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Update: Genbo Prime Code Issues

Update: Genbo Prime Code Issues

Feb 4, 2023, 23:1202/04/23

Hello. So my code just say invalid when i type it. On prime webpage i still have the code to use.

Feb 4, 2023, 23:1402/04/23

My story is exactly the same as others. Tickets answers are saying all sorted. Code is invalid.

I made new prime account to get new code. Even trying new code it says code is invalid. 

Please help. Nick name 

Hey there, from the very first post in the thread: 

If you got an error code, here is what you need to do, from Plarium directly: If you fulfilled all the Prime Gaming requirements necessary to receive the personalized Promo Code but entering it resulted in an error, the pack will automatically arrive into your Inbox during the following few days. 

If you are still having trouble after the weekend, I will collect some info from you on Monday and make sure you get your Prime reward Genbo. Everyone who is supposed to get one will get one, even if I have to make sure it is done personally for anyone who is skipped. 

Feb 4, 2023, 23:1402/04/23

Hello. So my code just say invalid when i type it. On prime webpage i still have the code to use.

Hello there. As above, if you are still having trouble after the weekend, I will collect some info from you on Monday and make sure you get your Prime reward Genbo. Everyone who is supposed to get one will get one, even if I have to make sure it is done personally for anyone who is skipped.  

Feb 5, 2023, 05:2602/05/23

DAY 2 STILL NO GENBO something smells fishy!

Feb 5, 2023, 09:4802/05/23

@YodesMarauders @AoSinisteRoA @Magdelin @Cr4nkym4n @Boobotz @captjack3511 from the very first post in this thread:


The servers are still trying to catch up with all the codes. Please give it some more time, thank you. :)

Iv been checking every day still no drops in inbox. My prime codes been invalid since they "fixed" this issue iv made sure my code is correct but still no use.  Just invalid code and a ban if I use to much 

Feb 5, 2023, 10:3302/05/23

It's now Sunday, and still nothing 😔

Feb 5, 2023, 10:5102/05/23

Hello, after having tried several times to redeem my prime gaming code without (the game told me "in process"), on the fourth occasion the game told me "invalid promotional code" so I still can't redeem my code, Could you solve this problem, please? 

Feb 5, 2023, 13:5502/05/23

I do appreciate the mod statement that they will help get us fixed after this weekend. But it is frustrating. 4 days after I entered my code. still no genbo.

Feb 5, 2023, 18:2302/05/23

I will give it till monday then im done. Had problems last drop.

Feb 5, 2023, 18:3802/05/23

Still nothing there too 😔😔😔

Feb 5, 2023, 18:4002/05/23

Still no genbo in my account :(

Feb 5, 2023, 20:5902/05/23

thanks for your continued patience, all. once the weekend is over we'll move onto the next step for those who have not yet received their Genbo.

Feb 5, 2023, 21:3602/05/23

I'm sorry to be a bother, but like so many I've done everything suggested so far on this forum and have not received Genbo. I know it's not the end of the world, but I would like the character like everyone else does. It's 1700hrs EST and still nothing, so I didn't know if Plarium looked at individual accounts to determine the problem. I know that's a crazy question, because of the amount of accounts they handle, but who knows. Thanks to anyone listening.

Feb 5, 2023, 21:4102/05/23

Hey, I am also still waiting on the drop, was also wondering, will there be any for of compensation for the mix-up? As a gesture of good Faith, seeing as I have spent a substantial amount on this game. Thanks again 

Feb 5, 2023, 21:4202/05/23

Eg in-game items such as a feast or something 

Feb 5, 2023, 21:4702/05/23

dthorne04, hey I just wanted to say thanks for everything you've done, are doing and will do. To keep appeasing all the posters on here can't be easy. I ain't kissing butt here, but thought a Thank You might in in order. Like everyone  else,  I've tried everything to no avail, no Genbo, so I'll wait till the weekend is over and hope all works out. Again, your efforts are appreciated and thank you.

Feb 5, 2023, 22:5902/05/23

dthorne04, hey I just wanted to say thanks for everything you've done, are doing and will do. To keep appeasing all the posters on here can't be easy. I ain't kissing butt here, but thought a Thank You might in in order. Like everyone  else,  I've tried everything to no avail, no Genbo, so I'll wait till the weekend is over and hope all works out. Again, your efforts are appreciated and thank you.

I understand it must be at the very least annoying, so I'm grateful for everyone who's remained patient and relaxed throughout the process. 

We'll do our best to help get things finished up for everyone who's still Genbo-less.

Feb 6, 2023, 03:0302/06/23

The weekend is nearly at its end, and many still haven't received the genbo. I'm sure most of us are a bit frustrated, but good things come to those who wait. I appreciate all of the hard work the people at plarium are doing to get this rolled out, and I am sure they are just as frustrasted as the rest of us, that we don't already have this.

All I can say is... this had better be worth the wait... cause I sure do need some new muscle in my lineup. :D

Tomorrow's going to be a pretty busy day for the moderators here and the rest of the people at plarium, but I have nothing but the utmost confidence that they will eventually get this whole thing figured out!

Feb 6, 2023, 04:5002/06/23

This is getting silly. Invalid code repeatedly - I've been a Prime member for over a decade. How is the code generated from Amazon invalid and how is that a server issue? Seems like the code should authenticate if Amazon and Plarium are using the same authentication scheme. Yet people are still waiting after three days???