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Upgrading resources (Gold  Lumber) above level 25 does NOT apply bonus

Upgrading resources (Gold Lumber) above level 25 does NOT apply bonus

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Feb 3, 2020, 10:0902/03/20

Upgrading resources (Gold Lumber) above level 25 does NOT apply bonus

When Upgrading resources (Gold / Lumber) above level 25, unit DEF and OFF values are supposed increase by to 2% as stated in bonus 

After upgrading a GOLD mine to level 28, when I open the pirate stronghold to check the increase is applied, my unit value statistics are unchanged.

Can you please investigate and respond.

*** Update

Having learned this bonus is not accumulative, the wording in the bonus area is (at very least) misleading. 

It should state that the maximum for each rss camp is MAX 5%. 

Feb 3, 2020, 13:4002/03/20

I don't think it's misleading. You never expected the production to be cumulative. Level 25 states 900 p/h, level 26 states 1000 p/h, level 27 has 1100, and level 28 has 1200 p/h, yet you didn't expect to end up with 900+1000+1100+1200 p/h, did you? You knew it meant "level 28 gives in total 1200 p/h". Why would off/def bonus be different? IMO, it is completely consistent.

The above is the gist of it. I wrote about it in more detail here.

Feb 3, 2020, 22:1902/03/20
Feb 3, 2020, 22:22(edited)

What a joke...

That this has been written about before is already evidence of the confusion it creates, Crowbar. So yes, I expect it to be cumulative (and clearly so do other players) when the wording specifically states "SPECIAL BONUS" - 2% unit DEF /OFF at each level. Moreover, this is another example of the ambiguous misinformation put out by Plarium to solicit more expenditure on RUBIES. It's there for all to see. Only the Plarium puppets will defend it.

I for one will not proceed with that upgrade and I ADVISE OTHER PLAYERS that this is another  Plarium con job!  

Feb 3, 2020, 22:3502/03/20

Siara said:

That this has been written about before is already evidence of the confusion it creates, Crowbar.

I agree that it does, but it is stated clearly. It says "Produces" and these "bonuses" are listed there together with non-cumulative stuff.

I did advise Plarium to reword it to make it even more obvious, but I stand by what I wrote above: it is perfectly clear to me, and it always has been, to the point that I had a hard time understanding what the problem is the first time it was raised.

Siara said:

I for one will not proceed with that upgrade

As is your right.

Feb 4, 2020, 03:4602/04/20

Ok PP.... 

If it was so 'perfectly clear to you'  - and you were convinced to the "point that I had a hard time understanding what the problem is the first time it was raised'   -  it beggars belief you then asked Plarium to re-word it.....!

More to the point, and like the rest of us mere mortals, you understood it's intent retrospectively - as you have agree in your response above it is not OBVIOUS (AKA misleading). There are so many examples of these cunning Plarium tactics - I could easily take you to task over many, many  more... but YOU will defend them all ;)

Moderators are supposed to be nonpartisan friend. But I know Aristocrat (Plarium) and its puppets much better - LOL 

Feb 4, 2020, 09:3602/04/20
Matilda i for one believe your comments are offencive towards Crowbar, i have played this game for a very long time, and a fairer and most helpfull moderator in this whole game you will not find.Haveing a pop at plarium and its sysem is sometimes warrented because they are confusing to say the least, but leave the moderators alone
Feb 4, 2020, 11:0302/04/20

Terry, thank you for your kind words.

Matilda, I am impartial. Just because I don't agree with you here, doesn't mean I am generally on Plarium's side (or anyone else's). For example where I'm very openly against how Plarium is doing things, check the topic about the Wheel of (mis)fotune. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

I didn't agree that it is misleading, but I do recognise that a significant number of players are confused by it, which is why I decided to make my suggestion to Plarium after seeing your post. "There might be a better way" does not necessarily mean "You did it wrong".

Feb 4, 2020, 23:4502/04/20

There are folks who I have discussed this, and other issues where you have made comment, that entirely disagree with both you and Terry. 

Will let you have the last word...I think you are used to it. 

The wording is irrefutably misleading and to defend it (as is the case in other issues where you have discretely attempted to influence) is amusing.