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Another mech idea

Another mech idea

Apr 25, 2024, 17:2604/25/24

Another mech idea

It's ability is called self detruct can be used whenever you like the ability button has to be held down in order to prevent self destruction being used accidently or tapped a few times to insure the user is intetionally using it.once activated a shield pops up assisting in it's attempt to do its work. The shield comes from a % of the remaining health that is lost once activated.the mech also gets stealth while self destruction is active. Does more damage the fewer HP the mech has. It's very fast like redeemer. It's small like shadow.cannot be empd or sstem crashed while self destruction is active.Here are  a few implant ideas 1. Increased shield HP 2. Slower/faster timer self destruction speed depending on play style preference. 3 increased run speed while in self destruction. 4. Increased damage. 5. Increased aoe of exsplosion. 6 an implant that increases how much health% can be pulled from activation. Say I have 75% HP but the opportunity is prime and with the implant I pull more HP lowering my HP down lower giving a bigger shield for increased odds of success vs multiple targets simultaneously.

If killed before timer goes off no boom. And curious if people would think which is better. Self destruction can be 

A turned back off once activated but shield turns off as well instant and the HP taken for shield is gone leaving less HP and less shield but more damage if used on enemy successfully 

B once activated cannot be stopped but also is the reason it is in stealth it's run speed is faster it has a small shield and cannot be empd system crashed. Just shot or run till it blows itself up.
