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I am asking for any refund I can get from this game

I am asking for any refund I can get from this game

Jan 19, 2022, 05:1001/19/22

I am asking for any refund I can get from this game

This game is not even playable anymore. the changes that where made where done ass backwards. You lied to the community saying you would not nerf anything in game but you nerfed it all.

 Just so you could put all this new over priced and over powered nonsense into the game. Its your game sure but If I wanted to play War Robots I would be Playing War Robots. 

You ignore what any of us real players say anyway. I am done good bye. Go listen to the little children and hackers that play this and continue to most likely not make anymore money. 

Is it intentional that the Arc torrents make the crosshair jump around so you cant aim? The instantly kill you?

I only advise folks to boycott this game now. It is horrible. Also I know other players that spend and I hope to drag them out of the game also.
