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Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
1 янв. 2018, 17:1101.01.18

Robin Ackerson said:

My Turn  ;-) 

1st off  ,  Into the Darkness    seems like someone I knew = old friend turned back-stabber !  

2nd ,      Blue Magick is stronger than it ever was even with the new name change ;-) The spirit of this league under Lisa will never change even if the name changes 50 times , many leagues already know this to be true.

3rd ,       Into the Darkness   talks a big game , but , if he is who I think he is  , He left Blue Magick  after trying to take over but Failed miserably and took a few members with him ,  Went to another league as Marshal , destroyed that league , left ( taking a few members with him again ) , became Marshal of that league , destroyed that one too , and left again also taking a few members with him again .  Wonder if these actions seem at all like cow-erdness ? Keep running and hiding ?  Really ?

4th ,  name calling  ,  hahaha   just childish ;-)   sounds like someone didn't get his way and is throwing a tantrum. 

Thank you FINALLY another who ACTUALLY knows me and whats really happening plus notices the childish actions of name calling!
1 янв. 2018, 18:2601.01.18

WildBill said:


What i am going say i have lost my words to give some reply . Ok lets start Dev in KT 1 he is one of the cow-erd in the whole game and he left in this game just like a little mice. Rizzo is the blood sucker all his KT 2,3,4 ......... he destroy KT2 and KT3 because KT always knows how to save there balls in the game and play like a chilly chiken as like they now control over KOK. In the time in KT Lisa came and for her relation with Rizzo now she can't change herself to control over the KT4 and eagerly try to switch to KT1. Oh man what i tell ok now tell about LIsa she get the marshallship all about the bully and her dis motivation of BLUES. BUT TRUE BLUES never ever forget or forgive her. So now what the KT-4 deal...... KT4 now just as a shield of KT1 they know (KT 4) gona lose there fort thats why they try to poking leagues that they smash there fort. But they end of it when that happened all the cats going to KT1 the deal with that ehehehehhe so KT4 gona lose everything but KT1 save themselves by the blood of KT 4 like as KT2 and KT 3. So ultimately KT's don't have anything to do they just say BIG WORDS like KOK, DESTINY heheeh i know much history so this is for it today. REST HISTORY later absolutely all funny and game become relationship and bate the whole league and all members suffer. Its too sad for KT  2, 3, 4 members i can't control my tears. So guys how you like my new year gift heheheheh.

Hummm This sounds like Logan himself. Sweetie you don't know shit about what is going on in your old league. You left because you couldn't steal it from me like the worm you are. Then go and wreck 5th by being Marshal there then leaving and pulling most of the people out to Unforgiven Knights. lol Just because you want a large league and a larger fortress that didn't need as much work I'm sure. Gotta be a top Dog don't ya. I know how much you love our chat. Glad you find it so amusing and fun to spy on. Like I care less what you may THINK is good news for you. But, gotta spy still don't ya. Now you weasel to Dominus. So your Dissing KT. go for it. You still really have no information but, your awesome at spreading false rumors so have at. I still have most of the original Blue Magick with me so not sure what your crying about. Oh right... I name changed and thats a crime! I was not backed fully by Unforgiven. Yes at times in the beginning I was and they lived up to the beacon part when we pinged for them. All good. Congrats for that. Then it went downhill and Dave and Rizzo were the ones I was talking to the most and befriended. I joined KT family because I like them. Because they are stand up and are like our league. So say all you want. I stand behind the path I chose and the Leadership of KT IV chose. Whats there to forget or forgive me on anyhow? hummm whatever get a life or crawl in a hole for all I care. Just stay out of my business.

Oh and stop with the childish Fat Lisa shit. you know how many people are over weight or have health issues in this game. Just shows what type of person you and Ace and several others are to even say that PLUS name an account that and siege me with it. What a fuking joke you are!! Go buy your wife more shoes love. Grow some balls yourself also.

Here is the bulldog came and burk again lol you don't have any idea who i am Li forget me :) come on its not a good deal Li my frendo the culprit one and information passers ultimately  Jebe and you Li, you both on the same page to me cause i know all. And just here bullies and talk about another person's wife hahahahaha poor girl grow up   how much time you cried to know me but upss you never ever find me anyway . And Jebe always knows you cause she always now wants to defend herself cause she takes a BIG lesson already more lesson otw dears just see :). Lets fun OK you will all see my action but never track me cause spy have a limit but true player is always fearless so show time .  

1 янв. 2018, 18:3101.01.18
Jezebel said:


2nd , i am is still who i am the back stabber is LISA, DJ Moddy ( A Spy of KT1), Mad Roy ( A real back Stabber and culprit, Jebe is the destroyer of many league, you Robin Anderson ( one of the brought alts by Jebe) , Rizzo ( is the planer to put spy everywhere what DEV KT1 did before and never success). Utmost all the best now no old league is stand by anything if you guys have balls not cow-erdness face to the reality why cry baby all the time. 

3rd KT and the bullies or correlation never get what they think they destroy forget it OK don't worry all will remember the same page. BIG guys left because of bullies and back stabber like you Robin Anderson. Always sit back and barking dog never real fight the whole server cause always use in every fight to put some league as a shield like now KT1 shield  is REBELS, SHADOW AGE, AOC, and KT4 ups give the reals information to all. Hehehhe i know every bit of plan so what you guys want to achieve that never happened until back door open otherwise if you guys have really a true warrior hit as a front line not as a barking dog 

In the end KT1 again going to prove they are the survival in the league lol may be by the blood of all other leagues (correlation) history repeats but they ultimately lose everything cause every time  new plan and correlation never gonna be exists again they will vanish like before. 

First I have NEVER bought an account - unlike Emps who paid thousands for Dreadnaught (which Niko uses to post on the forums).  You want to talk alts?  Lets see I could name people in Emps who have many alts that have used them for years to spy on other leagues and obtain information to hit their beacons and fortresses so please do not throw stones if you live in a glass house.

Fight like true warriors?  When Emps took Destiny's one beacon they used another league to soften it so no - not true warriors they were too afraid to use their own troops to do the job.  Again glass house ....

I have not seen any crying until you posted in this thread - don't be jealous because other leagues achieved what you could not despite all the alt spies you have had in leagues over the years.
Again and again how much time i send you all the mail come on now i don't tell here all the crap about Lisa you told me . And you give me all the info about KT1 and rebels now you want the glass house ahahahahha . Come on Jebe thats not good different ppl different opinion and different information. Ultimately you gain nothing and not all of them now i think you will realize yourself and do something real by your own ... not going to used by anyone Jede dear JAZ remember oh forget me ups tell something :)  
1 янв. 2018, 23:2001.01.18


Jezebel said:


2nd , i am is still who i am the back stabber is LISA, DJ Moddy ( A Spy of KT1), Mad Roy ( A real back Stabber and culprit, Jebe is the destroyer of many league, you Robin Anderson ( one of the brought alts by Jebe) , Rizzo ( is the planer to put spy everywhere what DEV KT1 did before and never success). Utmost all the best now no old league is stand by anything if you guys have balls not cow-erdness face to the reality why cry baby all the time. 

3rd KT and the bullies or correlation never get what they think they destroy forget it OK don't worry all will remember the same page. BIG guys left because of bullies and back stabber like you Robin Anderson. Always sit back and barking dog never real fight the whole server cause always use in every fight to put some league as a shield like now KT1 shield  is REBELS, SHADOW AGE, AOC, and KT4 ups give the reals information to all. Hehehhe i know every bit of plan so what you guys want to achieve that never happened until back door open otherwise if you guys have really a true warrior hit as a front line not as a barking dog 

In the end KT1 again going to prove they are the survival in the league lol may be by the blood of all other leagues (correlation) history repeats but they ultimately lose everything cause every time  new plan and correlation never gonna be exists again they will vanish like before. 

First I have NEVER bought an account - unlike Emps who paid thousands for Dreadnaught (which Niko uses to post on the forums).  You want to talk alts?  Lets see I could name people in Emps who have many alts that have used them for years to spy on other leagues and obtain information to hit their beacons and fortresses so please do not throw stones if you live in a glass house.

Fight like true warriors?  When Emps took Destiny's one beacon they used another league to soften it so no - not true warriors they were too afraid to use their own troops to do the job.  Again glass house ....

I have not seen any crying until you posted in this thread - don't be jealous because other leagues achieved what you could not despite all the alt spies you have had in leagues over the years.
Again and again how much time i send you all the mail come on now i don't tell here all the crap about Lisa you told me . And you give me all the info about KT1 and rebels now you want the glass house ahahahahha . Come on Jebe thats not good different ppl different opinion and different information. Ultimately you gain nothing and not all of them now i think you will realize yourself and do something real by your own ... not going to used by anyone Jede dear JAZ remember oh forget me ups tell something :)  

LOL what??? You are a loon Tich you need to find something else to do with your time.  I actually do not know Lisa so how could I ever say anything about her?  I am not privy to KT1 or Rebels information so what could I possibly tell you there?  In case you haven't noticed I have NEVER been in those leagues.  I have actually done something on my own - my league is doing quite well thank you - can you say the same (or you just hop from Emps to Dominus to Anarchy as it suits your mood?)?

2 янв. 2018, 01:2802.01.18
DoomieUK said:

Jezebel said:

leyla.sibbers said:

I have never come across such a stupid league as KT4!

Seems they cant fight a battle one on one, they need the WHOLE league to do the bidding for just one player that is sits back and watches everything to occurs.

What a bunch of bullies - they should be ashamed of themselves

lol interesting - its a war game you join a league for support 

KT4 has been the subject of "bullying" from bigger leagues in the past I give them credit for backing one another and standing strong

Hi Jez,

I 100% agree with YOU on this reply. Leyla join KT4 YOU might be pleasantly surprised 

Hi Aemon,

The Rebels are very good friends and Allys to us, I have spoken to ETSphere recently and he is a really GOOD friend and Marshall. 

But another Dominus player bites the dust 

Happy Gaming

That was a good one, will post more often.
2 янв. 2018, 01:3102.01.18


WildBill said:


What i am going say i have lost my words to give some reply . Ok lets start Dev in KT 1 he is one of the cow-erd in the whole game and he left in this game just like a little mice. Rizzo is the blood sucker all his KT 2,3,4 ......... he destroy KT2 and KT3 because KT always knows how to save there balls in the game and play like a chilly chiken as like they now control over KOK. In the time in KT Lisa came and for her relation with Rizzo now she can't change herself to control over the KT4 and eagerly try to switch to KT1. Oh man what i tell ok now tell about LIsa she get the marshallship all about the bully and her dis motivation of BLUES. BUT TRUE BLUES never ever forget or forgive her. So now what the KT-4 deal...... KT4 now just as a shield of KT1 they know (KT 4) gona lose there fort thats why they try to poking leagues that they smash there fort. But they end of it when that happened all the cats going to KT1 the deal with that ehehehehhe so KT4 gona lose everything but KT1 save themselves by the blood of KT 4 like as KT2 and KT 3. So ultimately KT's don't have anything to do they just say BIG WORDS like KOK, DESTINY heheeh i know much history so this is for it today. REST HISTORY later absolutely all funny and game become relationship and bate the whole league and all members suffer. Its too sad for KT  2, 3, 4 members i can't control my tears. So guys how you like my new year gift heheheheh.

Hummm This sounds like Logan himself. Sweetie you don't know shit about what is going on in your old league. You left because you couldn't steal it from me like the worm you are. Then go and wreck 5th by being Marshal there then leaving and pulling most of the people out to Unforgiven Knights. lol Just because you want a large league and a larger fortress that didn't need as much work I'm sure. Gotta be a top Dog don't ya. I know how much you love our chat. Glad you find it so amusing and fun to spy on. Like I care less what you may THINK is good news for you. But, gotta spy still don't ya. Now you weasel to Dominus. So your Dissing KT. go for it. You still really have no information but, your awesome at spreading false rumors so have at. I still have most of the original Blue Magick with me so not sure what your crying about. Oh right... I name changed and thats a crime! I was not backed fully by Unforgiven. Yes at times in the beginning I was and they lived up to the beacon part when we pinged for them. All good. Congrats for that. Then it went downhill and Dave and Rizzo were the ones I was talking to the most and befriended. I joined KT family because I like them. Because they are stand up and are like our league. So say all you want. I stand behind the path I chose and the Leadership of KT IV chose. Whats there to forget or forgive me on anyhow? hummm whatever get a life or crawl in a hole for all I care. Just stay out of my business.

Oh and stop with the childish Fat Lisa shit. you know how many people are over weight or have health issues in this game. Just shows what type of person you and Ace and several others are to even say that PLUS name an account that and siege me with it. What a fuking joke you are!! Go buy your wife more shoes love. Grow some balls yourself also.

Here is the bulldog came and burk again lol you don't have any idea who i am Li forget me :) come on its not a good deal Li my frendo the culprit one and information passers ultimately  Jebe and you Li, you both on the same page to me cause i know all. And just here bullies and talk about another person's wife hahahahaha poor girl grow up   how much time you cried to know me but upss you never ever find me anyway . And Jebe always knows you cause she always now wants to defend herself cause she takes a BIG lesson already more lesson otw dears just see :). Lets fun OK you will all see my action but never track me cause spy have a limit but true player is always fearless so show time .  

Here is the bulldog came and burk again lol you don't have any idea who i am Li forget me :) come on its not a good deal Li my frendo the culprit one and information passers ultimately Jebe and you Li, you both on the same page to me cause i know all. And just here bullies and talk about another person's wife hahahahaha poor girl grow up how much time you cried to know me but upss you never ever find me anyway . And Jebe always knows you cause she always now wants to defend herself cause she takes a BIG lesson already more lesson otw dears just see :). Lets fun OK you will all see my action but never track me cause spy have a limit but true player is always fearless so show time .  

I cried?  WOW I would have thought I would know when I cried. humm maybe I'm losing it.... nope just pinched myself. I'm still here and not dreaming. Good luck loser. You can talk a supposed good game smack but, you have failed and seems all know this.

2 янв. 2018, 01:3202.01.18

Jaywalker SC said:

A very special HAPPY NEW YEAR '18 to our/my friends in KT and ESPECIALLY KT4.

First day of a brand new year and I am gonna go out on a limb and say the exact same to all the good peeps and friends in KoK, Destiny, Rebels, Emps, FoH, AOC, Shadows, Abaddon, and yes Dominus; indeed on a KT forum thread. I honestly thank you for the support you ALL gave my little quiet baby league. Hope I dont need to go hide. :p

Come on guys. How about getting along and rebuilding Stormfall? There used to be awesome friendships and diplo here not very long ago, but last 3 months it all flew out the window. And before someone blames Plarium, bury that thought in the stinky outhouse. Period.

Ok, I am watching CNN's John Lemon singing "Auld lang syne" live right while typing this. Geez. lol 

Happy New Year friends.


Happy New Years to you too.  So are you going to stop asking other leagues to hit Dominus fortress? Still a condition for leagues to ally with Fellowship?

Who blames Plarium?

2 янв. 2018, 01:3302.01.18
Gadheras said:

Jaywalker SC said:

Come on guys. How about getting along and rebuilding Stormfall? There used to be awesome friendships and diplo here not very long ago, but last 3 months it all flew out the window. And before someone blames Plarium, bury that thought in the stinky outhouse. Period.

You can blame Plarium to be the "enabler" of certain things that is bad for the game. Players being players and do what a game allows them to, some just want to watch the world burn. Others just want to build their sand castle in peace. 

I played and still playing other games where "enemies" inside the game can hook up on ts and similar and shoot the breeze, where friendship exist across borders ingame. Then again when empires rise and fall on the efforts of the players effort and not the size of their wallets, gameplay becomes much different. 

This is a pvp game, we can't make players vilains for playing the game. Treaties get formed, agreemnets broken, alliances falter and reforms. It what keep a game from going stagnant and stale. What the players can rebuild is the respect for each other regardless of how they play the game. In a world far away beyond the stars someone said "I don't play the game for your enjoyment, I play it for mine". No more truer words been said imho. You seek out and join like minded players. I don't necessary like the way you are playing the game, but I respect it, just as I want others to repsect the way me and my peers is playing the game. 

If "awesome friendship" flew out of the window, its because you let things inside "a game" affect it. pixels on a screen is no reason to ruin friendship, its what give friends things to talk about.... "do you remember when....."

Happy new year, friends, enemies.... fellow players 
Happy New Years.
2 янв. 2018, 01:5102.01.18
2 янв. 2018, 01:56(отредактировано)

So KT players keep telling my league that I am to blame for the conflicts.  So since its a new year, lets start with honesty.

Dominus broke Ally with KT, yes.  I told Rizzo and other KT captains in TS that there was no real relationship with KT.  Never was much communication.  So Captains had a meeting and we broke alliance.  I went so far as to PM Dave and Rizzo as to why we broke.  I have the screenshots if you wish to argue this point.

A couple of weeks after, one of your guys fireballs me, i let it go.  Then he spies me... even brags about it in PM's.  A Commander no less.  I sent PM's to Rizzo and Dave, but Aetheris or whatever his name is now, would not stop.  So, yes i took your beacon. 

Then Rizzo shows me how he has stats of Dominus players while some of us were in Emperors.  Also screenshots, and mentions how TheRebels have asked KT to soften our fortress.  So yes, we took down the rest of your beacons and we are still fighting.  You call this a war... we call this fun.

Dominus is fighting KT, KT2, KT3, KT4, and the other KT's.  ShadowsEdge, FellowShip1 & 2, TheRebels, TheRebels Light Brigade, and now Paladin Sanglaits.  We dont complain, we have fun.  We are even friends with some of the players we fight :)

So Rizzo, you can dispute this if you wish.  You know i tell the truth.  Blame me all you want if it makes it better for you.  Looking forward to the next Duel Tourney :)

Hail Dominus!!!
3 янв. 2018, 01:3303.01.18

Talon was up front about dropping the ally status with KT. No issues with that. No issues with losing our beacons, we didn't really have much on them other than long ago defense for the most part. We knew beacons (Level 5's anyway)  were a thing of the past with the game changes.

 It's true that Aerthis did FB Talon, but only after Widowmaker and Bubba had been raiding KT castles for a week or so. It's a war game right? So now we do the war game thing and have our fun. I'm pretty sure both sides have their triumphs and defeats to share. Pretty sure Plarium smiles everytime Bubba logs on with as many times as he's bought his offense back.....:)

Hopefully we're all just having fun and no one is taking it personal. It's all good as long as Anarchy doesn't have any beacons right?

3 янв. 2018, 06:3603.01.18

Talon said:

So KT players keep telling my league that I am to blame for the conflicts.  So since its a new year, lets start with honesty.

Dominus broke Ally with KT, yes.  I told Rizzo and other KT captains in TS that there was no real relationship with KT.  Never was much communication.  So Captains had a meeting and we broke alliance.  I went so far as to PM Dave and Rizzo as to why we broke.  I have the screenshots if you wish to argue this point.

A couple of weeks after, one of your guys fireballs me, i let it go.  Then he spies me... even brags about it in PM's.  A Commander no less.  I sent PM's to Rizzo and Dave, but Aetheris or whatever his name is now, would not stop.  So, yes i took your beacon. 

Then Rizzo shows me how he has stats of Dominus players while some of us were in Emperors.  Also screenshots, and mentions how TheRebels have asked KT to soften our fortress.  So yes, we took down the rest of your beacons and we are still fighting.  You call this a war... we call this fun.

Dominus is fighting KT, KT2, KT3, KT4, and the other KT's.  ShadowsEdge, FellowShip1 & 2, TheRebels, TheRebels Light Brigade, and now Paladin Sanglaits.  We dont complain, we have fun.  We are even friends with some of the players we fight :)

So Rizzo, you can dispute this if you wish.  You know i tell the truth.  Blame me all you want if it makes it better for you.  Looking forward to the next Duel Tourney :)

Hail Dominus!!!

I seen Dominus upgrading a beacon today I almost postponed my retirement!!! 

Cheers!! Happy New Year :)
3 янв. 2018, 10:3203.01.18

Hello ALL,

It doesn't matter who said what - everyone has their opinion and i don't dispute those opinions. As said it nothing personal and lets just have FUN in playing a WAR game that is designed to ANNOY one another

As I said to someone in TS we will probably be Ally's with each other and forget the history. When i look back in this GAME this has been done before 

So Have FUN and nothing PERSONAL 

HEY all, just on a side note, I received this from Mac AOC :-

[18:29] Mac AOC: Trevor I got news for you . You should be careful how you talk to people cause you never know whom your speaking with !!! you threw down the glove . I would watch how I talk to people in the future.. Much nicer to ask cause your no better than anyone else .

Note to Mac AOC - I am not Trevor, I did speak in TS to Trevor, but as I remember he left the GAME:(

So NO DoomieUK is not a SPY for the EMPS league 

The KT story continues


3 янв. 2018, 13:3103.01.18
3 янв. 2018, 13:35(отредактировано)


Can it be lineal dyslexia? Or is that chronological?

Or maybe not being able to accept reality and substitute their own delusions.

Does this sound familiar?

time after time after time of coming to our TS and having cap in hand like Oliver Twist, May we have your beacons for an achievement? (yes even the corner one) , I promise to give them back when we are done with them.

We were dumbfounded and frankly to embarrassed FOR you to say anything.

"Then" we have your players hitting allies/friendlies "US" look for the screenshot,  im sure you also have it stockpiled for later reference.

The player Dave forgot to mention was i think Octavian, or octonaut or some such, Look, im sure you have the screen.

Then comes your fallacy  account
3 янв. 2018, 14:1603.01.18

Dave K4P said:

Talon was up front about dropping the ally status with KT. No issues with that. No issues with losing our beacons, we didn't really have much on them other than long ago defense for the most part. We knew beacons (Level 5's anyway)  were a thing of the past with the game changes.

 It's true that Aerthis did FB Talon, but only after Widowmaker and Bubba had been raiding KT castles for a week or so. It's a war game right? So now we do the war game thing and have our fun. I'm pretty sure both sides have their triumphs and defeats to share. Pretty sure Plarium smiles everytime Bubba logs on with as many times as he's bought his offense back.....:)

Hopefully we're all just having fun and no one is taking it personal. It's all good as long as Anarchy doesn't have any beacons right?

Agree, nothing personal in any of this.  Dominus is having a lot of fun in general so i am happy you see it this way as well.

Happy New Year
3 янв. 2018, 14:1703.01.18
Jezebel said:

Talon said:

So KT players keep telling my league that I am to blame for the conflicts.  So since its a new year, lets start with honesty.

Dominus broke Ally with KT, yes.  I told Rizzo and other KT captains in TS that there was no real relationship with KT.  Never was much communication.  So Captains had a meeting and we broke alliance.  I went so far as to PM Dave and Rizzo as to why we broke.  I have the screenshots if you wish to argue this point.

A couple of weeks after, one of your guys fireballs me, i let it go.  Then he spies me... even brags about it in PM's.  A Commander no less.  I sent PM's to Rizzo and Dave, but Aetheris or whatever his name is now, would not stop.  So, yes i took your beacon. 

Then Rizzo shows me how he has stats of Dominus players while some of us were in Emperors.  Also screenshots, and mentions how TheRebels have asked KT to soften our fortress.  So yes, we took down the rest of your beacons and we are still fighting.  You call this a war... we call this fun.

Dominus is fighting KT, KT2, KT3, KT4, and the other KT's.  ShadowsEdge, FellowShip1 & 2, TheRebels, TheRebels Light Brigade, and now Paladin Sanglaits.  We dont complain, we have fun.  We are even friends with some of the players we fight :)

So Rizzo, you can dispute this if you wish.  You know i tell the truth.  Blame me all you want if it makes it better for you.  Looking forward to the next Duel Tourney :)

Hail Dominus!!!

I seen Dominus upgrading a beacon today I almost postponed my retirement!!! 

Cheers!! Happy New Year :)
Hahaha would have been fun Jezebel.  Happy new year!
3 янв. 2018, 14:2003.01.18
3 янв. 2018, 14:27(отредактировано)

Stewart said:


Can it be lineal dyslexia? Or is that chronological?

Or maybe not being able to accept reality and substitute their own delusions.

Does this sound familiar?

time after time after time of coming to our TS and having cap in hand like Oliver Twist, May we have your beacons for an achievement? (yes even the corner one) , I promise to give them back when we are done with them.

We were dumbfounded and frankly to embarrassed FOR you to say anything.

"Then" we have your players hitting allies/friendlies "US" look for the screenshot,  im sure you also have it stockpiled for later reference.

The player Dave forgot to mention was i think Octavian, or octonaut or some such, Look, im sure you have the screen.

Then comes your fallacy  account

Umm i think you lost one too many pathfinders cause you clearly dont know what you are talking about.

Rizzo not I offered the beacons, and it was to Frenzie when i was in Emperors.  I just came along to help strategize.

You have me confused with someone else... maybe you should be the one to get diagnosed... i been to your TS all of 4-5 times in the 2 years i played bud.

Believe what you want :) Happy new year!

3 янв. 2018, 15:5203.01.18

Hello ALL,

And NO Happy New Year to ME 

It MUST be personal

The KT story continues


3 янв. 2018, 16:2303.01.18
Happy New Years Doomie! My bad.
3 янв. 2018, 17:4503.01.18

Hey Talon,

In all honestly that means a lot to me, especially from you

Keep up the FUN in this game

Happy Gaming


3 янв. 2018, 21:2103.01.18

djmoody said:

Classy end to the thread after the initial pointless flames. Nice save guys.

No worries m8, as plarium sucks the fun out we will find our own ways to amuse ourselves and each other.