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Bots need to go or teaming needs to go

Bots need to go or teaming needs to go

Dec 9, 2021, 23:4312/09/21

Bots need to go or teaming needs to go



Ok look you have a good game but the simple refusal to do a thing about bots is just idiotic. You have a team system in place but no maching system, outside of 1 real player vs 1 real player and the rest are just bots most of the time. You ( the game devs ) need to abandon the thought of your 15 - 30 second max timer . That's a big part of your problem . look at the system for world of warships blitz for example , just show us the players waiting for a mach and the power in intervals of 500 and base maching around that. Your times wouldn't be much longer most of the time. And how you can't understand that 5v5 with real players is more engaging and fun is simply beyond me. I don't understand so please explain , are you hindered by server strain , the number of players , or is it the incompetence of your programmers? These are the only three things that I could think of that would stop you from removing bots. And back to the headline if you can't largely remove bots you can't have a teaming system that overwhelms your basic maching system. 
