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Smugglers Den - Able to Purchase all sketches, when already have all sketches

Smugglers Den - Able to Purchase all sketches, when already have all sketches

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Oct 24, 2018, 15:1310/24/18

Smugglers Den - Able to Purchase all sketches, when already have all sketches

I found an unfortunate bug in the Smuggler's Den with sketches.

I have all of the Propeller Sketches, but I'm not able to Discover it because I don't have the Steam Works building. The button "Purchase" was lit, even though I have all 24 Sketches. I was able to click on it, and it took my 500 rubies (!!!), and now everything is greyed out.

Obviously I shouldn't be able to Purchase sketches when I already have all 24, and I expected it to give me some sort of "You can't do that message" not take my 500 rubies!


Oct 24, 2018, 21:4310/24/18

That's not a bug. The game lets you buy any sketch for those discoveries that you can research next. It's not giving warnings, because it's your own choice to buy whatever. It could warn you or something, but it's simply not. It does quite clearly specify which sketches you already have and which ones you still need.

Trade that sketch that you bought for one of those that you still need and it'll be rubies well spent (or not completely wasted, at least).