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Some balance suggestions

Some balance suggestions

Nov 7, 2021, 08:5011/07/21

Some balance suggestions

Hey guys, love the game <3

Would you consider looking into Killshot's dash ability? Not only is is great for devestating mechs, but it comes with a whole other set of advantages. So many infact that I cannot ignore them anymore. Lets have a look.

- I was saving up to buy Cheeta to counter Killshots dash ability, when I learned he can just dash over the mines and kill you just the same. A massive advantage indeed. Areas which are sealed off by mines is no obstacle for this mech.

- Dodging Javelin racks. A well timed dash will save you from getting pounded by rockets. A massive advantage as well.

- Control points. Any quest about taking CP's or being first on the spot Killshot is the mech.

- Damage. Using dash to finish off a mech or initiating an encounter is fine, but wrecking mechs from 100% hp to 0% is just to much. On top of that the ability cooldown is scary low.


Nov 7, 2021, 08:5811/07/21

Suggestion. Put a charge up timer on dash. The player must hold the ability button and aim the mech. For 1 or 2 seconds perhaps. The mech is immobile in that petiod of time.

That would balance out some of the "dodge" possibilities for the Javelin rack. It would also give vulnerable mechs like Lancer a heads up to jump.


Nov 7, 2021, 08:5911/07/21

Alternatively tone down the damage drastically

RescueCommunity Manager
Nov 8, 2021, 14:5811/08/21
Nov 11, 2021, 14:07(edited)

I pretty much main cheetah and the secret sauce to defeating Killshot mechs is corners.  Throw mines around corners as they need a straight line of sight so they always stop and turn to take aim.

Easy kill.

There is only one open map in tournaments where this isn't possible.  In which case I would pick another mech.

Nov 8, 2021, 19:2311/08/21

Nice advice, thank you. I just did 2 games now where dual killshots dash ahead and grab the first Control point. I spot this and go for the 2nd Control point, but right in front of my nose the same duo dash in and take it. 2 Cp's for them, 0 for me. Control points should be inactive for the first 5-10 sec of a battle. The Mvp was naturally one of these mechs with a total of 4 Cp captures, 2 of which he received free. Not cool at all :/

Nov 11, 2021, 08:3111/11/21

No matter now. I moved on to something else.

Nov 12, 2021, 07:5811/12/21

Nice advice, thank you. I just did 2 games now where dual killshots dash ahead and grab the first Control point. I spot this and go for the 2nd Control point, but right in front of my nose the same duo dash in and take it. 2 Cp's for them, 0 for me. Control points should be inactive for the first 5-10 sec of a battle. The Mvp was naturally one of these mechs with a total of 4 Cp captures, 2 of which he received free. Not cool at all :/

Dude you haven't been playing long from the sounds of it . I give it 2 - 3 weeks befor you start crying about zephyer . On top of that zephyer and Guardian can shut down killshot mid dash , play the game for lets say 2 - 3 months so you can figure out what's what .

Dec 13, 2021, 11:4612/13/21

Dude you haven't been playing long from the sounds of it . I give it 2 - 3 weeks befor you start crying about zephyer . On top of that zephyer and Guardian can shut down killshot mid dash , play the game for lets say 2 - 3 months so you can figure out what's what .

Your assumtions are wrong my friend :)