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RE: All The Female Champions

RE: All The Female Champions

Jun 15, 2019, 00:5406/15/19

RE: All The Female Champions

I am impressed with the number and power of female champions in R:SL.  It is refreshing to see woman portrayed as strong heroes in their own right rather than the ineffectual females of many other online games. 

 My only quibble many of the woman wear skimpy gear or armor which reveals much skin and little defense.  While, I understand that sexiness sells I'd love to see more woman in realistic armor rather than "chainmail bikinis."

Is this something we might see in the future? 

Jun 24, 2019, 19:3406/24/19
Jun 24, 2019, 19:35(edited)

Youd like to see more "realistic" armor in a game that includes orcs, undead and elves while many of the champs are able to use magic to heal their wounds outta thin air, resurrect the dead, siphon lifeforces from their enemies and so forth?

I dont think you know this but in the real world, no amount of steel armor is going to protect you from a demon who can slice a man in half with magic....

Not to mention realistic armor is bulky and cumbersome. Providing some protection at the cost of agility. You cant move as fast. So the skimpy clad women are probably meant to represent that. Warriors who rely on speed and closing the distance to their opponents to engage in melee combat quickly vs lumbering around the battlefield as walking tanks. 

Not to mention if you look at the factions rightnow...the sacred order women are bulked up and very heavily armored. The barbarians...they arent so much. Probably different tactics both factions use if we are talking "realism" here. And that's also pointing out that RAID already has what you are wanting but it's still somehow not good enough for you.

So I get you want more realism in a fantasy game involving anything creatures and magic but let's cut to the chase. You just want to score some brownie points with the SJW crowd is all this post was

Jun 24, 2019, 19:3906/24/19
I mean I could even go on about how you are the weird one. Cuz realistically how do you know that these factions in the game dont have a cultural reason as to not wear clothes hmm? I mean why would an undead monster wear clothing or armor? They are already dead defeating the whole purpose of wearing armor. Or what about demons? Realistically could you explain why female demons are required to wear bulky armor compared to skimpy outfits? 
Jun 24, 2019, 20:0106/24/19

Even if we take a realistic view on the barbarian factions who are probably the most scantily clad warriors in the game in the majority...I mean it appears the come from a desert region as well. Which again I dont know if you know this..but running around in full knight armor in the middle of a steaming hot desert isnt that great for your health. Heat exhaustion would be probably really frustrating for you

Jun 24, 2019, 22:5006/24/19
Realism? You want realism? 99% of female champions wear high heels. Now imagine Zavia running wirh axe weight as her in high heels. It is IDIOTIC. 
Jun 25, 2019, 10:2206/25/19
Wth are you talking about? There's plenty of women in this game wearing full plate armor and robes. Just like there are plenty of men in this game who are shirtless and in loincloths. Why do you have a problem with the women showing off their skin but not the men? Sounds pretty sexist to me buddy.
Jun 25, 2019, 13:5006/25/19
Hello! That is true that the female characters from different Factions in our game are dressed differently, depending on the specifics of what their Faction represents. Also, there are so many champions that are yet to come. They will also be unique and stylish, that I can promise you :) So stay tuned!
Feb 14, 2020, 19:2502/14/20
Personally, I like the gear and think the whole debate is misogynistic... Being a modern woman means not having to choose between armor thats functional and armor thats sexy... If we cant have both, why even bother going to war?    
If she wasn't wearing a leather thong, do you think anyone would even notice the war maiden's back dimples?  You think the Woad-painted Barbarian just rolls out of bed looking like that? Hell No- she earned those abs and she didnt avoid all those cookies and do all those crunches just to cover them up while fighting a horde of giant acid-spitting spiders! 
I think we could all learn something from Plarium's bold stance on feminism and equality...  Never forget: "It doesnt matter if you're undead, dark elf, or barbarian... at the end of the day, they all wear high heels into battle!"   
Feb 15, 2020, 20:0002/15/20

On contrary! I want to see more fitness sexy female characters in sexy cloth! (like warmaiden) ...who wants to see realism in a fantasy game? NOT ME!

More chainmail microkinis please! also make them Epic! thanks in advance.
Sep 25, 2021, 09:0009/25/21
Sep 25, 2021, 09:00(edited)

It's interesting to follow these competitions.

Sep 25, 2021, 10:5909/25/21
Sep 25, 2021, 11:00(edited)

How do you people keep finding these old threads.  What google searches are you doing

Sep 25, 2021, 17:5109/25/21

How do you people keep finding these old threads.  What google searches are you doing

This is a good question. Closed.

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