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Update on Recent Problems in the Game

Update on Recent Problems in the Game

Feb 17, 2020, 10:5502/17/20

Update on Recent Problems in the Game

Hi guys! We are sorry for keeping you waiting for updates this long. We needed to collect information and assess the current state of things. Here is a brief summary of where we are on the most pressing issues:

- we are working on unbanning the players that still remain banned. This is our top priority right now. The progress of their accounts will be reverted to that of the 12th of February 00.00 AM UTC. We will also be working with every case individually as this is a sensitive subject;

- we will return the purchased Battle Passes and Raid Passes to the players that were banned. The progress in the Battle Passes will be returned to the moment before the ban so you will be able to collect the earned rewards;

- we are working actively on fixing the bug where you only get 55 Multi-battle attempts instead of 100;

- we are also working on fixing the bug with decreased XP earned with activated Raid Pass

We are planning on doing all of this either today or first thing tomorrow. 

Thank you very much for being patient and understanding.

Feb 17, 2020, 11:4702/17/20

Cirilla said:

Hi guys! We are sorry for keeping you waiting for updates this long. We needed to collect information and assess the current state of things. Here is a brief summary of where we are on the most pressing issues:

- we are working on unbanning the players that still remain banned. This is our top priority right now. The progress of their accounts will be reverted to that of the 12th of February 00.00 AM UTC. We will also be working with every case individually as this is a sensitive subject;

- we will return the purchased Battle Passes and Raid Passes to the players that were banned. The progress in the Battle Passes will be returned to the moment before the ban so you will be able to collect the earned rewards;

- we are working actively on fixing the bug where you only get 55 Multi-battle attempts instead of 100;

- we are also working on fixing the bug with decreased XP earned with activated Raid Pass

We are planning on doing all of this either today or first thing tomorrow. 

Thank you very much for being patient and understanding.

It doesn't tell me it's banned but a new account was created from the tutorial when I tried to log in after the patch and I can't log in with Facebook with my real account, send them email

Feb 17, 2020, 13:2102/17/20
Thank you very much for the raid card exp fix! Hope it is fixed soon!
Feb 17, 2020, 13:3402/17/20
Thanks for the update on the solution! Looking forward to when it's fixed! 
Feb 17, 2020, 13:4902/17/20

Looking forward to be able to play again after a 4 day lock out (so far)

Will be nice to see how you will compensate for missing all the valentine events and the fusion...

Feb 17, 2020, 16:1402/17/20

Well, I just hope I get my 2 lego’s back that I summoned the morning before I got banned. I was super lucky that I summoned these 2 lego’s out of 2 ancient shars and 1 void shard. And already leveled them up to 50 before buying the gold pass with 25 levels. 

I really want my summoned Krisk and Nethril back. Playing for about 2 months now and had only 1 lego summoned in these 2 months. So I was super lucky getting 2 with the 3 daily summons. Please help me with this. Look it up in your history (if it’s still there) to see proof of what I am talking about. 

Feb 18, 2020, 02:2102/18/20

So who got unbanned today ? Not me another day behind.

Feb 18, 2020, 06:0602/18/20

Me to still banned (5th day), but got a mail from support yesterday. (big woop)

I realy hope that compensation is worth all days, events and a fusion that is no longer possible.

In addition to this a PB that is harder to reach lv.100 (if still possible)

Feb 18, 2020, 08:1002/18/20
So, about 16 hours (at the time of writing this) until the first week of the battle pass is gone,  it'd sure be nice if, you know, I ACTUALLY HAD the battle pass I paid for.
Feb 18, 2020, 08:1202/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 08:14(edited)

clintbichard said:

So, about 16 hours (at the time of writing this) until the first week of the battle pass is gone,  it'd sure be nice if, you know, I ACTUALLY HAD the battle pass I paid for.

Are you back in? 

Im still banned

Feb 18, 2020, 08:3102/18/20
jonaswaller said:

clintbichard said:

So, about 16 hours (at the time of writing this) until the first week of the battle pass is gone,  it'd sure be nice if, you know, I ACTUALLY HAD the battle pass I paid for.

Are you back in? 

Im still banned

Yeah I was unbanned about a day and half after.
Feb 18, 2020, 08:3502/18/20
Up today I still don't have back my Gold pass and other staff...... I M already tired, upset.....
Feb 18, 2020, 09:1102/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 10:08(edited)
But youre back in the game again, Im not!
Feb 18, 2020, 11:4302/18/20

Thanks so much for the compensation!  I've always wanted a couple chickens, arena tokens, keys, and some trash mobs in place of a battle pass that was completely bought and leveled out along with the Legendary champ (Wilbur or whatever its name is) that brew was used to completely max to 60, potions and upgrade materials to fully ascended and get him to 60, completely booked out and this is also for the epic champs associated with the battle pass rewards.  Ohh and all the new gear to equip those new champs that were completely maxed out to lvl 16 for gear and accessories.  Ohh and all progress lost on the Arbiter process which consisted of a lot of potions to Mix 10 Superior potions of each keep.  Ohh and leveling other champs and upgrading their gear too as well as ascending them.  I am so happy to receive $5 for $500+ worth.  Can't recommend this game/Plarium enough such good business eithics much wow.  Starting to get extremely aggravated like the rest of us. 

Feb 18, 2020, 12:1202/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 12:18(edited)

I'm still banned... Today or yesterday was the time to look for... Yesterday have passed and still nothing :/

So, I'm hoping for today.

Plus, the game is mocking me. Telling me I have got great new rewards to pick up and that I've got gems in my mine and so on... (via the notifications on my Phone) and yet.. "banned" 
Feb 18, 2020, 12:1902/18/20

Yep, still banned. Day 5 and going. 

I’m starting to get furious at this point. 

Can’t believe Plarium fucks you in the ass this much. If they don’t fix quickly and compensate appropriate for all the losses than I can’t think of a worse company. Really bad. 
Feb 18, 2020, 12:5002/18/20

jjaerven said:

Yep, still banned. Day 5 and going. 

I’m starting to get furious at this point. 

Can’t believe Plarium fucks you in the ass this much. If they don’t fix quickly and compensate appropriate for all the losses than I can’t think of a worse company. Really bad. 

Second on that.

Day 5 for me to, got mail from support yesterday.... then nothing.
Feb 18, 2020, 14:4202/18/20
jonaswaller said:

jjaerven said:

Yep, still banned. Day 5 and going. 

I’m starting to get furious at this point. 

Can’t believe Plarium fucks you in the ass this much. If they don’t fix quickly and compensate appropriate for all the losses than I can’t think of a worse company. Really bad. 

Second on that.

Day 5 for me to, got mail from support yesterday.... then nothing.
Didn't even recieve an email. What a company. tsk tsk tsk.
Feb 18, 2020, 22:1502/18/20
jjaerven said:

jonaswaller said:

jjaerven said:

Yep, still banned. Day 5 and going. 

I’m starting to get furious at this point. 

Can’t believe Plarium fucks you in the ass this much. If they don’t fix quickly and compensate appropriate for all the losses than I can’t think of a worse company. Really bad. 

Second on that.

Day 5 for me to, got mail from support yesterday.... then nothing.
Didn't even recieve an email. What a company. tsk tsk tsk.
Looks like we are in the same boat. i purchased the batte pass and was immediately banned. few days later i get back in with a brand new account and took about a day before i could use my account.  i lost a legendary and some epics from pulls along with a 2 hero grind of minotaur.  I notice i no longer have battle pass (lv 25 pass) but i did get notified i was charged AGAIN for it and later that day i got the levels but still have been charged twice.  i have a open support case which support responded first day and as yet to reply back 5 days later and i have responded every day asking for any information. dead silence but hey i got a gold shard that pulled me a chicken so i guess everything is right in the world.
Feb 19, 2020, 03:5302/19/20
Feb 19, 2020, 04:00(edited)

Still banned here but no extra day has been added since yesterday. 

Still no email aside from the automated response from when I first contacted support on the 13th.
Feb 19, 2020, 07:0302/19/20

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow will be a full week since I broke up with my girlfriend.... and by breaking up i mean, shutting me out of her life for no reason. Kinda like i was banned.  now there's almost no communication.  No closure. its pretty awful.  I haven't felt this bad since my divorce..... i guess life doesn't get that much better after the fact.  I don't know whether to be mad or sad or both.  I spent a lot of money her too.  She probably just was using me for money and then when i thought i could tone down on putting so much money into her... she drops me like a bad habit.  So far, everyday, i see if she's willing to at least talk about where we went wrong and what we can do to move forward... but every time she asks me to wait one more day.  even just now, she asked for me to come back in the morning 2 days from now.  this will be the 5th time ive gotten the same message.  Am I a fool for thinking that somehow things will change?  Well, I guess i'll write you again in 2 days when she bails on yet another promised meeting.  or maybe what i will find is a hollow version of what we had with half of our memories gone.  There's probably more than one person out there who knows how this feels.  At least we can feel like crap together.

well, till the next time Diary.


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