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About artifact mission

About artifact mission

Feb 25, 2019, 14:1702/25/19

About artifact mission

My charactor are above level 4 without the attack suits so i found can not complete the artifact mission.can anybody give me advice or may be I must restart wasting some game time?very urgent,thanks guys.

Feb 25, 2019, 16:5902/25/19


I think that mission just requires you to equip Offense Artifacts to Attack type Champions and you can do it even to those Common and Uncommon Champions. If you can send us a screenshot here, that would be great so we can help you accurately.

Feb 26, 2019, 00:1002/26/19
Feb 26, 2019, 03:09(edited)

thanks. but seem can not sent pic in the forum,can I use email?

my request [556250] has been received by plarium and my id is 656791

Feb 26, 2019, 03:0802/26/19


I understand. Can you please post the exact description of the mission instead?

Feb 26, 2019, 03:1002/26/19

my request [556250] has been received by plarium and my id is 656791 in my email have the pic thank you

Feb 26, 2019, 05:0802/26/19

kidkoei said:

my request [556250] has been received by plarium and my id is 656791 in my email have the pic thank you

Awesome.Alright. :)

I'm sure they'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Feb 26, 2019, 06:1202/26/19
......they said I can ask in the forum.and I have one attack hero fourtunly but when I give him the attack sets fail again 
Feb 26, 2019, 06:4202/26/19

Hi KIDKOEI, If you can give me the exact description of the Mission here, we'll be able to help you accurately so you can proceed with your other Missions. :)

Feb 26, 2019, 10:3302/26/19


Same problem here.

I've try everything but nothing is working :

- Put some attack artefact on a rare champion with already lvl 4 or more

- Put some attack artefact on a rare champion and upgrade those artefacts


Exact title is (translate from French) : Upgrade 6 attack artefacts on a rare ATQ champion to level 4 or more

Feb 26, 2019, 11:3802/26/19

paerrard said:


Same problem here.

I've try everything but nothing is working :

- Put some attack artefact on a rare champion with already lvl 4 or more

- Put some attack artefact on a rare champion and upgrade those artefacts


Exact title is (translate from French) : Upgrade 6 attack artefacts on a rare ATQ champion to level 4 or more

Hey there, I'm sad to hear that.

Did the progress of the Mission moved at all or you're stuck?

Can you take a screenshot of your Champion and the Artifacts that you've upgraded and use a computer to post in this thread?

You can also submit a bug report directly to support if you feel that you've already done everything that the Mission description stated.

Submit a report here:

Mar 18, 2019, 05:2703/18/19

Can't add screenshots when using a mobile browser.

At lower levels of 4 or 5, in "missions" there is an artifact mission that says

"Upgrade 6 Offense

Artifacts equipped on a

Rare ATK type Champion

to level 4 or higher."

I am having the same mission and issue. My Athel champion is level 5 attack type,  all of her equipped (6) artifacts are level 5 or higher. Every champion I have has level 5 artifacts or higher. The progress bar still says 0/6 in the missions screen.

Not sure what the issue is. 

Mar 18, 2019, 13:4403/18/19
Mar 18, 2019, 14:13(edited)

I am having also a very hard time with the support and artefact bug.

First contact with the support about my artefact problem was 4 weeks ago.

Since then i allways get the same basic answers, or my tickets where just closed without any respons, or my ticket was moved into an support-conversation about something totally different.

I am really upset about the way the support dealt with me so far.

At the moment i have a player-level of 44. Just yesterday i recived my 5th week - daily reward, i succesfully collected 252/252 stars on brutal campaign and i have finished most of the challanges allready.

But in terms of completing missions, i am still stuck at misson 5/150 in Part 1/4.

The mission descreption reads: " Upgrade 6 life artefacts to lvl 4 or higher".

I used artefacts that were allready past lvl 4 and i used artefacts with no upgrades at all and upgraded them to lvl 4 and higher. Just to make sure i even equipped a hereo with a new set of life artefacts and upgraded them while equipped (although the description says nothing about that the artefacts have to be equipped to an hero)...

But nothing works. The progress counter of the mission still shows 0/6.

The interesting thing about it is, that while trying to meet the requirements of that mission i reached 6/6 once, but then i could try as hard as i wanted,but i just could not collect the reward. And after the game reloaded, the progress counter was reset to 0/6, and ofc the upgraded artefacts got not reseted. Since then nothing happens at all.

This is excatly what i was reporting to support serveral times allready, but only reactions i got so far is: "Your ticket was closed", after waiting a few days for an answer of support: "Since we did not hear anything of you in the last days, the problem seems to be solved --> "Your ticket was closed", "Your ticket was moved to ticket "xxxx", "Everthing works fine! + Descritpion of how the mechanics of the game work and what i have to do correctly to finish the mission" (like i did not try.. if they would have read my ticktets they would have known)

Man this kind of support can be so so frustrating...

Don' get me wrong. I really like the game, but this is just a pain in the ... and if iam to rate the game right now, i would remove at leas 2 points because of the support. 

I mean my ingame progress should be prove enough, that i have met the requirements for a lot of missions a long time ago allready. The negetive sideeffect of this endless "4 weeks - suppor -t processing - time" is, that even if the mission can be finished now, i would have a hard time to then meet the requirements of all the other missions again, allthough i would have finished them a long time ago allready, if everything would have worked out fine.

Sorry to bother you with that problem here now, but one the things the support keeps pointing out is, "Check the forum to seek help" . :P

Mar 19, 2019, 09:0503/19/19


Your frustration is understandable. If you managed to 6/6 it once the rewards might have gone to your inventory already. It should have let you pass to the next mission ideally.

Can you raise a fresh ticket please? i'll bump this!

Mar 19, 2019, 15:5903/19/19

Zincro said:

Can you raise a fresh ticket please? i'll bump this!

Hey Zincro,

thx for your reaction.

Do you mean, i should open an fresh support ticket ingame? I tried this allready a few times, but either the ticket got closed without any answer, or it was moved to an other topic of mine, with a totally differnt issue.

So far i tried a support conatct in engl. via Mail and 3x in german via ingame support ticket.Do you think i should rather stick to engl., than to german while adressing support ingame? But i recon my english may be not good enoug to not cause any missunderstanding...

Thx for you help allready!

Best regards


Mar 19, 2019, 18:4203/19/19
Mar 19, 2019, 18:47(edited)
Same problem here, did some1 fixed this? This frikin quest standing in 4/6 and i have tryied many things. Nothing is working. Is this some kind of bug? 
Mar 19, 2019, 21:0703/19/19

same problem with that mission. Soo +1

Mar 22, 2019, 04:5703/22/19
Created a profile here to specifically check on this. I'm having the same issue. :(
Mar 22, 2019, 05:4403/22/19

The wording on some of the missions are pretty Poor, Ill try and mark some of the requirements just so people can use it as a check list.

1: The hero must be a rare(blue) or higher.

2: The hero must be of the Type: ATK which is shown in the top right corner of the hero.

3: All 6 artifacts on the hero must be of Type: ATK(offense) as labled by a red sword.

4: All artifacts must be level 4 or higher.

A friend was having issues with this too and due to the wording, he was missing one of those. Please make sure you fit all of those categories.
Mar 22, 2019, 06:0603/22/19

Ah! I clicked on the Mission Text and it clarified that it has to be on a Rare Support Champion! Rrr, wish that had been more clear.

Mar 22, 2019, 17:1603/22/19
Weivrevo said:

Ah! I clicked on the Mission Text and it clarified that it has to be on a Rare Support Champion! Rrr, wish that had been more clear.

Ah yeah, Sometimes its a Support type champion, sometimes Atk type. Should always click in for more details.
Mar 26, 2019, 13:1803/26/19
I am still stuck at mission 5/150 part 1/4 and did not recive any reaction from support on my last ticket contact ingame since the last 11 days.