't about to expire.  this Morning I used a refill that was about to expire later today.  I had to make time to use it.  I have refills expiring in 2, 4, 7, days all the way up to 99.  Plus others from events etc.  previo fusion i whittled them down, but now I'm having to watch them again.

as krama points out the game is a series of phases.  Stick around and the dynamics change.

May 10, 2023, 00:1705/10/23

in regard to your initial question, 12-3 brutal campaign and dragon's lair. for a new player, those are by far the best use of your energy.

May 10, 2023, 00:3905/10/23

Between daily and advanced quests, pot in shop every 2 days, and playtime rewards, it's more like 600 energy per day. That requires playing one hour.

May 10, 2023, 01:2005/10/23

I think that "problem" ended with the introduction of IT and sand devil (moreso this).

Plarium has wisely adjusted the system to basically make sand devil a bottomless pit for energy, and unfortunately a necessity 😆. 

But OP, krams advice is correct in that resource management/optimization is necessary.

I always have stuff to run now with Necropolis. Always need to be farming that.

Extra energy? Oil, oil and more oil.

May 10, 2023, 01:3205/10/23

It's a bit of an inverse bell curve. When you start, you get a ton of free resources to hook you. After you get past that, you do indeed hit a bit of a wall, probably intentionally to try to get you to spend money.

But if you stick with it, you'll eventually find the exact opposite problem - too much energy and not enough time to spend it properly.

If you feel like investing the time, there are a ton of guides out there to help you properly optimize your resource use.

It was like a light switch.  I went from not enough energy and silver to having enough.  Then I advanced in the game and needed more of both.  This game seems to run in cycles.  

May 10, 2023, 02:4005/10/23

I always have stuff to run now with Necropolis. Always need to be farming that.

Extra energy? Oil, oil and more oil.

I guess I'm behind the curve on oil.  I havent built a decent sand team, but when the quest comes up I spend 20-30 minutes to complete it.  its not that I devalue oil, I just see it as so RNG it's low on my priorities.!

at some point I DO intend to build a team.

May 10, 2023, 02:4805/10/23

my F2p is right where you are, but there is still plenty to do, farming low lv faction wars will gain you steady power, once you get an max out your gem mine, you'll be able to get a free refill a day if you wish. this is usually what I call the Early Mid game. It's meant to slowly accumulate recources and work on your champs rather than progress. Do hard mode 12-3 for low energy leveling to get some food material rank 5s, to rank up your chars and accumulate silver. By the time you hit 110 to 120 energy level you should have 3-4 rank 6s and enough silver to get 2 of them in full lv 16 gear. Thus carrying you to end game and were energy becomes more equvilant to time and earned resources. 

May 10, 2023, 05:1605/10/23
May 10, 2023, 05:22(edited)

I guess I'm behind the curve on oil.  I havent built a decent sand team, but when the quest comes up I spend 20-30 minutes to complete it.  its not that I devalue oil, I just see it as so RNG it's low on my priorities.!

at some point I DO intend to build a team.

It is really time buddy. Get that team going if you can. 

For example, it may take all of your 60% Atk chests, but getting an extra 20% atk on top of that is such a big bonus. And it's a needed one, since the enemy Duchess and Siphi will have an HP chest with 20% extra HP.

May 11, 2023, 00:1705/11/23

theres not enough energy no matter how much u stocked... sand devil, minotaur and spider eats all it very fast...

how spider never drop silvan w. items? they give on 50items u get 1-2 silvan item? how thats?

i am glad when i am out of energy only reason i exit game... i used to burn up to 8k-10k energy in few hrs...