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Haven Raid - lost units for unknown reason

Haven Raid - lost units for unknown reason

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Apr 3, 2020, 15:3704/03/20

Haven Raid - lost units for unknown reason

1. Scouted a blocked haven. Results show a single bonnie holding the haven; no other units visible. No protection in-place.

2. Sent 75 daggers. Raid failed completely, i.e., total loss of 75 daggers, but report also shows the loss of the single bonnie holding the haven.

3. Tried to re-scout the haven. Game reported back (on-screen only) that the attempt was invalid.

4. Refreshed game interface.

5. Map still shows haven being held by the single bonnie (same user as previous).

6. Re-scouted the haven. Results identical to first scouting, i.e., single bonnie holding the haven.

7. Sent 500 schooners; raid completed successfully, as usual and as expected. Haven is no longer blocked.

Something wasn't working quite right. I'm including snapshots of the sequence of events after the first scouting - note the time-stamp succession. I have refreshed again, and found that indeed, I have lost the 75 daggers, despite no reason for this event to occur. So, yes, this is an issue.

Apr 3, 2020, 20:3204/03/20

Please, either provide your ID string (you can get it by clicking on it in the bottom left of the Help window) or specify which platform (Plarium (app included) or FB), server (The Pirate Bay/The Golden Coast/Sirens' Strait), and coordinates you're playing at.

Additionally, what is the timezone on these screenshots?

Apr 5, 2020, 01:5404/05/20

Crowbar: uid 93438 / pp8513427 / Pirate Bay / segment 01 - standard Plarium desktop app

My haven is at -225:900.
Apr 5, 2020, 01:5504/05/20
Time zone is US Pacific.
Apr 5, 2020, 16:5604/05/20

Thank you. I'll notify the Support.

Apr 5, 2020, 17:4104/05/20
Apr 5, 2020, 17:54(edited)

Please LOOK at the location of rum boy and Kristine

rum boy is REAL CLOSE to Kristine
I've seen it and done it..

rum boy saw 1st scout and sent a lot of defense 
you killed 1 bonny and he recalled as he expected you to come back with stronger attack

NEVER send daggers at a blocked haven period.. unless you don't mind losing them
Next Time Pay Attention to location of Blockader

Just be glad he did not put 20 million defense, stay, and kill your 500 Schooners too

this is not a support issue

Apr 5, 2020, 22:4904/05/20

Cigneous said:

this is not a support issue

I agree with this and with your scenario, and this was my guess as well. It's just wild luck that exactly one Bonnie died (the reinfs likely had significantly more of them than other units), making it look like "something is wrong".

However, I decided to notify the Support and ask them to check it specifically because of this detail. They'll likely look at the internal reports, see what has happened, and say that all went correctly. None of us will know any details of the battle, as it should be. It's defender's right to keep this info private.

As for Daggs against blocked havens... there are situations when they make sense, but rarely after scouting, unless you super-chart them. And yes, always count on the possibility to lose them.