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Update: Weapon Rebalance

Update: Weapon Rebalance

🆕 🤩As announced earlier this month, we've made some changes to several Weapons. Here's the lowdown:

- Arc Torrents: The Optimal Range of all variants of the Arc Torrent has been increased to 0-30m and the Max Range has been set at 30m across all Ranks. The Max Range can still be enhanced with the "Arc Torrent Range" Implant, however there will be Damage falloff outside the Optimal Range. The Damage Per Magazine stat has also been adjusted for all variants.

- Disc Launchers: Damage past the Optimal Range has been decreased. Splash Damage now deals less Damage when enemies stand further from the point of impact and Splash Damage won't deal bonus Damage to the sides and rear of Mechs.

- Nade Launchers, Cryo Launchers, Miniguns and Chain Guns: The Damage Per Magazine stat has been increased for all of these Weapons, so they're deadlier than ever!

You can find more details in our previous Forum post right here 🔗

These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!


Feb 29, 2024, 11:3802/29/24
Feb 29, 2024, 12:5802/29/24


Feb 29, 2024, 13:0702/29/24

The changes you made to disc launchers and arc torrents are crap. I hope you bring the discs and torrents back soon as before. Whoever thought of these changes, I hope he loses his job and ends up in poverty.  

Feb 29, 2024, 13:1302/29/24

Es una vergüenza lo que hicieron. Solo para favorecer a los que gastan dinero en el juego, tarde mucho tiempo en mejorar esas dos armas con las que podia hacer frente a los rivales mas completos. Espero vuelvan a como estaba antes. 

Feb 29, 2024, 13:2302/29/24
Mar 4, 2024, 15:42(edited)

Update arc torrent is worst u guys have ever done the weapon is useless now what is this s**t

Edited: explicit language is prohibited

Feb 29, 2024, 13:2402/29/24

its an absolute joke. a lot of us players spent a lot of money maxing these weapons out and now they have just been nerfed for no reason. and not even an offer of some sort of in game compensation for us. i wont be wasting money on anymore weapons just for them to be weakened in future. why are plarium intent on ruining this game ?? 

Feb 29, 2024, 13:3402/29/24


Feb 29, 2024, 13:3402/29/24

I ve lost too much time in upgrading torrent and disc launcher, it's a shame! Many players have choose those weappons for the stats damages, and they are in play for a long time... where is the compensation? I have now a useless stuff!

Feb 29, 2024, 13:3702/29/24

Solo eso faltaba, disminuir el daño del Arc Torrent y asi seguir con la politica de ir dejando obsoleto a todas las armas y mech para hacerlo "más divertido" Se estan equivocando muy mal. Tienen que ver otra forma de ir ganando dinero. 

Feb 29, 2024, 13:4502/29/24

Хорошо  , когда ждать компенсации в акоинах ? 👉🎁👌😉

Feb 29, 2024, 13:4702/29/24

Да вы издеваетесь, делайте новое оружие, зачем нерфить то, что есть, все привыкли играть, как на нем, так и против него, я сам взивал деньги и у меня были колоссальные планы на диски и Арк торрент, зачем донатить на то, что в перспективе, вы пиксите???

Будете так поступать и проект умрет, так-как люди перестанут донатить!

Просто на старте говорите, бета версия меха или оружия, через два месюка сбалансировали и больше не трогаете!

А ослаблять, то, что почти с самого запуска проекта, это подло...

Да и куда вы апнули миниганы, они и так на ультрах три ляма дамага дают, куда ещё???))

Вы собираетесь сделать режим один на пять???))

Feb 29, 2024, 13:5402/29/24

Плохое обновление оружее стало безполезным, слабым. Просим Вас вернуть всё назад!!

Feb 29, 2024, 13:5902/29/24
Feb 29, 2024, 14:00(edited)

"These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!"

You take us for idiots, don't you? On top of that, you want us to believe that all your garbage is for our good? You are achieving the opposite and you are ruining our work and investment to maximize those weapons. Now they are pure garbage and useless, so where is our compensation?

Don't have any more great ideas please, you're pretty much screwing up the game already.

Feb 29, 2024, 14:0102/29/24

I m so sad my favorite weapons are nerfed 😔

Feb 29, 2024, 14:1202/29/24

Again total disrespect of resource and effort spent by players to acquire and upgrade weapon in mech arena. 

first rebalance you make my upgraded lv.6 longarm useless because all mech suddenly have super HP.

Buy and switch to arc and Disc launcher (which is barely powerfull enough in 10k sp) spent alot of time to level it up just to be nerfed again in the 2nd rebalance.

All this proves only one thing, none of your items are worth buying since you dont have any respect for your players. 

Feb 29, 2024, 14:1202/29/24


"Our new weapons were crap compared to the old ones, so we followed War Robots model and nerfed the old ones to make the new ones seem better.  Sorry you spent time/resources/money on the old ones but its our game."

Feb 29, 2024, 14:4002/29/24

Не поддерживаю изменения , буду уходить с этой игры

Feb 29, 2024, 14:4302/29/24

Да испортят они игру ,уходите с игры , пусть играют самы в это.я вкладываю бабки в оружие прокачку чтобы играть с этим оружием.а они делают эго бесполезным .

Feb 29, 2024, 14:4502/29/24
Feb 29, 2024, 14:46(edited)

Арки стали не играбельнве вообще,диски тоже самое .а я не хочу может менять на другое оружие, почему вы решаете чем мне играть ,и куда мне вкладывать свои деньги?

Feb 29, 2024, 14:4602/29/24

운영진들 마음대로 특정 무기 능력치를 낮추는건 이해할수가 없네요.

오랜기간 시간과 돈을 투자하며 아크토렌트와 디스크런처 무기에만 집중적으로 투자하고 키운 유저들도 많을 건데 그 유저들이 지속적으로 이 게임을 할까라는 의문이 드네요.

무기셋업 뿐만아니라 그와 연관된 조종사,스킬배치강화가 무의미하게 되어버린것 같아 이와같은 조치는 합당하지 않다고 봅니다.

결론적으로 말하자면 원래대로 무기능력치를 돌려놓으세요.

Feb 29, 2024, 14:4702/29/24

Удаляю нафиг если не вернётся всё как было