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Crows Nests on Towers in Haven or Lots of Flying Dutchman to protect ag Scouting?

Crows Nests on Towers in Haven or Lots of Flying Dutchman to protect ag Scouting?

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Feb 4, 2018, 16:3702/04/18

Crows Nests on Towers in Haven or Lots of Flying Dutchman to protect ag Scouting?

This may be a difficult question to calculate exactly, but is it really worth putting Crows Nests on Towers instead of Cannons?  At least cannons reduce the impact against Raids.  Why not just put 100 Flying Dutchmen in Haven all the time, or whatever the equivalent number is to having Crows Nests, and let them get destroyed from time to time and replace them by rebuilding them?  Presumably, one can use pearls to increase training speed and raise their levels in Discoveries to make them very harder to kill, no?


Feb 4, 2018, 16:5502/04/18

IMO, they are useless.

I don't know how this bonus impacts the scouting (because, unlike haven def bonus, it's not explained in Help), but I cannot imagine a way to compute it in which it would be relevant against numbers used today. Plus, almost everyone "scouts" with Fireships today (send a FS, see what you've hit, estimate what's left).

Feb 7, 2018, 07:1302/07/18
guilty on that one. I use a fs then send a scout before raiding. To be honest I think the crow's nest is for noobs who don't understand the game yet. To truly defend against a scout with where most players are now you're looking at needing at least 500 outside your haven at all times. not many scout with more than a dozen but the ones you don't want scouting you are going to scout in large numbers. The only true defense against scouting is the scouting protection item but personally my stance is scout me, my resources are low enough below harbor and with a lv26 harbor only pvp is going to be anyone defending my haven. 
Feb 22, 2018, 12:3002/22/18

I was told when I 1st started by a long term high up player, not to bother with crows nests, the only way not to be scouted is either scouting protection or full protection, or have that many dutchman up they win the scouting arms race.

As I got scouted by a Pirate Horde Player with 5555 scouts and 555 airships, the last one is not an option for me.

I think the question is " To defend your Heaven or Not to Defend you Heaven, only you can answer that question.

If you build dutchmen you use rum that war ships could be using, hench the catch 22, build the scouts, get the information but have nothing to deal with that information.

I think if you are defending a Bastion and or Presidios maybe some one should be alocated scout defence.