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Matchmaking is broken - change to Squad power

Matchmaking is broken - change to Squad power

Jan 14, 2022, 08:0801/14/22

Matchmaking is broken - change to Squad power

The more I play, the worse the matchmaking becomes as the way players are selected seems to be by the experience track. Please find a way to use squad power or add more divisions above 1st to maintain competition and fair play that makes the game continue to be played.

This  issue creates problems once P2W players join that mix without other variables because they can be anywhere on the track and totally unbalance any match with just 1 player over the group average squad power by anything more than 500 power Ive noticed.

There is no amount of strategy that can overcone the brute force of more than 500 squad power difference.  Unless that powerful player is always alone versus most of the other team that difference means the damage output and health will make any opponent meet in the arena near impossible to win, that stacked and unfair matching kills the game.

Around 500 squad power difference I can say creates a challenge but is do-able and reasonable, anything more is too large of an advantage and eliminates fair play. Here is are some examples, I have many more.







Tournament example: 

If a mech with 2 kills makes MVP then either its a very bloody match or 1 persons getting all the kills. You can clearly see which it is here and how pointless the match becomes for the other 9 players of the match. If nothing else it needs to be fixed here as tournament tickets are finite per day and the greatest source of rewards for the daily gamer who casually spends small amounts (likely the largest population playing).


Jan 14, 2022, 14:4801/14/22
Jan 14, 2022, 22:31(edited)

Here's why this game sucks. One guy got more kills than all other players combined. 


Jan 14, 2022, 15:3201/14/22

Matchmaking seems like it's based on squad power sometimes, xp other times. It's both all the time. The XP part is what's creating the problem. They'd rather have this problem (p2w matchmaking) than people manipulating their squad power for favorable matchmaking (something anyone can do). But of course then you can also manipulate your xp progress for favorable matchmaking too so the system isn't really much better than they think it is in terms of preventing manipulating the matchmaking. Wonder if they'll take my suggestion of squad power and skill.

Jan 15, 2022, 01:3101/15/22

Matchmaking seems like it's based on squad power sometimes, xp other times. It's both all the time. The XP part is what's creating the problem. They'd rather have this problem (p2w matchmaking) than people manipulating their squad power for favorable matchmaking (something anyone can do). But of course then you can also manipulate your xp progress for favorable matchmaking too so the system isn't really much better than they think it is in terms of preventing manipulating the matchmaking. Wonder if they'll take my suggestion of squad power and skill.

Yes but experience track manipulation isnt even manipulation, its just part of the game design so it makes it odd as a point of reference bc everyone knows at minimum even casual gamers will make 1 purchase that may throw experience off. Sale for cheetah at early stages would be dirty bc its advanced damage.

Jan 15, 2022, 02:4401/15/22

Yes but experience track manipulation isnt even manipulation, its just part of the game design so it makes it odd as a point of reference bc everyone knows at minimum even casual gamers will make 1 purchase that may throw experience off. Sale for cheetah at early stages would be dirty bc its advanced damage.

Well it's no more manipulation than removing mechs to lower squad power but it still creates the same problem that they were trying to solve in the first place which is people gaming the system for easier matchups.