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(Notice) (8.05.2019) Server Maintenance

(Notice) (8.05.2019) Server Maintenance

May 9, 2019, 08:5405/09/19
May 9, 2019, 12:42(edited)
MARIUS said:

leroy1316 said:

I have not been able to log in for third day.

Hey! It is not connected to the current maintenance then. Please contact our moderators on the Bug Reports forum or in the Bug Reports channel of the official Discord server, they'll see what can be done to help.

Don't get me wrong but the server stability in the last 3 days was not existing due to patch 1.7.0, don't say it’s not your fault when it was straight up caused by the latest Patch that was messing with your infrastructure.

I lost Gems due to the crashes which I tried to resolve how that happened since I don't play arena or refresh the market, players lost tons of energy we are talking about over 500+ energy that where just blown into the wind, clan boss keys some people said and plenty other things - due to the fact of a implemented patch with critical bugs, that was not tested properly before on an internal test environment!

Don't get me wrong Marius, I appreciate all you folks are trying to do, but instead of making a hard decision like taking the server off for an entire day due to the fact that there are HUGE problems regarding stability and dataflow etc. and giving out a compensation you decided to go for let the servers run as badly and grab as much cash as possible. 

Also you folks need to work on your communication with the community - you only use Discord instead of all the channels you use, that feels absolutely bad why do you have a Facebook page then, why Twitter if it is only used for advertising?

I worked for over 9 years in the gaming industry - but tbh. you are the first company that only focuses on making max profit with the least effort. This is not the way how it works; best example is your support which is out of the world. The folks that try to play "Support Agent" are the worst I have seen so far, they try to talk to me in my native language and I get the feeling they use a translation software that is not even from this world when I read what they try to communicate back to the player.

Again, keep up improving your communication channels, up your games support and learn to make harder decision and take a server down for the entire day instead of worrying about the sales figures for the day, at the end the reputation damage is worse! I guess we all appreciate - all you do in order to get the Issues sorted and solved, keep up the great work you can do it :).

Best Regards


P.S. It is my personal oppinion, I know that people agree on things which I learned to live with as Former CM, but ignoring the facts is also not helping :) - Sorry for this wall of text Marius on your public holiday "Victory Day".

May 9, 2019, 09:0305/09/19
At this point the server connection is still unstable. 
May 9, 2019, 10:2905/09/19
May 15, 2019, 19:12(edited)
Reading all of the updates here makes me slightly less angry. At least I know for sure you guys are working hard on this. I still havrnt been able to even sign into the game for longer than 15 mins today and currently cannot get online at all. Guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed for a fix soon.. I just wanna play again!!! Just got my leg book from the tourney and need NEED that sacred. And side note.. Marius, THANK YOU for doing your best to keep us informed. That act alone calms me down a fait bit. I feel like as long as we at least keep getting updates, and can see that the issues are being worked on, that I can be as patient as everyone else. Let's get er back to the glory that is RAID!! 
May 9, 2019, 11:2605/09/19
May 9, 2019, 14:21(edited)


It looks like the points are updating fine now. However, when loading maps, apena or dungeons, the game shuts down. So you are loosing energy  and arena coins. 

С Днем Победы! 
May 9, 2019, 12:0405/09/19
Dude I played during early access and the servers were just as bad, might be worse now cuz more players. So yea they do deserve this harsh criticism. The game crashing and the horrible servers have ALWAYS been an issue with this game.

Discilock said:

I see a lot of criticism and, while some of them are constructive and generally fine, I want to say that despite game being heavily unstable lately, take into consideration that this game has hit a success nobody probably expected. 

May 9, 2019, 12:1205/09/19

Good job plarium team, seems ok now for what i can see.

Sorry for your holiday. In western europe it was yesterday, that's also why you got so many complaints, people were at home.

May 9, 2019, 13:5405/09/19

crackdotz said:

Don't get me wrong but the server stability in the last 3 days was not existing due to patch 1.7.0, don't say it’s not your fault when it was straight up caused by the latest Patch that was messing with your infrastructure.

You misunderstand. I did not say it is not caused by something on our side, I said it is not caused by this current maintenance if it has been going on for three days. There have been several issues reported for specific devices before, but they were nowhere near as major as what we dealt with last night and this morning. So, in order to tackle the problem that was reported, referring to the appropriate channel would be the best solution. As far as I remember, there have been workarounds for some of the problems that happened prior, and Technical Support would have been better equipped to tackle them - hence the advice. I know there is a very thin line between an explanation and an excuse when you are annoyed, but be assured that we are well aware of the issues that happen and have no plans to sweep them under the carpet. 

An update for the general situation:

Rating points will be refreshed once per minute. It should not really affect people, but in case you somehow do a Tournament action and check prior to one minute passing and don't see an update to your points - that is why. A number of other issues have been fixed and the mass-trouble should be resolved. We are still looking at reports of loading issues, crashes, and other problems that individual players face. 

May 9, 2019, 15:5505/09/19

Marius said:

crackdotz said:

Don't get me wrong but the server stability in the last 3 days was not existing due to patch 1.7.0, don't say it’s not your fault when it was straight up caused by the latest Patch that was messing with your infrastructure.

You misunderstand. I did not say it is not caused by something on our side, I said it is not caused by this current maintenance if it has been going on for three days. There have been several issues reported for specific devices before, but they were nowhere near as major as what we dealt with last night and this morning. So, in order to tackle the problem that was reported, referring to the appropriate channel would be the best solution. As far as I remember, there have been workarounds for some of the problems that happened prior, and Technical Support would have been better equipped to tackle them - hence the advice. I know there is a very thin line between an explanation and an excuse when you are annoyed, but be assured that we are well aware of the issues that happen and have no plans to sweep them under the carpet. 

An update for the general situation:

Rating points will be refreshed once per minute. It should not really affect people, but in case you somehow do a Tournament action and check prior to one minute passing and don't see an update to your points - that is why. A number of other issues have been fixed and the mass-trouble should be resolved. We are still looking at reports of loading issues, crashes, and other problems that individual players face. 

That's great to hear, also don't missunderstand me I was just adding my stuff on top :).

I see that you all do your best and I guess all of us appreciate it, enjoy your "Victory Day" now :P also thanks for keeping the community posted Marius!
May 9, 2019, 16:1705/09/19
Thank's Marius for keep us updated.
May 9, 2019, 17:3705/09/19

Marius said:

Alright, I have a solid update. Thank you for your patience, everyone!


1) The server has been stabilized as far as we can tell. It is live now and the game is accessible. Events and the Tournament will be updated gradually, which means that you might see all the points that you've earned in the meanwhile appear bit by bit. Do not be alarmed, that's normal and expected. Additional investigation is going to be carried out in the morning. Further maintenance is not yet certain, but not impossible - so keep an eye on the game chat for alerts.

2) Compensation will happen no matter what. We are uncertain what it will be or when it will be given at the moment, this matter bears a much more thorough discussion that is impossible at 1 am in the morning. But we're not going to leave you guys hanging.

3) On the same note, we have taken into account that both the Tournament and Events have been unplayable for several hours at least. Though this matter will be discussed later as well as the compensation, I was assured that it will be taken into account.

Post here in case of major issues such as being unable to log in for a prolonged period of time, but please give a detailed description and screenshots whenever possible. That is it for now, I will hang around for a little while longer. If there is nothing major immediately, the rest will be handled tomorrow.

How about some damn energy refills for the Minotaur changes? I spent over 3k Gems refilling to farm minotaur and now the time to do so is nearly cut in half?!?!? thats ridiculous. You are ripping off your players, especially ones that actually give you money.

May 9, 2019, 18:1805/09/19
May 9, 2019, 18:31(edited)

crackdotz said:

That's great to hear, also don't missunderstand me I was just adding my stuff on top :).

I see that you all do your best and I guess all of us appreciate it, enjoy your "Victory Day" now :P also thanks for keeping the community posted Marius!

Thanks! I did very much enjoy Victory Day :) Glad to see that the sky didn't fall in the meanwhile.

ohwned said:

How about some damn energy refills for the Minotaur changes? I spent over 3k Gems refilling to farm minotaur and now the time to do so is nearly cut in half?!?!? thats ridiculous. You are ripping off your players, especially ones that actually give you money. 
If you read my posts, you'll see that compensation for server instability has been confirmed. Though it is not decided in detail yet, that will come later.
May 9, 2019, 18:2705/09/19
May 9, 2019, 18:31(edited)

Marius said:

crackdotz said:

That's great to hear, also don't missunderstand me I was just adding my stuff on top :).

I see that you all do your best and I guess all of us appreciate it, enjoy your "Victory Day" now :P also thanks for keeping the community posted Marius!

Thanks! I did very much enjoy Victory Day :) Glad to see that the sky didn't fall in the meanwhile.

ohwned said:

How about some damn energy refills for the Minotaur changes? I spent over 3k Gems refilling to farm minotaur and now the time to do so is nearly cut in half?!?!? thats ridiculous. You are ripping off your players, especially ones that actually give you money. 
If you read my posts, you'll see that compensation for server instability has been confirmed. Though it is not decided in detail yet, that will come later.

He wasn't talking about the compensation for the server issues, but how many people spent thousands of gems on minotaur which does now drop double the scrolls. 

I personally spent at least 2k gems on those refills to enjoy giant slayer for 2 or 3 days before the update hit. That is basically 70/2 = 35 Euro down the drain for nothing.

Not that I expect any compensation since it's really hard to evaluate, but after spending a few hundred bucks I now won't ever support this game again since my effort can just be wasted by an unannounced major change.... 

May 9, 2019, 18:2905/09/19
Germagic said:

He wasn't talking about the compensation for the server issues, but how many people spent thousands of gems on minotaur which does now drop double the scrolls. 

I personally spent at least 2k gems on those refills to enjoy giant slayer for 2 or 3 days before the update hit. That is basically 70/2 = 35 Euro down the drain for nothing.

Not that I expect any compensation since it's really hard to evaluate, but after spending a few hundred bucks I now won't ever support this game again since my effort can just be wasted by an unannounced major change.... 

This is not a compensation matter, as I have explained in one of the threads about this. Balance changes are expected and will happen, just because something is easier now does not mean everyone who played before the change is going to get something. Especially as they will get to benefit from this change themselves when they upgrade the Masteries of their other Champions.
May 9, 2019, 19:3205/09/19
Arena is only area you get replay points on. Everything else once only.
May 9, 2019, 21:5205/09/19
  • well lets hope for some bigger compensation other than 2 cb and 250 energy.
This was a really bad release to prod. shows no testing team was involved in this release.
May 10, 2019, 00:0005/10/19
May 10, 2019, 00:08(edited)

Marius said:

Germagic said:

He wasn't talking about the compensation for the server issues, but how many people spent thousands of gems on minotaur which does now drop double the scrolls. 

I personally spent at least 2k gems on those refills to enjoy giant slayer for 2 or 3 days before the update hit. That is basically 70/2 = 35 Euro down the drain for nothing.

Not that I expect any compensation since it's really hard to evaluate, but after spending a few hundred bucks I now won't ever support this game again since my effort can just be wasted by an unannounced major change.... 

This is not a compensation matter, as I have explained in one of the threads about this. Balance changes are expected and will happen, just because something is easier now does not mean everyone who played before the change is going to get something. Especially as they will get to benefit from this change themselves when they upgrade the Masteries of their other Champions.

the problem here isn't the compensation

i too finished to farm masteries to unlock gs 1 day after the update
i did use gems to refill my energy a couple of times and used a lot of time and energy that would have not been needed after the update
im still happy with the result so i wasn't complaining
but the problem here is the lack of an announcement that could have led me to a better planning
there is this habit to not announce anything before its released and then something pops out without a warning
for tournament aswell
went live with no warning and i did already used all my free energy refills for the day and the tokens i got overnight

can you tell us why is that a thing? i really don't get it

May 10, 2019, 04:2305/10/19
Because of whatever problem is still going on with this update, I've been banned from my account for a week. I sent in a support message, but for the second day in a row now I've not been able to play. This is extremely upsetting as I could deal with the maintenance stuff, but now because it didn't register my battles right I'm being punished for something beyond my control and all I get is a "we will look into this" email. By the time someone "looks into" it the week will probably be up and my lost time in the game will matter to no one but me. I get people need to see the big picture, but sometimes if you don't take care of the individual the rest of the picture doesn't matter. Thank you for whoever reads this. 
May 10, 2019, 06:5605/10/19
Hey Marius, I’m reading a lot of these replies and really frustrated with the community. I just want to say I’m really liking the game and looking forward to playing more. I appreciate you guys and am happy that you all work so hard. Have a great day.
May 10, 2019, 07:5705/10/19

I am still experiencing some loading crashes now and then (just wasted 14 energy on a dragon loading crash). Is it just me, or everyone has some - though occasional - issues?

Marius, is the server ok, or you still need to fix some things?
May 10, 2019, 08:2405/10/19
While I understand the desire to be informed beforehand and be able to plan your resources, these announcements are not guaranteed or possible for a variety of reasons. However, every player is in the same situation, they are not aware of the upcoming changes/event/tournament/etc.