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Gold implant - dayli offer

Gold implant - dayli offer

Dec 12, 2023, 05:3512/12/23

Gold implant - dayli offer

I wonder why we as players are being cheated by a system that sets what implants we get on the daily deal. I'll explain, there are implants I'm waiting for and they don't even show up on the daily menu. On the other hand, there are implants that I have no interest in at all, and these have appeared on the menu multiple times. Do you understand? Multiple times repeatedly. The chances of a golden implant appearing on the menu are small, but the chances of only the ones I'm not interested in appearing there over and over again and mostly on Mechs that don't play is what? Far less. So I have one thing to ask of you, stop cheating us like this stupidly and let the system do what it's supposed to do and the way it's supposed to do it. I want implants for Guardian, for Zephyr, etc. or I'm willing to buy them some other way. And please don't post that I have the option to get them out of the box, because the drop is obviously set up so that even gold implants don't have the same drop. There are those that drop before the ones that are essential to the player. So why are you lying and cheating us? I've been playing the game for over 2 years and I can see what's on the menu and what's not, so be careful what you write. 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Dec 12, 2023, 12:2612/12/23

Hello! The majority of the Offers are unique and generated especially for your account according to your game experience. In this way, it seems like the system considers the shown Implants appropriate for you according to your game experience.