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Whales Versus Cheaters v1.0

Whales Versus Cheaters v1.0

Mar 9, 2019, 07:2303/09/19

Whales Versus Cheaters v1.0

Feeling good when people like me spending more than 1 000$ to have one leg for kinda 500 Blue cristal ( Invocation Tab said 0.6% leg, definitly bullshit )

and some other guys just have to use MoD to have everything for free.


Mar 9, 2019, 14:5503/09/19
Mar 9, 2019, 15:05(edited)

This is highly suspicious too me mainly because there are only 200 spaces for champions in both champion vaults together in a game with 320 champions (facepalm). 

You get one legend approx. in 40-50 ancient, not even counting voids cos they are too exp. and don't give better odds. 

So, you need to pop 400-500 shards for 10 legends. However, because of the max limit you have no space to do it. 

Let's say he is super lucky and get one leg in every 20 shards. You need to pop 200, again reaching the max cap. 

Or maybe just a case of extreme luck. 

Unless he is super rich and just deletes most rares to make space. Pooling 10 legs in a row is so weird too me.

If you had spent that much for only one leg you're super unlucky.

What is MoD? 

Mar 9, 2019, 17:5103/09/19

Fact is he popped all of those legs in 2minutes..impossible to delet champs so fast..

Yes im probably unlucky..or maybe they "Nerfed" my account while they see i spent a lot of money To make me spend more, who knows?

MoD is cheat. People change some values ingame To do everything they wants.

Sad thing is devs wont comment my post and give some information about that screen.

Looks like they dont even care.

Mar 9, 2019, 18:5303/09/19
Mar 9, 2019, 18:54(edited)

You can't really see the time of the previous player post, so it is hard to assess how long it has taken this player to get all these legends.

It could have been a whale too, but more lucky than you. If he spent a lot and was deleting unwanted champions it would be perfectly doable. 

Anyway devs can check him up. I am sure they are monitoring suspicious activity based on the ratio of money spent and legends being pulled, so we shouldn't worry too much. 

From my own expirance I can tell you that I doubt that your account is nerfed. Pulling a legends is just the beginning of the spending game. You need to feed ur legs with books, and books are hard to come by. For the moment exclusively for 50 pounds. 

So, technically they want you to pull legs, so you can spend on books. At least thats my view. ^_^

Mar 10, 2019, 09:2903/10/19
Bump. I'am also waiting for a dev to comment here ...
Mar 10, 2019, 20:5103/10/19

Up ! Any dev seriously ??

Mar 10, 2019, 21:4703/10/19
Mar 11, 2019, 00:4403/11/19
that's ridiculous..definitely need clarification from the Devs..but I wouldn't hold my breath for it
Mar 11, 2019, 07:5703/11/19
Still no replies.. Looks like they used money we injected in this game To go to holidays instead of stabilize their game...Huh ?
Agent Drew Technical Support
Mar 11, 2019, 10:2803/11/19
Mar 11, 2019, 10:28(edited)

Hi, guys!

We checked this particular player and verified that all Shards were obtained within normal gameplay.
Reports like this won't be processed in the Game Discussion section and this is why the comments to this thread will be closed. 

Thank you for your vigilance!
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