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Extend matchmaking time to get more humans in

Extend matchmaking time to get more humans in

Dec 2, 2021, 19:3412/02/21

Extend matchmaking time to get more humans in

I think players would be happy with up to 60s for matchmaking.    The AI really stinks on many levels.  

1.  It can be overpowering which we recently saw.  Prioritizing humans with aimbot accuracy and speed. 

2.  It can be utterly useless just bumbling about in front of you blocking 75% or more of your shots as they spin around aimlessly. 

3.  Nobody wants AI in the game for the reasons above but we know it's a necessary evil if matches will be filled out.  

But instead of trying to program AI - clearly it's a very difficult task for programmers to get this right - maybe step back and allow just a little more time in the queue for a few more humans to make it into matches so we can filter out more of the AI which really doesn't add anything positive to the experience of a match.  

AlinaCommunity Manager
Dec 15, 2021, 14:3312/15/21

Good point! Thanks a lot for being constructive, Pilot. I'll forward your feedback to the team.