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Pretty future shock game

Pretty future shock game

Dec 9, 2021, 10:0612/09/21

Pretty future shock game

I like this game for it's small memory consumption, smooth run and especially decent physics, even compared to bigger games. By this I mean textures match polygons and it really looks like robots walk around. And when a robot jumps onto a building, it may be able to get as much of a grip as it looks like that there is. The game is much more realistic than it's competition and cartoon style nice to look at at the same time. And now what bothers me: kicked by server repeatedly the first day I played. Didn't happen any more later, OK. Also: a cheat bot can spin around indefinitely, which isn't possible to do with a phone using human fingers. And that's just one thing, automatic cheat detection is completely possible, so why there ain't any? Additionally, the communication button toggles while I shoot and turn around. Then I can't shoot and turn anymore, can I! So how do I disable that communication button? I mean completely disable, so it won't bother me anymore. Congrats, you've reached the end of my first post here.
