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Chat and mail issues

Chat and mail issues

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Apr 3, 2018, 19:5704/03/18

Chat and mail issues

I have spend about 6 months now not being able to type in chat or mail, the game was fine before. Now it lags and takes me about 10 minutes to write 5 words. Nothing I tried works, clear cache, refreshing, re-logging, changing browser, the pc and internet are working fine, this is the only site that has this issue .. I would really like to be able to reply to mails at least. 

UPDATE: I could reply if I would be let to, apparently when starting a new reply does not work, my typing isn't registered on the page, so here I am, editing this...

As for the initial in game bug, I usually play on edge(operating on win 8), I have tried on chrome, none of them let me type. I think is as permanent as can get since it lasts for months now. I cannot follow the guideline you have provided, there aren't any specific actions other than not being able to type in brotherhood chat or mail, it is a constant issue it is not provoked by something specific. 

Apologies for the atrocious English, it is not my first language.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 4, 2018, 11:2104/04/18

Hello, Captain!

Could you please clarify if the issue is permanent? Or some certain actions in the game cause the lags which affect the mailing? 

Please provide me with the steps to reproduce the issue. Here is an instruction how to report bugs.