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OP A.I. Makes Mech Arena Unpleasant to Play.

OP A.I. Makes Mech Arena Unpleasant to Play.

Nov 21, 2021, 19:2511/21/21

OP A.I. Makes Mech Arena Unpleasant to Play.

Lately it seems that EVERY match I play the A.I. has been way overpowered. Between AIMBOT and Zephyr freeze spam this game is quickly becoming unplayable. The reaction times of the A.I. are too quick and there 360 field of vision is unreal! Please make the A.I. less Op. I regret spending so much money on this game. Plarium, please fix this.

Nov 21, 2021, 20:0111/21/21

100% accurate statement.  Every involved player that cares about this game that is complaining is wondering WTH is wrong with Plarium.  You don't need to study your test or wait for more feedback... you have all the feedback you need here on the forum, on your partner YT account, other content maker YT accounts and on FB.  What you need to do is save the game and keep the loyal playerbase you had built up... at the moment, you are losing them

Nov 22, 2021, 03:1011/22/21
Dec 15, 2021, 14:48(edited)

"Hello pilot! We are currently on the way fixing it but it still needs time and effort, at the mean time please be patient and enjoy the game!"

"We are still collecting feedbacks and comments regarding the gameplay."

That's the replies you are getting from those 2 people hanging around here and replying comments yet the developers aren't doing anything.

[Edited] Dear Player, your post violated our Forum Rules & Guidelines (1.2), so your message was edited a bit. Please make sure to follow the forum rules in future. This time it's just a warning. More serious measures might be taken in future. Thank you for your understanding! 

Nov 22, 2021, 03:2811/22/21



BOTs in my team are just feeders and another real human player is the last guy who afk, and the MVP of opponent's team having cheetah and disc launcher


AlinaCommunity Manager
Nov 25, 2021, 15:5011/25/21

Since the test is over, everyone, we'll need some time to analyze the results. As soon as we're ready, we'll know what to do next. We do hope for your patience here. 

Nov 25, 2021, 16:4111/25/21
Nov 25, 2021, 16:46(edited)




My "OP" BOTs teammates vs p2w in the opponents, nothing different every single day. Nice one plarium! 👏👏👏

Dec 4, 2021, 03:4312/04/21
Dec 4, 2021, 04:30(edited)



Your post was edited for violating the Forum Rules.

~Rescue (MA Forum Moderator)

RescueCommunity Manager
Dec 4, 2021, 04:2912/04/21

Not everyone was of that opinon but to your point it obviously effected some more then others which is why feedback from all parties was needed as well as seeing how players adjusted to it.

Dec 4, 2021, 05:1712/04/21

Not everyone was of that opinon but to your point it obviously effected some more then others which is why feedback from all parties was needed as well as seeing how players adjusted to it.

I never saw one opinion that deviated from "the bots are even more frustrating now" and/or "there still are barely any real players"

Dec 8, 2021, 13:0512/08/21

Yeah the bots are a bit ridiculous, my weapons outrank theirs, my mechs outrank theirs, but they can kill me with a single clip / volley of their weapon discharge while I have to empty 2 full magazines including reloads to kill them.

The frost beam also seems to take 1 full second to freeze you while my beam in return takes a good 3-4 seconds (I'm packing a higher rank frost beam 16 as well).

Not sure this is actually encouraging me to spend, since the weapons and mechs I am using are clearly being scaled to do less damage and make me take more damage respectively.  If I blow $$ to get another rank (eg Rank 7), it's not actually going to give me an edge over the bots as it is still scaled in their favour. 

The other thing bots seem to do is auto focus me as a real player while ignoring the other bots they were engaged with at point blank. I counted 4 bots all turning to shoot me at the same time while the mechs they were engaged with were ignored.

On top of that just after they kill you, when the camera follows them they are already moving at 2-3X the normal speed for their mech.

Not really sure what the objective is here, as I am getting burnt out.

Dec 9, 2021, 04:1212/09/21

Mamamia you gotta give the community manager guys a break.  They don't make the decisions.  I'd be a dam wreck going to work everyday trying to do customer service with pissed off customers because upper management can't run the company.  

Dec 9, 2021, 15:2712/09/21
Dec 15, 2021, 14:51(edited)

Mamamia you gotta give the community manager guys a break.  They don't make the decisions.  I'd be a dam wreck going to work everyday trying to do customer service with pissed off customers because upper management can't run the company.  

If we just accept it as what it is, they are not even going to bother to read posts at this forum.

The reason we have something called "forum" is for us to share / discuss or even report bugs and anything wrong with the game, but yes obviously Rescue isn't really doing anything but keep on pretending blind or blur and repeating "we're working on it" but obviously we know they aren't doing shit. Same goes to the developers and programmers. 

Best part is Mr. Rescue tagged me as a troublemaker with what he replied to my posts and acts like what we posted are actually nothing to do with p2w / unbalanced matchmaking. 

So how should I give him a break while he's taking his own sweet time doing nothing but copy and paste the "we're working on it" phrases into replies? 

[Edited] Dear Player, your post violated our Forum Rules & Guidelines (1.2), so your message was edited a bit. Please make sure to follow the forum rules in future. This time it's just a warning. More serious measures might be taken in future. Thank you for your understanding! 

RescueCommunity Manager
Dec 9, 2021, 21:2812/09/21

If we just accept it as what it is, they are not even going to bother to read posts at this forum.

The reason we have something called "forum" is for us to share / discuss or even report bugs and anything wrong with the game, but yes obviously Rescue isn't really doing anything but keep on pretending blind or blur and repeating "we're working on it" but obviously we know they aren't doing shit. Same goes to the developers and programmers. 

Best part is Mr. Rescue tagged me as a troublemaker with what he replied to my posts and acts like what we posted are actually nothing to do with p2w / unbalanced matchmaking. 

So how should I give him a break while he's taking his own sweet time doing nothing but copy and paste the "we're working on it" phrases into replies? 

[Edited] Dear Player, your post violated our Forum Rules & Guidelines (1.2), so your message was edited a bit. Please make sure to follow the forum rules in future. This time it's just a warning. More serious measures might be taken in future. Thank you for your understanding! 

Totally agree with your first two paragraphs.

As for your third post I selectively edited out your post(s) because it violated the posted forum rules. Spefically the below section.  I am not saying don't air your frustrations or give feedback but as the forums are used by various people of various ages it needs to stay PG-rated.  This is not something I will budge on.  

We will class as offensive all clear or implied language that:

b. is rude or offensive in nature, including but not limited to: personal attacks, name-calling, cursing/foul language, and cyber-bullying. 

I don't really copy and paste but I get that my posts give you that impression. 

We do actively forward suggestions to the DEVs.  Every month I combine all the suggestions on Discord and the Forums that were upvoted or highly disccused to be forwarded directly to the DEV team.  The moderators on both Discord and the Forums actively communicate about any current bugs/issues effecting the player base in the current patch.  Lastly, when we feel it is warranted we also push to have surveys performed either in-game or on Discord.

For example, the one posted today (12/9/2021).


If you would like to participate you can do so through the link below. 

RescueCommunity Manager
Dec 10, 2021, 18:0712/10/21

Small sneak peak behind the curtain but I do actively forward things from the forums and discord even if I don't say I do to you guys/gals, like the below example from yesterday.

Not everything gets fixed right away.  Some fixes are done in future updates, patches, or in hotfixes when server maintenance or restarts are performed.

I really do appreciate all the feedback and it is being worked on even if not as fast as everyone wants it to happen.


Dec 11, 2021, 02:5512/11/21
Dec 11, 2021, 03:27(edited)

Small sneak peak behind the curtain but I do actively forward things from the forums and discord even if I don't say I do to you guys/gals, like the below example from yesterday.

Not everything gets fixed right away.  Some fixes are done in future updates, patches, or in hotfixes when server maintenance or restarts are performed.

I really do appreciate all the feedback and it is being worked on even if not as fast as everyone wants it to happen.


Including this, AFK yet my BOTs teammates can't even help doing shit while my opponent BOTs are dominating the match 


This nonsense been bringing down my winrates for no reason and ruining my tournament ranks even I been MVPs in the match but what's the point if my opponent don't have to play so hard to win and gain more points in tournaments. 

Something very obvious is the programmers didn't do their shit well to make sure this game doesn't have AFK and the AI doesn't work fairly - example those BOTs still have overpowered weapons on overpowered mechs such as paragon 20 using stasis beam 16 and pulse cannons but ridiculously high damage (while my BOTs teammates still using autocannons)

And also about matchmaking in terms of squad power range, STOP PUTTING PLAYERS WITH 1200 SQUAD POWER IN MATCHES OF AVERAGE 1800 SQUAD POWER because it's ridiculous for someone doesn't even have missile rack to fight players with disc launcher right? RESCUE IF YOU SAID I DOING GOOD IN MY MATCHES BUT IF I STILL HAVE TO LOSE FOR SUCH REASON THEN IT'S BULLSHIT BECAUSE YOUR MATCHMAKING AND AI ARE BROKEN SO FIX THIS 

Dec 11, 2021, 04:0312/11/21

This was an interesting match. Wish I took the screenshot of the buttkicking we got lol. We were maxed at 2200ish power and lower


Dec 12, 2021, 18:4612/12/21
Dec 12, 2021, 18:46(edited)



Dec 13, 2021, 18:3712/13/21

I think match making should be done on player division, which is a representation of the competitive level of the player. Power can be manipulated by putting in fewer mechs in the hanger.

Dec 14, 2021, 22:5012/14/21

I think match making should be done on player division, which is a representation of the competitive level of the player. Power can be manipulated by putting in fewer mechs in the hanger.

there should be multiple divisions then.  the current one could be 'novice' division 10 thru 1.   then graduate to 'professional', 'expert', 'master', and 'grandmaster' divisions.  the higher level divisions can maybe get access to more 2x boosts or other incentives so people don't park in lower divisions on purpose.

Dec 14, 2021, 23:5012/14/21

I never saw one opinion that deviated from "the bots are even more frustrating now" and/or "there still are barely any real players"

i sent feedback asking bots be named bot (whatever name). knowing who to support is so important or if you get a team of bots vs mostly players. i have quit grouping with others as people will be garbage trolls and intentionally block you which means your gonna have a hard time vs groups of 2 plus in high end stuff with randoms and crappy ai vs p2w or groups. they also need to fix the janky target system tired of it looking down when i'm locked on someone and firing. that and it'll at time spin my view around for no reason which can be VERY frustrating in a fight

Dec 28, 2021, 23:2712/28/21

In addition to agreeing with noticing that bots do far more damage than their ratings would suggest, 360 degree vision, and perfect aim, the new pilots are upgraded far beyond what mere mortals can achieve.

You really failed to learn from the likes of War robots how much pilots (as an example of P2W imbalances) ruined that game and now you have ruined this one. This is exactly why so many players abandoned WR and came here.