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Nobody asked for pilots

Nobody asked for pilots

Dec 14, 2021, 00:1612/14/21

Nobody asked for pilots

We've been asking for clans and fixes to AI and matchmaking. You say pilots aren't supposed to be pay to win, but that means players need more resources to invest in them when all you've done with the flow of resources into the economy is strain it. Are you telling me plarium isn't going to take advantage of this to monetize the game more? It's always "these things take time" when it comes to matchmaking and AIs, but you have time to monetize the game to high heavens. And now here comes this feature nobody asked for. And you're telling me it's not going to be monetized. And you're on record for consistantly straining the economy for resources. And this is going to cost us more resources to invest in our mechs to have them up to spec. And you're telling me it's not gonna be monetized? And just what the hell else are you working on that isn't fixing AI and matchmaking?


Dec 14, 2021, 23:4112/14/21

what are you speaking of when you say pilots? are we getting actual pilots that can like buff our mechs or something? i do agree they should not be upgradeable with money if this is what your are talking about

AlinaCommunity Manager
Dec 15, 2021, 13:4612/15/21

Pilots, I get it why you're concerned. However, a lot of players voted for Pilots but asked us to make them more F2P friendly. We believe we did a great job here and we would love you to check it first. Of course, your feedback will be very welcome 😎

Dec 21, 2021, 12:1612/21/21

Pilots, I get it why you're concerned. However, a lot of players voted for Pilots but asked us to make them more F2P friendly. We believe we did a great job here and we would love you to check it first. Of course, your feedback will be very welcome 😎

If those pilot thingy needs real cash to unlock or upgrades / unreasonable price in game credits, then it's not f2p friendly. The "great job" isn't there yet because the matchmaking is even worse than ever.

Dec 23, 2021, 01:2212/23/21
Dec 23, 2021, 04:50(edited)

Pilots, I get it why you're concerned. However, a lot of players voted for Pilots but asked us to make them more F2P friendly. We believe we did a great job here and we would love you to check it first. Of course, your feedback will be very welcome 😎

"A lot of players voted for pilots [...]"

Was it more than those who said hell no? Because I don't think so. 

You think you did a good job of making it more f2p friendly. More f2p friendly than what? Than the competition? I don't really care. It's clearly less f2p friendly than mech arena was before pilots. In addition to consistently taking resources out of the economy, these pilots cost as much as whole mech and weapon combinations to upgrade in your two new currencies that you added that just complicate things more. I don't believe for a second you'll be letting enough resources into the economy for this. And the bonuses given to mechs and weapons are absurd. I mean these things completely shift the balance of the game. They're not a replacement for skill? Why do mechs only get like 25% bonus HP from the rare pilots but upwards of like 80% additional weapon damage with the base increase, weapon specialist bonus, and implant bonus all combined? It's not much better the 1 legendary pilot can only increase mech hp 40%. Weapons were already strong compared to mechs and their HP. This makes them even stronger in comparison. Some of the weapons are affected by this buff more than others because their bonus damage is the same but they already had more DPS such as the arc torrents. Plus their 66% range buff which makes their max range now 60M. Now arc torrents have near double damage, 66% more range

Why else don't I trust pilots? Why don't I want to give this a chance? You only let partners test it for a day before releasing it to the game. You never gave us the chance to review the pilots to see if we really wanted them as they are. That tells me these things are going to be in the game without any drastic changes, because the insane power creep was totally intentional. Because I don't want mech arena to be "not as bad as the competition" I want mech arena to be not the competition. Because as soon as I've give given the feature a "chance", I'm already playing a game that's totally different from how it was before and there isn't a chance it's going back to the way it was. This makes you much more like the competition than you think you are.

Give it a chance? Give us a chance to play with it before implementing it into the game so we can give you feedback and you can make adjustments THEN implement it. Giving it a chance when you've already added it means I'm giving a chance to what's effectively a completely different game. And when I play a new game I determine if I want to play it or not. Giving it a chance now means I'm deciding whether or not I even want to play mech arena anymore.

This shit better not stink. I was never gonna like pilots in the first place. It adds invisible factors to play. It's made worse that each of the buffs is so insane.

Dec 23, 2021, 03:3412/23/21

"A lot of players voted for pilots [...]"

Was it more than those who said hell no? Because I don't think so. 

You think you did a good job of making it more f2p friendly. More f2p friendly than what? Than the competition? I don't really care. It's clearly less f2p friendly than mech arena was before pilots. In addition to consistently taking resources out of the economy, these pilots cost as much as whole mech and weapon combinations to upgrade in your two new currencies that you added that just complicate things more. I don't believe for a second you'll be letting enough resources into the economy for this. And the bonuses given to mechs and weapons are absurd. I mean these things completely shift the balance of the game. They're not a replacement for skill? Why do mechs only get like 25% bonus HP from the rare pilots but upwards of like 80% additional weapon damage with the base increase, weapon specialist bonus, and implant bonus all combined? It's not much better the 1 legendary pilot can only increase mech hp 40%. Weapons were already strong compared to mechs and their HP. This makes them even stronger in comparison. Some of the weapons are affected by this buff more than others because their bonus damage is the same but they already had more DPS such as the arc torrents. Plus their 66% range buff which makes their max range now 60M. Now arc torrents have near double damage, 66% more range

Why else don't I trust pilots? Why don't I want to give this a chance? You only let partners test it for a day before releasing it to the game. You never gave us the chance to review the pilots to see if we really wanted them as they are. That tells me these things are going to be in the game without any drastic changes, because the insane power creep was totally intentional. Because I don't want mech arena to be "not as bad as the competition" I want mech arena to be not the competition. Because as soon as I've give given the feature a "chance", I'm already playing a game that's totally different from how it was before and there isn't a chance it's going back to the way it was. This makes you much more like the competition than you think you are.

Give it a chance? Give us a chance to play with it before implementing it into the game so we can give you feedback and you can make adjustments THEN implement it. Giving it a chance when you've already added it means I'm giving a chance to what's effectively a completely different game. And when I play a new game I determine if I want to play it or not. Giving it a chance now means I'm deciding whether or not I even want to play mech arena anymore.

This shit better not stink. I was never gonna like pilots in the first place. It adds invisible factors to play. It's made worse that each of the buffs is so insane.

Too late I'm afraid, smells rotten already. I didn't realize this is the same company behind Raid:Shadow Legend that's panned as one of the worste micro tranaction games  ever reated.

Dec 23, 2021, 15:1112/23/21

Pilots, I get it why you're concerned. However, a lot of players voted for Pilots but asked us to make them more F2P friendly. We believe we did a great job here and we would love you to check it first. Of course, your feedback will be very welcome 😎

Why would you call us Pilots if we're not the pilots anymore? What even are we?🙁 As for F2P friendly, I am constantly struggling with the amount of resources needed for these Pilots. Also I used to be able to beat paying players, but since the update I have no chance, as the Pilot boosts are crazy op. This is my honest feedback on pilots, and I don't see how I can continue playing much longer... 😔

Dec 26, 2021, 23:4812/26/21
Dec 26, 2021, 23:53(edited)

Pilots, I get it why you're concerned. However, a lot of players voted for Pilots but asked us to make them more F2P friendly. We believe we did a great job here and we would love you to check it first. Of course, your feedback will be very welcome 😎


F2P very friendly.

Dec 26, 2021, 23:4912/26/21

nobody asked for such crazy scalling stats.

Jan 12, 2022, 10:5101/12/22

Personally i dont mind them, so to each their own.