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And this is fair???

And this is fair???

Jan 3, 2022, 13:0501/03/22

And this is fair???

So I have lost over half my played matches, I usually come out 1st or 2nd place so am leauge 1...why do I lose matches you might ask? 

1. I get paired with bot teams who ignore control points and other bots who are just shooting at me (I have been shot by bots who had to move around an enemy mech to get me, both bots ignoring each other). 

2. I have played matches where the real players had 1k+ stronger squads than mine...a few hundred spread over a few mechs ok, but 1k+????

3.I have actually been killed by players almost a second after I freeze them with a Zypher, and not through auto fire rockets or javs... Ok my ping is around 40, jeez people. 

4.Funny as it is if I need to win 3 or 4 in a row the algorithms screw me and I will lose the next match(see above about the bots) ... This has not happened once but almost every time. 

So pray tell where is this game fair? I understand the devs and employees have to make a living, and have even invested in the game as it is sometimes quite fun, and well made,but I'm getting the feeling the game is trying to get me to spend even more cash just to keep up and that's no where near fair or ftp.

If you are trying to aggregate your Playerbase and/or chase paying players away yall are doing a damn good job. Too bad the game was pretty good... Now it's just not a fair game. 
