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Issue Debate - Gear Cost Removal

Issue Debate - Gear Cost Removal

May 8, 2023, 02:5805/08/23

Issue Debate - Gear Cost Removal

There are things I love about this game, and there are things that are making me ever more irritated by the day, as i progress further into end game.

Biggest Complaint, I have besides massive P2W Favoring, is Gear Cost Removal.

I have been playing raid for going on 1 year now.

There was a 100% gear cost reduction that i stupidly neglected, and wish i would have just unequiped everything i had equiped on my champs, but life was busy and never got around to doing it.

But I have so many champs that I will likely never regear, but could improve utility if i had the extra silver to afford the regear.  But truth it, silver is needed for so many things in this game, that regearing comes so low on priority.  A champion has to offer serious utility to concider any gear changes, like accuracy or resistance thresholds.

With arena now becoming move prevelant in this game, i need to try new builds and experiement with a way to keep up in mid game, but truth is the silver just isn't there.  I have 4 mil silver on hand and i cant spend it on regearing, cause i will need it in upcoming fusion as always.

For Moderate Spenders, or people that have been playing longer than me, this may not apply to you.  I don't know where my silver reserves will be in 6 months, but it may be really high, because this is causing me to lose more interest in game, as its a never ending battle to balance to budget once a month.  But for the moment, a 75% gear cost removal reduction once a month or maybe 100% every 6 months would be freaking awesome, just to reset and try new things.  Cost to remove gear is so often unjustifiable, but for many progressing accounts is really needed.  I would wager 100% of my roster could benefit from a regearing.  But way things are looking, its never going to happen.  Please help younger and lower spending accounts plarium.  Sorry for those who didn't benefit and had to grow without this, but the game has evolved alot since you started and arena is a real struggle.

May 8, 2023, 03:1505/08/23

Ive used 4 gear removal events and i started a year and 2 weeks ago .. gotta be on the lookout for when they happen since its really random.. but they do happen and more often than you think ... think we had 6 over the last 12 months .... 

They dont last very long , so dont miss them when they happen !

May 8, 2023, 18:5505/08/23

Ya this is the only game i ever played that essentially charges you energy to remove gear. Since silver costs energy, it's basically what it amounts to. Removing one 6-star piece costs in those terms about 32 energy in spider 20. FUUUUN !!!

May 8, 2023, 22:3905/08/23

a couple of thoughts:

- You should not regear all the time, but you should definitely do it when a champ would profit significantly. 500k silver is not much compared to the benefit you gain. Gear is half the power of your champs. Running lower dungeons than your account is capable of will very quickly run up to much more resources lost than a bit of regearing

- In some sense, the silver cost protects you. If it wasn't there, you'd feel pressured to swap around gear every time there was a tournament or something. When it costs silver, then the "casual" way of playing the game becomes identical to the optimal min-maxed way.

- I do agree that the cost is too high, though! It could easily be 1/2 and still fulfill the same role. I have the same complaint with masteries and blessings. Those swap costs could be cut by 90% and I still would mostly not touch that stuff.

May 8, 2023, 23:1705/08/23

I agree with your post a lot Urlibu, cost is just far too high for players.  Fun of this game is supposted to be building your characters, but with gear cost removal, most my toons will only ever be built once at least up this stage of game for me.

May 9, 2023, 00:2505/09/23

@xGhostwindx .... If you spend any money on the game, Forge Pass is great.  It increases you XP and Silver by up to 50%.  Monthly gem pack will give you enough gems to grind gear to sell and get  more silver.  

This game is about long term strategy.  We all have to make hard decisions.  Assess what you will gain by regearing a champ vs what resources you expend.  Often, you can upgrade one piece, destroy the old and make a difference.  

May 9, 2023, 06:0005/09/23

Summoners War also charges for gear change, but they also have one day every month when you can regear anyone for free. They've also added a new feature where you can buy a day of free re-gearing for a number of crystals.

May 9, 2023, 15:0505/09/23

More frequent gear changes would definitely be beneficial.  In my experience you spend less silver on regearing the further you progress.  Very rarely do I do full rebuilds of champs anymore.  Most of my silver expenditures come from rolling gear.