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We need to talk about balance ⚖️ in this game…

We need to talk about balance ⚖️ in this game…

Nov 19, 2021, 19:3111/19/21

We need to talk about balance ⚖️ in this game…

I  feel  like  this  game  is  actually  pretty good  at  in  the  first  experience:  you  ride  your  robot,  kick  some  mec's  buts  etc...  But  when you  start  to  enter  in  the  mid  game,  there  is  a  big  change:  you have  to  follow  strategics  rules  or  you  die  on  sight.  But even  if  you  follow  them,  there  are  still  peoples  who  manage  to  get  their  hands  on  some  ridiculous  wapons  or  mec's  that  i  didn't even  have  enloqued  in  my  progression  list.  I  do  understand that  you  have  to  put  some  chalange  in  the  game  and  even  if  it  feel  for  some  persons  "Pay  to  win"  I  just  wana  say  "  My  guy,  do  not  sink  like  this:  even  if  it  is, I  still  manage  to  progress  and  win".  But  please BUFF  some  capacities like  the  radius  of  the  zefir  or  the  mines  of  the  chetta :  i  got  spawn  killed  two  times  in  a  raw  by  thoses  stupid  bots!!!  :(  

Nov 20, 2021, 19:2911/20/21


BOTs in opponent team got more kills than my team, nice feeding tho.

Of coz when you having pulse cannon 8 that can't kill enemy BOTs with full clip while they can kill you in 3 seconds with pulse cannon 4+6, freaking nice 👏👏👏

Nov 21, 2021, 13:4611/21/21


BOTs in opponent team got more kills than my team, nice feeding tho.

Of coz when you having pulse cannon 8 that can't kill enemy BOTs with full clip while they can kill you in 3 seconds with pulse cannon 4+6, freaking nice 👏👏👏

I have suspected BOT weapons are more powerful than what their energy level indicates.   It does seem very odd that an AI mech can kill you with some weaker Pulse 6s faster than you can kill them with a higher damage weapon.   I don't trust these devs with the way they use the AI to push players to buy through frustration.  

Nov 21, 2021, 14:1511/21/21
Jan 19, 2022, 15:14(edited)

I have suspected BOT weapons are more powerful than what their energy level indicates.   It does seem very odd that an AI mech can kill you with some weaker Pulse 6s faster than you can kill them with a higher damage weapon.   I don't trust these devs with the way they use the AI to push players to buy through frustration.  

It's so obvious their BOTs are overpowered in terms of damage and Hp. You can just tell when you get killed so easily with those OP weapons such as missile racks / javelin / mortars / etc yet your opponents feel nothing when you emptied whole clip of same weapon on them.

Another BAD PART of BOTs is they having godly response against flanking so you have no way to fucking flank them and ended up getting stunned / system crash / or hitting shields of Ares or Jugg.

And best part is there is someone keep on defending this game saying it isn't shitty programmed or PAY TO WIN. what a useless effort because you can't outtalk FACT. 

[Edited] Dear Player, your post violated our Forum Rules & Guidelines (3.2), so your message was edited a bit. Please make sure to follow the forum rules in future. This time it's just a warning. More serious measures might be taken in future. Thank you for your understanding! 

Nov 21, 2021, 14:1911/21/21

It's so obvious their BOTs are overpowered in terms of damage and Hp. You can just tell when you get killed so easily with those OP weapons such as missile racks / javelin / mortars / etc yet your opponents feel nothing when you emptied whole clip of same weapon on them.

Another BAD PART of BOTs is they having godly response against flanking so you have no way to fucking flank them and ended up getting stunned / system crash / or hitting shields of Ares or Jugg.

And best part is there is someone keep on defending this game saying it isn't shitty programmed or PAY TO WIN. what a useless effort because you can't outtalk FACT. 

[Edited] Dear Player, your post violated our Forum Rules & Guidelines (3.2), so your message was edited a bit. Please make sure to follow the forum rules in future. This time it's just a warning. More serious measures might be taken in future. Thank you for your understanding! 

Not to forget about their ultra high precision shot when using RPGs / snipers / thermal lance / even disc launchers while I don't even have arc torrents. 

Nov 22, 2021, 03:4111/22/21



So even a random BOT in opponent team kills as many as an MVP in my team while there's someone having disc launcher 12 over there also, balance and not Pay To Win my foot of course. 

AlinaCommunity Manager
Nov 25, 2021, 15:4511/25/21

Thank you, guys. The matchmaking test is over. We'll analyze the results and decide on our further steps. We'll do our best to make it as good as possible 😎

Nov 25, 2021, 20:5411/25/21
Nov 25, 2021, 20:56(edited)

Thank you, guys. The matchmaking test is over. We'll analyze the results and decide on our further steps. We'll do our best to make it as good as possible 😎

I'm really curious as to what the testing target was, since it does not seem to relate to mech power but rather more to a AI becoming a way better player, which reacts in nanoseconds to conditions on the battlefield that no human player would possibly be able to as some comments have said 

1. Instantly activating ability

2. Seeing behind walls 

3. Instantly guessing when how much ammo your mech has

4. Never ever expanding additional ammo other than that required

5. Co-Oridinating one mech and the next, so one can stun or freeze you while the other one attacs.

6. Clumping mechs at single control or choke points, so the human player is facing a force of 3 to 4 AI robots alone. 

7. Extremly accurate targeting where 100% of the hits land where only %50-%70 of human hits land.

Crucially the way AI plays the game has changed and not really the "POWER" on the opposing team for the players, AI just went into "extra hard mode" - if the intent of the AI was to replace actual human players when they're not available then AI is truely not playing like humans, it's playing like it should - which is to say AI is playing as AI, it makes zero errors now and is able to do things no human player or human team would be able to, or would do.

Simple example is is a M.D. mech on my team that would never turn on it's healing ability - when I play as M.D. I have an incentive to do this and heal other robots, but my teams AI does not, while the opposing teams AI absolutely does.

Nov 26, 2021, 02:1111/26/21
Nov 26, 2021, 02:21(edited)

Thank you, guys. The matchmaking test is over. We'll analyze the results and decide on our further steps. We'll do our best to make it as good as possible 😎



So the best part of the "working on" it is putting this guy in a tournament match and let him afk whole day long plus my BOTs teammates doing nothing but feeding, Bravo 


And seriously? The BOTs in my team only able to score this? Compared to BOTs in opponent team?

Nov 26, 2021, 04:4811/26/21






If your so called "test" is over, your test is a complete FAILURE because it's still a p2w game even in tournaments. These were my opponents for recent matches.

Nov 26, 2021, 05:0511/26/21





Everyone complaining about OP mechs and I'm sitting here like this.

Nov 29, 2021, 05:3611/29/21





Everyone complaining about OP mechs and I'm sitting here like this.

Its because you have a clean connection to the game.

Nov 29, 2021, 05:3811/29/21

I no longer can place in Grandmaster or barely master in tournament. The game is running very crappy on noxplayer. its almost like someone is slowing my connection down.

AlinaCommunity Manager
Dec 1, 2021, 15:4712/01/21

I no longer can place in Grandmaster or barely master in tournament. The game is running very crappy on noxplayer. its almost like someone is slowing my connection down.

I'm afraid emulators are not officially supported. For now, it's better to download the game on your mobile device.

Dec 1, 2021, 16:5212/01/21






Pay To Win is going strong, seems like most of my matches in tournaments were fighting Redox / Zephyr / disc launchers / arc torrent 10 + 6 with Guardian, well done Plarium! Freaking well done with your "test"! 👏👏👏

Dec 22, 2021, 18:3012/22/21

Thank you, guys. The matchmaking test is over. We'll analyze the results and decide on our further steps. We'll do our best to make it as good as possible 😎

And till now the matchmaking is still broken and p2w whales fking around with 6* Redox but it's already almost 1 month since you said the test is over, I wonder what have you guys done to "test the matchmaking" besides than come out with money making events such as crate rush for Stalker mech and pilot bullshit that require fk tons of resources in upgrading or the easiest way is credit card 

Dec 22, 2021, 19:4812/22/21
Dec 22, 2021, 19:56(edited)

And till now the matchmaking is still broken and p2w whales fking around with 6* Redox but it's already almost 1 month since you said the test is over, I wonder what have you guys done to "test the matchmaking" besides than come out with money making events such as crate rush for Stalker mech and pilot bullshit that require fk tons of resources in upgrading or the easiest way is credit card 

This  game  was  created  as  a  Pay2Win  -  its  everywhere  you  look.  Anyone  who  doubts that  is  ignorant. Selling  products  and  catering  to  investors  is  how  businesses thrive.  People  who   shill  money  get  more  access  to  the  game  and  way  more "stuff" than people  who  do  not. Thus  this  game  will  never  truly  be  balanced  for  all  players.  They  will  just  say ,  its  a  game  of  skill  -  $  doesnt  matter.  which  is  *bs*  So  just  Enjoy  the  game  for  what  it  is. Its  fun  to  kill  mechs  dripped  in  better  gear. life  is  short

selling  consumer  data  &  metrics  +  selling  in-game  items  =  big  business 

remember,  if  its  free  ...  you  are  the  product.  💡