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Rixe de fraternité : bogue gain sur Trésors

Rixe de fraternité : bogue gain sur Trésors

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May 9, 2020, 12:0005/09/20

Rixe de fraternité : bogue gain sur Trésors

Bonjour, j'ai rencontré un bogue lors de la rie de fraternité le 08 mai 2020 alors que je faisais des raids sur les Trésors (Lvl 136 en Def). Les résultats ne sont pas cohérents. Avec la sonde, il aurait fallu 51 000 galères pour vaincre 204 K de poseidos.

Ce qui est bizarre d'autant qu'en envoyant 5 200 galères ça passe puisque il est noté que je suis victorieux  mais je n'obtiens aucune troupes en gain ce qui n'est par normal. Il devrait  avoir forcément des troupes en gain.

Par la suite, ce mauvais calcule de gains m'a fait perdre 22 798 galères. Merci de faire le nécessaire. Vincent

May 9, 2020, 12:5405/09/20
May 9, 2020, 12:55(edited)

It seems to me that you have sent Man'O'War (defensive units!) against an offensive Prize.

Defensive power of 21493 Poseidos is is 21493 * 30 = 645k. Offensive power of Man'O'War that you have sent is 100 + bonuses. So, your 5200 Man'O'War have only 5200 * (100 + bonuses) = 520k + bonuses.

It looks correct to me.

The victory message does look wrong, since you obviously lost. I shall report that.

May 9, 2020, 16:0805/09/20

Hello, thank you for your answer.

It was indeed the defensive position in lvl 136 which I attacked first (21h34) since I attacked the offensive position (lvl 136) at 21h54.

As you can see in the photos below. it is a real bug.

AlinaCommunity Manager
May 12, 2020, 11:1605/12/20

Vincent said:

Hello, thank you for your answer.

It was indeed the defensive position in lvl 136 which I attacked first (21h34) since I attacked the offensive position (lvl 136) at 21h54.

As you can see in the photos below. it is a real bug.

Hello, Vincent! Thanks for sharing this with us. Do you often get wrong messages or is it the first time? I've never seen anything similar. Thanks in advance for your reply! 

May 12, 2020, 16:2905/12/20
May 12, 2020, 16:35(edited)

Hello Alina!, no, this is the first time that I have noticed this type of bug. I have the impression that the two lvl 136 were identical when there should have been an offensive and a defensive. This bug has upset all of my gains thereafter and I lost all my def is 22,798 galleys. Vincent.

AlinaCommunity Manager
May 13, 2020, 08:5105/13/20

Vincent said:

Hello Alina!, no, this is the first time that I have noticed this type of bug. I have the impression that the two lvl 136 were identical when there should have been an offensive and a defensive. This bug has upset all of my gains thereafter and I lost all my def is 22,798 galleys. Vincent.

Hello, Vincent! In this case, please contact our Support via this link. Our agents will be able to help you. Good luck!