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What's wrong with pilots as a concept

What's wrong with pilots as a concept

Jan 7, 2022, 17:2201/07/22

What's wrong with pilots as a concept

I know I don't have a choice whether or not pilots are in the game since they're in it now and I knew since the announcement said they said it was happening that it was going to happen. I'm not sure If I'll keep playing this game. I do have a clan but people have gone from like 70% wins down to 40% so I might not even play very much. Matchmaking is such a freaking disaster because whoever the decision makers are over at plarium are totally incompetent. And getting answers out of plarium is like trying to get a monkey to speak a human language. Your communication with the community sucks, but keeping us in the dark doesn't stop you from calling us "beloved". What was this post about again? Oh right, pilots.

Why I never wanted them in the game in the first place. They bring invisible factors into the game I have no clue what kind of bonuses my opponent might have unless they kill me. And these bonuses can affect ability ability range and and ability duration and ability cooldown and ability damage and damage radius, and they can also affect shield HP and weapon damage and weapon max range and minimum range and magazine size and accuracy. And there's rare and epic and legendary versions of these implants. And I have to try and guess not just which combination of these things my opponent has but which level they're at. Oh my god. I liked mech arena more than anything because it was just simple.

So what about the actual results of the pilots survey? Tell us the truth.

Jan 7, 2022, 17:3701/07/22
Jan 19, 2022, 15:43(edited)

 do you have any conception of what realize that reality is a big arms race just like the big world little boy it takes to launch a game servers and graphics and all that stuff they have to make money dude. you act and sound like you're about 10 years old. "oh it's not what I wanted" grow up it's the real world it's a business they have to make money either take it buttercup or leave.