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Defend Your Fiefs

Defend Your Fiefs

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
27 нояб. 2017, 16:1427.11.17

MinionCantoFoH said:

boy, you are delusional.  Nobody is quaking in their boots over you.  Keep sending your pikes and wraiths to their deaths, and keep those fireballs coming, its chilly in my castle, besides plarium don't mind taking you money.  Our plans march on, you aren't even something we think about.
Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll believe it

28 нояб. 2017, 20:1828.11.17
Asatru13 said:


I played this game when it first began on Facebook and I played for several years as a lone wolf. I have only recently returned. I don't change my name and there are still some here that recall my gameplay way back then. I learned a long time ago that brute force may win battles but it does not win wars. I win wars.

I agree with the moderator .... anyone can attack a fief if they are willing to pay the price for doing so. Attacking one of my fiefs comes at a hefty price. I doubt the person who did thinks it was worth it now and I'm quite sure his Marshall does not. Anyone can attack anyones castle too. Because everything is fair game. Your castle, your fortress, your fiefs, your fellow league members are all fair game. The real question becomes "is what I am about to do worth the effort".

They pretend to laugh about it because it is humiliating to them as it should be. They haven't damaged me at all. On the contrary their behavior has strengthened my troops, helped me level faster, and earned me a considerable amount of sapphires. I can't even count how many times I have set their marshals castle on fire for all to see. For me it is a no lose situation.

sure :)  carry on with your nonsense & the rest of us will play war :)
29 нояб. 2017, 03:4429.11.17

LOL  your fb dont do anything to my castle you may  knock my alter down one level and kill very very small number of troops or kill a small number of any friends troops that may have in my castle but any real damage ya right  whatever on that your just like a annoying nose hair that be nice at that. so keep send the fb or whatever else you would like to send as for as you saying  you been attack my League as you was attack FOH fake news there also when i see another attack or fb from you i just laugh about it       http://prntscr.com/hgmfp7

2 дек. 2017, 07:3402.12.17
cobra said:

LOL  your fb dont do anything to my castle you may  knock my alter down one level and kill very very small number of troops or kill a small number of any friends troops that may have in my castle but any real damage ya right  whatever on that your just like a annoying nose hair that be nice at that. so keep send the fb or whatever else you would like to send as for as you saying  you been attack my League as you was attack FOH fake news there also when i see another attack or fb from you i just laugh about it       http://prntscr.com/hgmfp7

Wow dude you're straight up lying. My first assault against you caused you major damage and I've been poking you and your cohorts for quite some time now. Given the treachery of those involved I doubt I will ever stop. You are a what lvl 200 something nothing league who is too afraid to fight anyone so you try to make friends with anyone .... lol. The only reason you even have troops is because you're afraid to use them. Right now I've got much bigger fish to fry than you but don't worry I haven't forgotten. You and the other 2 involved have suffered much greater damage than I have over our several engagements and make no mistake this will continue for as long as I play this game. The others just screw with my fiefs but you Cobra and Hildigard and omar/CFE etc are special cases. Just because you are in the eye of the storm for the moment, don't think that your days of reconning are over they have only just begun. 
2 дек. 2017, 13:5502.12.17
Asatru13 said:

cobra said:

LOL  your fb dont do anything to my castle you may  knock my alter down one level and kill very very small number of troops or kill a small number of any friends troops that may have in my castle but any real damage ya right  whatever on that your just like a annoying nose hair that be nice at that. so keep send the fb or whatever else you would like to send as for as you saying  you been attack my League as you was attack FOH fake news there also when i see another attack or fb from you i just laugh about it       http://prntscr.com/hgmfp7

Wow dude you're straight up lying. My first assault against you caused you major damage and I've been poking you and your cohorts for quite some time now. Given the treachery of those involved I doubt I will ever stop. You are a what lvl 200 something nothing league who is too afraid to fight anyone so you try to make friends with anyone .... lol. The only reason you even have troops is because you're afraid to use them. Right now I've got much bigger fish to fry than you but don't worry I haven't forgotten. You and the other 2 involved have suffered much greater damage than I have over our several engagements and make no mistake this will continue for as long as I play this game. The others just screw with my fiefs but you Cobra and Hildigard and omar/CFE etc are special cases. Just because you are in the eye of the storm for the moment, don't think that your days of reconning are over they have only just begun. 
How much dmg did you really do lets see the screenshots ... tbh im just here for the laughs 
2 дек. 2017, 15:0102.12.17

Im pritty sure they did more damage to his wallet than he did to theirs, if fireballs is majority of what he does.
4 дек. 2017, 22:1104.12.17

FAILO said:

Asatru13 said:

cobra said:

LOL  your fb dont do anything to my castle you may  knock my alter down one level and kill very very small number of troops or kill a small number of any friends troops that may have in my castle but any real damage ya right  whatever on that your just like a annoying nose hair that be nice at that. so keep send the fb or whatever else you would like to send as for as you saying  you been attack my League as you was attack FOH fake news there also when i see another attack or fb from you i just laugh about it       http://prntscr.com/hgmfp7

Wow dude you're straight up lying. My first assault against you caused you major damage and I've been poking you and your cohorts for quite some time now. Given the treachery of those involved I doubt I will ever stop. You are a what lvl 200 something nothing league who is too afraid to fight anyone so you try to make friends with anyone .... lol. The only reason you even have troops is because you're afraid to use them. Right now I've got much bigger fish to fry than you but don't worry I haven't forgotten. You and the other 2 involved have suffered much greater damage than I have over our several engagements and make no mistake this will continue for as long as I play this game. The others just screw with my fiefs but you Cobra and Hildigard and omar/CFE etc are special cases. Just because you are in the eye of the storm for the moment, don't think that your days of reconning are over they have only just begun. 
How much dmg did you really do lets see the screenshots ... tbh im just here for the laughs 
Well ok. The day I rebutted Cobras claim I also punished him for lying. The following 3 links shows the small amount of damage I did. It isn't my fault that he had so little defense but I took care of what little he had:
Afterwards (like a week later) Cobras last remaining Captain (the other is in my league) used one of her several alts from a different league to retaliate so I returned the favor by taking the fiefs she had in Cobras league away. As might tell I'm being regaled quite nicely.