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Need help on which characters to focus

Need help on which characters to focus

Mar 3, 2019, 11:0003/03/19

Need help on which characters to focus

Hi guys,

I would really appreciate some advice on what to focus on leveling from my character list.

Also, if I would choose a main 5-team for progression, what would that be and which one would be in the leader spot?

Many thanks!

Mar 5, 2019, 17:2603/05/19
Mar 5, 2019, 17:27(edited)

First three + zarg and crimson helm would be a start hang on to athel though. You may find a use for her later and keep an eye out for apoth

I wouldn’t 6* broawdmaw but taking him to 5* as a temp won’t hurt.
Mar 5, 2019, 22:5103/05/19
Mar 5, 2019, 22:54(edited)

1 row - focus on 6 from the left

2 row - 2nd from left - seen him in many pvp in iv tier gold

3 galek & athel is a must for dungeons, youll

4 you need some decent support healer or dmg red/inc/shield 7th top tier or valerie

5 top row 5th champ, u have two of her, she is amazing, put some life steal on her and dmg
Mar 9, 2019, 07:3903/09/19

glizdazla said:

1 row - focus on 6 from the left

2 row - 2nd from left - seen him in many pvp in iv tier gold

3 galek & athel is a must for dungeons, youll

4 you need some decent support healer or dmg red/inc/shield 7th top tier or valerie

5 top row 5th champ, u have two of her, she is amazing, put some life steal on her and dmg

thanks for all the details, really useful for a beginner like me.

one other question: which hero can i use for farming? Is executioner still a valid option (i have him now)?