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Mortar Whoring Needs Nerfing

Mortar Whoring Needs Nerfing

Feb 16, 2022, 00:4402/16/22

Mortar Whoring Needs Nerfing

This week's tourny map is Colonnade.  I've run into 3 straight matches where there is a player mortar whoring at their spawn.  Typically, I will send my maxed Shadow over with Arcs.  The pilot has a maxed Ability Duration so I get plenty of time to scoot around one side and take the mortar whore out.  


I tried 2 times each match (once per round) only to get my Shadow beat to shit before I ever made it behind their building.  Most of my causes of dead were Zephyrs stunning me instantly even though I'm in stealth mode.  That's total BS.  Killshot rushing is even worse.  The stupid stasis beam bots will slow you and you die.  Forget rushing past a Jugg or Ares with arcs.  You'll be toasted.

So WTF Plarium?  What are you guys trying to do?  Create a game so obnoxiously frustrating that people quit? 

*** Why make a game where the AI opponents have inhuman aim and reaction time? 

*** Why make a game where another player can sit on the other side of the map OFF RADAR where you can't counter mortar him and watch him demolish your team.?  Now, we are forced to play a mortar whore match where the most mortar kills win.  That's F'ing stupid.

*** Why make that POS whore weapon so powerful it one shots tanks?

Does anybody at Plarium even know what a match looks like with two teams of high level players (5500 pwr+)  I highly doubt it.  You get 10 guys together where each of them is capable of 20+ kills against bot teams and laugh at the match.  You'll laugh because it turns into a mortar fight EVERYTIME.   Everybody has maxed mortars and pilots.  Plarium you even ruined the end game!  Great job!

Feb 16, 2022, 16:2602/16/22

i use em for 70m plus kill missions most maps are absolute garbage trying to do those with long arms

Feb 16, 2022, 20:2002/16/22

i use em for 70m plus kill missions most maps are absolute garbage trying to do those with long arms

I think 70m+ kill missions are easy.  Just have wait for the right map, of course.

Feb 16, 2022, 21:3102/16/22

I think 70m+ kill missions are easy.  Just have wait for the right map, of course.

that's the problem waiting for the right map

Feb 17, 2022, 04:3702/17/22

RM's are fine. You just need to keep moving and your team sucking so badly isn't a balance factor, it's a player problem. f you nerf RM's  you'll just start crying about being 2 shooted by DL's or mag dumped by MR's and crying for zephyr to be nerfed again.

Feb 17, 2022, 07:1002/17/22

RM's are fine. You just need to keep moving and your team sucking so badly isn't a balance factor, it's a player problem. f you nerf RM's  you'll just start crying about being 2 shooted by DL's or mag dumped by MR's and crying for zephyr to be nerfed again.

I guess you're a lower level player. Wait until you meet someone with dual RM12 and maxed pilot with maxed implants. This is the thing that bothers us the most. 

If you think that letting one player take a 3-4 man kill in just one salvo while being hidden on the other side of the map, virtually being unreachable - is fine,  you're either crazy or plain stupid.

Feb 17, 2022, 08:0602/17/22
Feb 17, 2022, 08:10(edited)

No I've played since beta. You just need to get good and also use teamwork. Most players are hard to diffentiate between bots as they are so bad.

If you're whining about RM's then you are plain stupid and bad at the game. It's that simple. You need only a shadow with javs. An RM user can't even hit you even after ability cd when you get close.

Get good.

Feb 17, 2022, 10:1202/17/22

No I've played since beta. You just need to get good and also use teamwork. Most players are hard to diffentiate between bots as they are so bad.

If you're whining about RM's then you are plain stupid and bad at the game. It's that simple. You need only a shadow with javs. An RM user can't even hit you even after ability cd when you get close.

Get good.

So you're telling me (and 99% of players) that we just need a specific mech with specific weapon just to get to the other side of the map hoping that no bot will stun me right when I'm in range and by any chance not being hit by that RM salvo covering 1/3 of the map, no matter the cover, because you either have a solid roof over your head or you have no cover from mortars, just to hunt one a-hole spamming this joke of a weapon not even caring to move a notch, because what for?

I realized you're both - crazy and stupid. Have fun being the fun police in this game.

Feb 17, 2022, 11:2102/17/22

So you're telling me (and 99% of players) that we just need a specific mech with specific weapon just to get to the other side of the map hoping that no bot will stun me right when I'm in range and by any chance not being hit by that RM salvo covering 1/3 of the map, no matter the cover, because you either have a solid roof over your head or you have no cover from mortars, just to hunt one a-hole spamming this joke of a weapon not even caring to move a notch, because what for?

I realized you're both - crazy and stupid. Have fun being the fun police in this game.

You do not represent 99% of players and the fun police would be bad players like yourself trying to get a legit weapon nerfed. Oh the irony. Things shouldn't be nerfed because players lack teamwork and skill. You fit into both of those categories 😆 

Just get good and stop crying to get the game changed because you're bad. You are the fun police.

Feb 17, 2022, 17:3402/17/22
Feb 17, 2022, 17:34(edited)

You do not represent 99% of players and the fun police would be bad players like yourself trying to get a legit weapon nerfed. Oh the irony. Things shouldn't be nerfed because players lack teamwork and skill. You fit into both of those categories 😆 

Just get good and stop crying to get the game changed because you're bad. You are the fun police.

Discussion with you is just pointless.

Try reading this forum, reddit or discord channel.

Go be a special snowflake and enjoy your godlikes every game.

Feb 17, 2022, 18:5402/17/22

Discussion with you is just pointless.

Try reading this forum, reddit or discord channel.

Go be a special snowflake and enjoy your godlikes every game.

The special snowflake would be you wanting a weapon nerfed simply because you cant use shadow and dont play with friends. Im surprised you're not whining for DL's and MR's to be nerfed as well 😆

Feb 17, 2022, 20:4102/17/22

The special snowflake would be you wanting a weapon nerfed simply because you cant use shadow and dont play with friends. Im surprised you're not whining for DL's and MR's to be nerfed as well 😆

The thing is that DLs and MR are single target weapons requiring player to go out of cover. Mortars (with the radius implant) have waaay too big area of effect making it impossible to dodge by any mech except Killshot or Surge. Also RM player can stay in the same spot in the back of the map just scoring kills unseen by anyone. RMs is their cirrent state are just broken.

Feb 17, 2022, 21:1102/17/22

The thing is that DLs and MR are single target weapons requiring player to go out of cover. Mortars (with the radius implant) have waaay too big area of effect making it impossible to dodge by any mech except Killshot or Surge. Also RM player can stay in the same spot in the back of the map just scoring kills unseen by anyone. RMs is their cirrent state are just broken.

Nah mate. Just get a shadow with javs and you can counter any RM user. It works 99% of the time. You can rush the RM user and it'll work pretty much everytime. It's not magic.

Feb 18, 2022, 05:0902/18/22
Feb 18, 2022, 05:19(edited)

No I've played since beta. You just need to get good and also use teamwork. Most players are hard to diffentiate between bots as they are so bad.

If you're whining about RM's then you are plain stupid and bad at the game. It's that simple. You need only a shadow with javs. An RM user can't even hit you even after ability cd when you get close.

Get good.

Dude your missing something.  Getting a shadow across many maps is hard enough against bots.   I know.  I have a maxed shadow with a maxed G-lock pilot with maxed implants.  It's pure luck not running into a zephyr that will stun you instantly, even if ur invis.  Getting a shadow across a map when going up against a few squaded guys 5500-6300 pwr is not gonna happen.  Ur shadow will get eaten up and spit out.

Also, you bringing up shadow with javs just goes to show your lack of experience.  A maxed killshot mortar whoring in the back is gonna one-shot dash a shadow while your javs barely put a dent into him.  Nobody my level (6000) dares bring a shadow onto the map with javs.  You'll get laughed at and have that shadow shoved up your ass real quick.  The only really viable setup for shadow at max levels is the arc 10/6 setup with a maxed G-lock pilot.  

Also, another thing.  Who the hell is gonna waste their Rosa pilot on a jav setup?  That pilot is there for Disc Launchers only.  If you waste Rosa on javs you have no business telling people to "get good" cause your too noob to make that call.

One last thing.  Your first response says "You just need to keep moving".  LMFAO! are you serious.  So you start sprinting when the first salvo comes in and it barely hits you.  Then the second salvo comes.  WTF do you do now smart guy?  

FACT1:  No mech can out-walk a MR12 salvo with a maxed radius implant.

FACT2:  Most mechs cannot  out-SPRINT a MR12 salvo with a maxed radius implant.  2nd salvo after sprint is gone = DEAD

FACT3:  Only a killshot can consistantly out run a MR12 player with a maxed radius implant.

Clearly you are still facing noobs with non-maxed pilots and implants.  Come play with the big-boys before you go shooting your mouth.

Feb 18, 2022, 06:0302/18/22

Nah mate. Just get a shadow with javs and you can counter any RM user. It works 99% of the time. You can rush the RM user and it'll work pretty much everytime. It's not magic.

what if they are playing with friends? Using 2 RM 12s baits players into rushing into camping killshots. A shadow with javelins is killshot food. you also have to get 75m to shoot them if you dont have the range implant. They can also just camp in a spot were they can go under a roof. Use shotgun 8s or ARKs on shadow if your going to backdoor. 

Feb 18, 2022, 13:5102/18/22
Feb 18, 2022, 18:27(edited)

We must be playing different games then as i dont find it a problem and if they're playing with friends then i guess you best get some to play with too.

Fact 1: It's not that hard

Fact 2: teamwork is op 😆 

Fact 3: it's "know" not "now" smart guy

You dressed up being bad and showing an inability to adapt very well there. If you dont want to use a pilot on a setup that will in fact beat what you're crying about, then enjoy dying. Adapt or die. Get good. If you're 6k power and find them a problem then you are in fact absolutely terrible and probably not much better than a bot 😆 

And not bringing a direct counter setup because "people will laugh at you" just shows that you will choose to cry over adapting because street a mobile game 😆 and in another posts you're 3050 power but above you're 6000. You're a liar.

Comedy gold. Get good.

Feb 19, 2022, 10:3302/19/22
Feb 20, 2022, 01:39(edited)

We must be playing different games then as i dont find it a problem and if they're playing with friends then i guess you best get some to play with too.

Fact 1: It's not that hard

Fact 2: teamwork is op 😆 

Fact 3: it's "know" not "now" smart guy

You dressed up being bad and showing an inability to adapt very well there. If you dont want to use a pilot on a setup that will in fact beat what you're crying about, then enjoy dying. Adapt or die. Get good. If you're 6k power and find them a problem then you are in fact absolutely terrible and probably not much better than a bot 😆 

And not bringing a direct counter setup because "people will laugh at you" just shows that you will choose to cry over adapting because street a mobile game 😆 and in another posts you're 3050 power but above you're 6000. You're a liar.

Comedy gold. Get good.

who said I they were 6000? Do you even look at whos posting? Main problem is RMs can bug and go past roofs and walls. Even with a maxed aoe implant they dont have the range to kill me were I die. Also like I said javelins in most maps do not counter RMs...





Feb 19, 2022, 13:3502/19/22

There  is  no  effective  counter  to  maxed  players  using  maxed  RMs  and  maxed  pilots.    All  you  can  hope  to  do  is  have  the  same  build,  or  team  with  someone who  had  the  same  build.    At  that  point,  skill  is  out  the  window.    The  match is  now  a  pure  artillery dual   and  all  other  bots  and  weapons  are  inconsequential.    The  team  who  launches  a  RM  salvo  first  against the  opposition RM  mech  wins.    Period.    The  fantasy of  using  a  miraculously powerful Shadow  with  javs  to  assassinate  the  opposing RM  players  is  pure  noob  BS.    

Feb 22, 2022, 00:4102/22/22

You're both noobs if you can't pull it off with a shadow. You're just mad your killshot with javs setup doesn't work anymore. Get good seriously.

You and other players being bad isn't a valid point of reference for countering other playstyles.

Feb 22, 2022, 02:0902/22/22

You're both noobs if you can't pull it off with a shadow. You're just mad your killshot with javs setup doesn't work anymore. Get good seriously.

You and other players being bad isn't a valid point of reference for countering other playstyles.

Lol, you're still here? Grow up and accept the fact that mortars with implants are broken. You're the only one in this entire forum saying otherwise.

Feb 22, 2022, 02:1202/22/22
Feb 22, 2022, 02:18(edited)

Lol, you're still here? Grow up and accept the fact that mortars with implants are broken. You're the only one in this entire forum saying otherwise.

More irony.

You still play this game? Grow up and accept that you are so bad that you can't counter RM's or get just 1 teammate to help you. 

Imagine being as bad as a bot 😆 stop crying over an autoaim mobile game because you're bad.

A lot of bad players crying doesn't mean anything.  The metrics will show clearly where the cheese really is.