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Consuming will bring common toons into the arena!

Consuming will bring common toons into the arena!

Jul 31, 2018, 21:4907/31/18

Consuming will bring common toons into the arena!

Would be great if we had the ability to consume characters of the same kind in the tavern! When i say consume i mean use characters of the same kind to upgrade rank with 3 advantages and one disadvantage!


1. Characters can be upgraded using the same toon of ANY rank or at the very least max requirement of 3*

2. Characters wont reset lv back to 1!

3. Characters will upgrade a random skill in the process!


1. Characters will be tainted and wont be able to be sacrificed in order to upgrade rank of other characters, only to upgrade xp!

The reason for the disadvantage is to prevent players from using this to simply stock up burn characters in order to upgrade legendary, epic and rare characters! This in turn will make it real easy to upgrade common and uncommon characters to 5* n 6* star and hopefully making them more competitive in the arena!

This will make this game more about using 100+ characters and not just legendary, epic and a handfull of rare charaters, because just making it easy to upgrade skills quickly isnt enough incentive to burn through 5-5* toons to rank up a common character to 6*!


Aug 1, 2018, 14:4108/01/18
Hey, Forthek. That'd be a huge change to game balance and though I would love to see Common and Uncommon Champions be more useful (some of them have really awesome designs). While they won't be as powerful as even Rare Champions, rapidly promoting an Uncommon to maximum Rank and Level beyond what was originally accounted for will have significant repercussions on the rest of the game. The difficult of challenges scales according to expected player progression and it would have to be re-worked completely.
Aug 1, 2018, 18:0808/01/18
Aug 1, 2018, 18:22(edited)
Might wanna change the game pics to 30-40 characters rather than a 100+ then! think this is my biggest prob with the game atm, at the end of the day you can play as well as you want but if you dont get lucky enough to summon epic n legendary characters what hope do you have in the arena long term? love the game and the effort put into character designs but a common character needs to be upgraded from 1 to lv 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 to achieve MAX 6* thats 210 lvs, but a legendary is only 50, 60 thats 100 less lvs but still a huge power bonus! doesnt add up to me! which one requires less energy and overal cost? despite all this i am still upgrading 3 commons: Ranger, Undead knight n Risen Hound! basicly just for kicks, laughs and to see how good i can make the rubbish at the bottom lol, thanks for taking the time to post mate! Marius said:

Hey, Forthek. That'd be a huge change to game balance and though I would love to see Common and Uncommon Champions be more useful (some of them have really awesome designs). While they won't be as powerful as even Rare Champions, rapidly promoting an Uncommon to maximum Rank and Level beyond what was originally accounted for will have significant repercussions on the rest of the game. The difficult of challenges scales according to expected player progression and it would have to be re-worked completely.

Aug 2, 2018, 08:5108/02/18
I can definitely see where you are coming from! I absolutely love the design of some of the lower-tier Champions. Though many more are planned and the concepts that I've seen are amazing, so I am looking forward to those Champions being released in the future.