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unfair deal with DEVS.

unfair deal with DEVS.

Mar 1, 2019, 10:2803/01/19

unfair deal with DEVS.


its unfair that Warrior pack is different across players! i have to pay way more for 20 shard 2 mln silver and 2k gems while my guild mate has to pay 40% less for 15 gems, 500k silver and 1500 gems.

why i cant choose? why they gave me only more expensive version? (i know why but its unfair) and now while i know what they do, i wont spend a cent on game. no more. im not whining about a price, but that they make you think, that everyone got same deal.

did you noticed it guys? well game is cool but hell i wont spend more cash, i intended to, but i wont anymore.
Mar 1, 2019, 10:4703/01/19
Hey, G0jira. Packs are randomized and different players can get different offers at times. I'm sorry to hear the one you received this time was not something you wanted, but I hope next time it will be more suitable. RNG God can be quite cruel in more matters than Champion summoning.
Mar 1, 2019, 10:5803/01/19
Mar 1, 2019, 10:59(edited)

Marius said:

Hey, G0jira. Packs are randomized and different players can get different offers at times. I'm sorry to hear the one you received this time was not something you wanted, but I hope next time it will be more suitable. RNG God can be quite cruel in more matters than Champion summoning.
well im sorry if my post feels like attack, its more like disappointment

i dont think thats good for you, such deal when its no equal for all might only bring less than expected. as i said, i have money, and i already had few deals in game and wanted to do more. but now i will think twice and compare with others knowing that i might get such bad deal

Mar 1, 2019, 15:4103/01/19

Hello Gojira,

I feel your point but the reverse is that not every offer is suitable for everyone. I found a nice jolly offer, but only after a few other offers not suitable for me. The whole game is about patience. Cheers, hope to see you ingame!
Mar 1, 2019, 16:3503/01/19

Some of my guild mates have sent images of there packs and they have discounts on them?

I have not seen any discount on any of the packs i have been offered or have popped up?

Is this a demographic thing? depending where you live you will be offered discounts on packs other people have to pay full price for?

I'm curious how this works?

Mar 1, 2019, 18:0503/01/19

Same here, I have to pay in proportion to a guild mate more than double the price... Same country, whatever, It seems the money was sitting too loose... :-/

Mar 2, 2019, 09:4703/02/19

Hm, not actually sure about that. Discounts are randomized, but I am uncertain about the details. If you have screenshots from your clanmate from the same country, I could take a look.

For different countries, the price might differ due to the Google Play/ App Store conversion rates.

Mar 2, 2019, 16:5703/02/19

Marius said:

Hey, G0jira. Packs are randomized and different players can get different offers at times. I'm sorry to hear the one you received this time was not something you wanted, but I hope next time it will be more suitable. RNG God can be quite cruel in more matters than Champion summoning.

So this is why some packs look like bum deals? Good to know. I just don’t buy them if I’ve purchased a pack that seems better value to me. I like the warrior pack because it’s 2000 crystals at the same cost as the 2025 crystal pack with 20 blue shards essentially for free. I think this will be the second time I’ve purchased this one.

Since rng hates me I don’t feel I get value when buying packs that shards cost money. Crystals on the other hand do give me perceived value. So yeah. I’ll keep this in mind in the futures and just watch for packs that have interesting price points. I’ve had no legs drop from however many ancient shards and no epic voids yet. So shard value just isn’t there to me. Ancients would be okay at $1 each imo voids treat me the same as ancient and sacred definitely don’t produce results in relation to their price for me. I know I’ve seen people get results but I am not a huge fan of gambling which I suspect is why this doesn’t appeal to me as much as it does to some. 

*disclaimer* I’m not saying shards are valueless to everyone. 
Mar 3, 2019, 14:5503/03/19
Mar 3, 2019, 15:01(edited)
And always/often expensive offers between 54-110EUR... How about the possiblity to choose, what offer I want...

Here is an example:

Mar 3, 2019, 17:2303/03/19
Mar 3, 2019, 17:49(edited)

I mean, it is nice to know, that if I spend money, that I get cash cow offers, which have a way less price-performance-Ratio... I mean in other games you get kind of discounts, if you want to spend more money, here you get „random“ (it seems based on you previous spendings and pain price threshold) offers. But if I'm wrong, I'd be happy to be taught better.

Or this:

Mar 5, 2019, 17:2003/05/19
That’s gonna reduce spending unless the higher priced packs are brought in line.
Mar 5, 2019, 20:2103/05/19

.......this game think we are goats and monkeys or farm animals , is very close the day unistall this Troll Game , im bouring click fopr upgrade a weapons and lose my time because there isnt a real price for this , MY TIME IS VERY EXPENSIVE FOR LOSE ON THIS WAY ....The packs are a mirage ...sell a few of each item , 1 epic book , 3 rare book , some silver , some gems , and finally dont hv nothing , and pay 55 € you dont solve anything .I cant lose 14 energy and lose 5m for kill a boss and recive 1 potion exp , 3 green stones or 1 poty red .....IM NOT A FARM ANIMAL . This game dont hv Shame ...11  € for 270 gems and 1 million silver . I spend 50 € in this game but i think finally unistall because IM NOT A FARM ANIMAL !!!!

Mar 5, 2019, 22:2603/05/19
angelis112 said:

.......this game think we are goats and monkeys or farm animals , is very close the day unistall this Troll Game , im bouring click fopr upgrade a weapons and lose my time because there isnt a real price for this , MY TIME IS VERY EXPENSIVE FOR LOSE ON THIS WAY ....The packs are a mirage ...sell a few of each item , 1 epic book , 3 rare book , some silver , some gems , and finally dont hv nothing , and pay 55 € you dont solve anything .I cant lose 14 energy and lose 5m for kill a boss and recive 1 potion exp , 3 green stones or 1 poty red .....IM NOT A FARM ANIMAL . This game dont hv Shame ...11  € for 270 gems and 1 million silver . I spend 50 € in this game but i think finally unistall because IM NOT A FARM ANIMAL !!!!

Absolutely no-one asks you to spend money. You pay up to get your objectives reached faster than if you were to ftp. For 100 pounds you can nearly make up for 6 months of playing. Is it expensive, yes it is, so the choice is yours if you want to part with your retirement fund. :-P 

Mar 6, 2019, 06:5903/06/19

Hey guys, the summon mechanics is really purely randomize and depending on the chances per tier. Most of the time (90%+), the odds won't be your way. That's why we (players) get happy when we summon an Epic or Legendary Champion from an Ancient or Sacred Shard.

Purchasing a pack is purely optional and the percentage per Champion tier is already there for you to check. You know for yourself that you're already gambling once you Summon. Hating the summon mechanics is like hating a Draw Event with a pool of 100 and a winner of only 6 and you were not drawn as the winner.

As for the Special Deals, they pop-up randomly, probably an A-B test (20% exposure to random players or something like this) and sometimes when you get an Epic or Legendary Champion from Summons. They may offer more of this Special Deals once the game is Officially launched.

Cheers guys and happy gaming!