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Phantom Harbor

Phantom Harbor

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Dec 17, 2018, 20:4212/17/18

Phantom Harbor

•The platform you play on

Plarium Play,

•The server where you play

The Pirate Bay /  uid 1388891 / pp22426292 / segment01 / v.602

•The feature that causes the issue

Looking at Havens by way of Master At Arms

•The exact steps you performed before the bug arose;

Looking at other BH Havens by way of the Master At Arms reports.

For Instance; click on the MAA icon, a BH member was raided, go to his Haven by way of the coords within the report, send reinforcements, look at another report, go to that specific Haven, continuing to do this, till I deemed satisfied all me BH members were looked at, then close the MAA report and click on the upper right icon to go back to my own Haven.

Then this happened (screenshot above). After viewing this for a minute or so. I ended up hitting the "back" button upper left area within the Plarium Play screen.

•Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear

No special conditions that I know of at the time this happened.

•What should have happened;

Travel back to my Haven and continue to pirate on.

•What actually happened.

See above (The exact steps you performed before the bug arose;)

-If possible, please attach screenshots of the steps you took perform to reproduce the bug.

See above.

I hope this is enough to figure out what the bug is about.

Q: How does cache within Plarium Play get cleared?

I had already cleared my cache in IE before starting this particular session of Pirating. I have a fast internet connection.

Thanks in advance, Later Gators, kester

Dec 17, 2018, 20:4812/17/18

Wow! A proper bug report!  I think we need to come up with a medal for that. 

All joking aside, I truly appreciate your thoroughness and I'll pass it on to our Support agents. I have no workaround advises, because I haven't experienced this myself, although I'd like to have a harbour like that... 

Dec 19, 2018, 06:4712/19/18

Thanks Crowbar, I appreciate your good taste... Heh, heh, heh.

I tired to do a decent job, to explain what was happening, so the dev's could hopefully, have good insight.   Honestly, I think it has to do with Flash, or  whatever you wish to call it.

This is why I also asked about how Plarium Play clears itself of cache.  Probably, a simple explanation, but I still would like to know.

About me haven, It has taken a few years to develop. This does not happen overnight, as you well know.

Be good, Fair Winds, Later Gators, kester

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Dec 19, 2018, 15:1412/19/18

Hello! For real, awesome bug report, thank you  

Frankly speaking, I've not seen such a thing before. I tried to reproduce it, but it didn't work. I suspect it might be caused by a large number of buildings in your heaven.

Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this situation. If it keeps happening very often, please let me know 

About the cache, there is no fast option to delete it, like in the Browser. 

However, you can delete it manually. Find the PlariumPlay folder on your computer, find the folder "Cache" and delete it.

I hope this helps!

Good luck :)
Dec 19, 2018, 23:5912/19/18

HI Agent Helga,

Thank you so much for the insight about the Plarium Play cache. I am going to do this and see if it helps for game play.

The bug has not reproduced for me, as yet.  I think you are correct about when I go back to my Haven and it has to build every item on the screen. This could be a lag for the game server. I'll keep a watch out for it and if needed, I will give an update here.

Thanks again guys. Fair Winds, Take Care, Later Gators, kester