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Free Legendary Event

Free Legendary Event

Feb 22, 2023, 14:4202/22/23

Free Legendary Event

First, I read what will never be changed. I am not asking for that. Let me explain this situation to you.

I am a new player. I started playign this game on Friday. Everything you do now as a company and game is being stored in my head as the definition of what it means to play this game.

Having said that, the drops for legendary on blue is astronomically low. I am not asking for that to be increased. However, you do have a mercy system in place for over 200 blues with no legendary.

As a new player, wanting to participate in events, I obtained every blue shard I could. I bought a package for 16 and another for 9. I bought the red gem package of 3, 3 times. I bought the .99 blue shard every day. I bought another one that unlocked more expensive deals but didn't purchase beyond the first, which gave me another 6. add in random drops, dailies, missions, events, i basically spammed open shards as much as I was able to for this event. ZERO REWARD.

I am not suggesting that the event means a guarantee. I am however suggesting that this "first impression" for a new player, it is taking every drop of patience I have not to stop playing for the utter lack of value on time and money invested. Why would it be so out of the question to have a seperate mercy system for events so a person 100% engaged in it eventually can get one without dropping $1000 on blue shards? If the answer is anything other than we can do that...then the game is trash, the event is trash, and the company is trash. Period. 

Feb 22, 2023, 14:5102/22/23

I'm not sure I understand your question/complaint. Are you asking for a guaranteed lego event? Because those absolutely exist, and typically take place about once a month or so. The last one was on Feb 3rd, and the one prior was on Dec 16th. You can probably expect the next one to be sometime mid-March. In case you're curious, here's the calendar of past ones:

For blue shards specifically, the last guaranteed lego event was Nov 18, 2022. Given the last two guaranteed lego events were for purple shards, and the one prior was for yellows, you can probably expect the next one to be for blues.

Feb 22, 2023, 15:2402/22/23

If you play this game a bit longer, you will find out that the golden colour in their portrait is the only good thing about some legendaries, while two epics, Geomancer from the Dwarves faction and Seer from the Orcs, are the best PvE champs in the game.

Of course, there are great legendaries. I was lucky enough to get Duchess Lilitu from a shard, some legendaries are outstanding. But there is no guarantee that the legendary you get is a good one, you could end with Nodgar the Headhunter or similar stuff.

Don't be angry that you didn't get a legendary. Instead, look what champs you got from your shards actually and if they help your account.

Feb 22, 2023, 15:2502/22/23

was not asking for a guarantee and that was stated specifially. i am -suggesting- these events reward engagement. i did everything within my power to open blues and got nothing. 50 plus during an event being pushed is not insane to think it would be rewarded. if the only defense is "wasting your time and money for nothing is how this game is played" well then...

Feb 22, 2023, 15:3102/22/23

"dont be angry" you assume too much about the  emotional state of a post. the more assumptions get tossed on this subject, the  more i realize the hamsters will defend the wheel to their death. max engagement in an event should have a reward. there is no way around that. it cost another player all of 50 or 60 red gems however much for that 3 pack gem deal and bam, legendary. i literally obtained every one that i could, and purchased far more than should be necessary for nothing at all. dismiss me by saying im angry. you arent in the room and just making up coping mechanisms. if you want to be so blind as to ignore this implication to a new player, which was part of the point of my post, feel free to do so,

Feb 22, 2023, 15:3302/22/23
Feb 22, 2023, 15:33(edited)

The problem is that you simply have a lack of knowledge about the game and its mechanics.  Watch the Hellhades FTP tutorials on YouTube for guidance and tips for being a new player. For example, this Friday and all through the weekend the rates for pulling an epic or legendary champion from ancient shards is increased by 2x. These events are the best time to use your shards. In two weeks time there will be a 2x event for sacred shards, and 2 weeks after that one for void shards. Then two weeks later it's ancients again. 

Also note that RNG plays a big part in this game - effectively, the back end is a casino, so you need to accept that any chance of a reward is literally a gamble. To be honest, best not to fixate on legendary champs any way because you won't be able to use them probably at this stage of the game anyway, and they would only distract you from building a reliable core team, which you can do with your starter champion and deacon.

Feb 22, 2023, 15:3702/22/23

I mean, look, I get it - you're new to the game, and haven't yet grasped quite how greedy/opportunistic Plarium are. This game is designed to drain people of as much money as possible.

But it's also quite possible to enjoy the game without spending any money at all. I haven't spent a dime on the game, and am probably in the top 1% of players, if not higher.

This is a resource management game. The way I get enjoyment out of it, now that I've finished all the actual content it offers, is finding ways to outsmart Plarium's attempt to get me to spend money.

Feb 22, 2023, 15:4502/22/23
Feb 22, 2023, 15:46(edited)

I think you have a better chance winning  a lottery than getting a Legendary from an Ancient shard lol lucky to get an Epic 😁

Feb 22, 2023, 16:4902/22/23

OP is at least aware that there is a mercy system, which for ancients kicks in after 200 shards.

There are bait events and I think this is one. As pointed out above I think there is a good chance of a guaranteed Lego from ancients, probably a sylvian watcher at that, in the next few weeks.

In early game I wouldn't worry about these kind of events, because what happened to OP is plariums intent.

Worry about building some six star champions, getting masteries on them, and booking them. Legos early are very hard for a new account to maximize due to higher potions to ascend, and books are much harder to come by.

Maybe post your roster op I'm sure you probably got some usable epics, and even rares from your shards. 

Feb 22, 2023, 16:5902/22/23

If you play f2p, prepare to be moderately frustrated. If you intend to spend money on it, prepare to be extremely disappointed. I am an occasional spender, but I used to be a big spender, and I'm telling you this game will make you feel stupid for spending money. When I hear about players complaining that this game is P2W, I make sure they understand that the P is not worth the W in this game. 

If you think Plarium considers 50+ ancient shards "engagement", you are in for a rude awakening. I've gone 19 Sacred shards during a 2x event with no legendaries, 31 sacreds during a 10x event with no legendaries. And like Skadi said, a legendary doesn't mean a good champ. My first 2 leggos were Warchief and I said, prepare to be disappointed.  

As for "Hamsters defending the wheel" comment, please take into account the fact that you have spent more money on this game than they have....they're not defending the wheel, they're trying to teach you how to not end up in it. You're not the first hamster to come here complaining that you aren't moving no matter how fast you run. 

Feb 22, 2023, 20:3202/22/23

The most important thing about champions in Raid is, not to look at their rarity, but at the question if they are able to do beat the content. For a fresh account, a rare champ like Apothecary is probably more helpfull than a super specialized legendary like Warchief, who can only shine with his provoke skill at one particular Doom Tower boss, Magma Dragon, and Hydra. Both is no content you are going to face early game. If I remember correctly, you can't even play this content until you reach a certain account level. 

It doesn't matter if you pull a legendary champ early on. Just get a team to play through the campaign (getting 3* in the stages can be done later, when your champs are lvl 60) and, after doing so, beat the Dragon dungeon to farm your basic equip. Starter champ (who ever you have chosen, doesn't really matter in this regard), Apo, Warmaiden (rare Barbarian, can be obtained in campaign stage 10) are a core team able to to beat every early game content. 

Feb 23, 2023, 10:1402/23/23

I've had mixed luck in the last two of these, lucky that I got a legendary, the first time I had 43 ancients and got a legendary with my fourth ten pull, lucky on this one I had thirty and again got a legendary with my third ten pull

Unlucky that my first two were Scyl and Martyr both dupes

Unlucky that my last two were Rhazin and Gliseah  again both dupes, sigh!

Feb 23, 2023, 13:2302/23/23

Even if you pulled 2 Legendries, at 1 week in there are a list of things you will be lacking to actually benefit from those champions. 

1. You most likely don't have the game mechanic knowledge to properly build / gear the champions.  

2. You don't have the support champions to put those Legendries in a team that will compliment them. For example, Zavia is a Dark Elf Lego. She has an A3 AOE ability that deals the damage from all poisons on the targets instantly. Alone, her A3 is a wasted turn. Now when you pair her with the proper champions such as Dracomorph and Kalvalax (just 2 examples, there are several good Rare poisoners as well) who throw out tons of poisons, that same A3 becomes Godlike and can one shot an entire wave or drop 3/4 of a boss such as Dragon's health in a single shot. 

3. You don't have access to the gear, books, food, mastery scrolls, or potions needed to bring them to their full potential.

A level 50 Legendary, un-booked, un-ascended, in 4 star gear, with no masteries is not going to be as good as your starter champion assuming that they have been leveled to 60, booked, and ascended. The Rare champions are easier to max due to reduced resource cost (potions) and early availability of the Rare Books. 

There are literally 100s of post on these forums with the results of new players receiving Legendary champions from Promos or lucky pulls who are disgruntled because they were under the impression that a Gold border meant "Godlike" and ended up severely disappointed when that legendary turned out to be mediocre.