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Banking in Prizes(New)

Banking in Prizes(New)

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19 апр. 2018, 09:5419.04.18
Yaarrr ja man ik ken dit problem ook maan zeker wel torrie die gefikst moet worden hustle hustle scrum er erin
17 июнь 2018, 19:5617.06.18
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

They have a certain value, but we cannot tell you any exact information.
Typical Community Manager BS... This is # 1 BS!
17 июнь 2018, 20:0017.06.18
17 июнь 2018, 20:01(отредактировано)

Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

Crowbar said:

Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

Crowbar said:

Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

Let's consider 2 cases:

1. Your Prizes' progress is known. You need just send Units to Prizes and wait for your progress reaches the certain value. Very simple.

2. Your Prizes' progress is hidden. And you have to a) find out what is the Resource value of each type your Units; b) Calculate all the loses; c) investigate which types of Units are more useful for exchange on Prizes; d) pay attention to details to find out your bank is full and it's time for a big reward!

And which case is more strategical to you, Captain?

Number one, because with it I can plan, i.e., make strategy. With number two, I can play detective/researcher/adventurer (or ignore the prizes, as I usually do).

You can plan with number two as well. Why not? You just need to investigate this feature carefully to make a more precise plan. The difference is just in difficulty level.

I cannot plan if I don't know how it works. The question was "which case is more strategical to you?" and my answer is: "the one in which I can plan to make strategy". The other one is a detective game (where you can change things under the hood without us knowing). We can play both, of course, but only one is (more) strategical.

I can accept that one can plan to a certain point without knowing the exact rules and/or when they change (i.e., in case #2), but there is no doubt that one can plan better if they know how it works, making the case one more strategical, which was the original question I was answering.

I feel like we're going in circles, sir Crowbar. Prizes are a difficult part of the gameplay. I know a lot of players who lose their troops. On the other hand, I know players who get their rewards constantly. What does it mean? It means some players have a strategy even without their Prizes' progress (bank) and another part doesn't have any strategy or tactics.

The dissinformation from community managers runs rampant and is abundantly apparent on PToF Forums. If you want a fine tooth comb with the understanding of the details,.. I will help you. Never forget the Community Managers have historically post to confuse & disinform the common player in so far as to remain unchallanged in the effort to maintainin total control in game.

9 окт. 2018, 11:2409.10.18
You know guys the more info you post about the prizes the more plarium will change it. I have seen this time and time again. You have to ask yourself  if the info that's placed here would guarantee big units for everyone who reads how would that benefit plarium? It's always better to keep what you learn amongst your own bh. It takes time to analyze the prizes , sometimes at great cost, when that info is shared with everyone then only the ones who put in the time  and units for research take the cost. Which means nothing because as soon as the masses do one thing to gain big fleets it always changes what's needed to be done for a big win for everyone. My best advice is to join bhs who know the prizes and have studied them for years , keep what you learn amongst yourselves cause the more you share the harder it will be to see those big wins. Prizes are all about investments, timing, and prize level. What you win one day doesn't necessarily mean you will win next, what one member wins one week and how they did it does not necessarily always apply to your haven. It's all stick and bait and knowing when to go for your win, how to maximize what you have to grow more, and most importantly vast amount of patience and willpower to know when to stop. I wish I could sit here and break it down for everyone but that would just leave many who put in the time at a disadvantage. Whatever you post about the prizes here, you can guarantee plarium is analyzing it to use it to their best interest. I am just being honest here, it is a business and they are here to make a profit and provide you with casual gameplay on your downtime.
11 окт. 2018, 14:2711.10.18
I have to agree with shadowda, prizes give up nothing for the amount used and espically lost! I pretty much have given up on prizes, I just send whittle down units (1k maruders or 1k bonnies) so maybe when a prize event comes up can finish it off, with minimal losses.
21 нояб. 2018, 20:3421.11.18

This prize game is frustrating. My biggest payout was 2812 jugs on an 81 corsair prize. However I have spent rubies reviving over 8,000 jugs and using them in the prizes. After a large payout I know my bank is still in the positive but it doesn't give me a big payout until I have used up all the units that I have just previously won. Sometimes I get to the point where I do not have anymore units left. So now I am in the hole by 8,000 jugs. This shouldn't be happening at level 81 highest prize done. The algorithm for prize payout blows. It should always pay you out when you have banked enough. For example a level 59 payout is around 22 million. So if you have over 22 mil in the bank you should get paid after defeating the prize. The downside of it is if you do level 1-30 I guess you will always get a large payout if you have so much banked up. Doing things this way will make the prize game easy wouldn't it. You can keep going until there are no more prizes. But with the way things are now you can have close to 200 million banked up and still run out of units doing level 81 and lower prizes. I guess that's how the developers want it to be. Speaking of strategy, there is no real strategy to the prize game. The only strategy is "I hope I get my large payout" at least for me in this case, since I have so much banked up. No kidding though there is a bit of strategy to this prize game besides luck of getting a large payout. For corsair units you can use whatever offense you want since it will always be the same type of unit defending it. For the other 3 type of prizes like the caravel, safe haven and sea fort what I do is send in 1 unit first and wait for the battle report. From there I can see what types of unit are in the prize and send in the appropriate units to minimize my losses. For example if a caravel is mostly submarines your better off sending in pirates, mercenary or fleet units. If you don't have those then just skip it and do the others until you get enough units from mini payouts or a large payout to do that prize. However if you don't want to wait then be prepared to lose a lot of armada ships killing off that caravel. Hope my rant might get things changed and the strategy I use may be helpful to those who find it to be useful.

26 янв. 2019, 18:0026.01.19

How do I get friends to complete tasks?

26 янв. 2019, 19:3026.01.19

I'm not sure of what you are trying to say here, but if it has to do with getting new friends to play,   http://prntscr.com/mckl39   if I remember that was removed., But if I'm wrong then you are to get new players to join the game.   I hope we are on the same page her, if I'm not replying to what you mean please feel free to PM me or Crowbar.  Pleasant sailing and good luck.

2 дек. 2020, 09:1902.12.20

so, its pretty obvious to me (an old timer) been playing this game for 7-8 years & the prize value HAS CHANGED, having lost 78mil in troop value a few weeks ago, & having not come close to recouping my losses, & also having spent a min of 50k in rubies + more troops trying to recover, im pretty pissed of .. never have i FAILED on so many prizes, even using cheat sheets .. & now to have hit a lvl 178 only to have failed again by over 1.5mil having sent 11mil at it , i think its time to call it a day, when you cansider that 12mil is a lvl 200, not only is it frustrating but its also a rip off .. 

2 дек. 2020, 20:4902.12.20

@Patch , I asked my CM. They have asked the devs and they claim that nothing was changed.

I understand that you probably won't agree with that, but we on the forum can only ask for an official response.

I do know players who are happy with Prizes (at very high levels), especially when combined with Brawls and other tournaments and timed for global revival discounts.

30 дек. 2020, 20:5130.12.20
30 дек. 2020, 21:19(отредактировано)

The Lighthouse is a JOKE. Prizes/Bank is NOT CONSISTANT to any logistics.

If I have enough units/power to get 4 .8 million one night in EXPERIENCE and the same amount or more units/power  the next night, why do I only get 800k EXPERIENCE  ???

I should be owed by the BANK an enormous amount of units and I don't get squatt..

I built over 400 days of Juggs and spit them out only to lose them and not get the payouts.


I have UNLIMITED resources and they are maxed and above.


My Prize level is 260, I should be able to hit a 260 once or twice before dropping down to a lower level to get a payout and go back to 260 ... I should be able to do this till ALL Prizes are eliminated.



I went from 2.1 to 6.8 then 7.1 and now 7.9 million



31 дек. 2020, 00:3831.12.20
31 дек. 2020, 00:40(отредактировано)

and it's getting worse

Prize Nazi's ... NO POINTS FOR YOU !!!

31 дек. 2020, 03:3331.12.20

so, its pretty obvious to me (an old timer) been playing this game for 7-8 years & the prize value HAS CHANGED, having lost 78mil in troop value a few weeks ago, & having not come close to recouping my losses, & also having spent a min of 50k in rubies + more troops trying to recover, im pretty pissed of .. never have i FAILED on so many prizes, even using cheat sheets .. & now to have hit a lvl 178 only to have failed again by over 1.5mil having sent 11mil at it , i think its time to call it a day, when you cansider that 12mil is a lvl 200, not only is it frustrating but its also a rip off .. 

I need 18 million to clear a level 200.


If it were fair across the board this would actually be a really good game for those who stick it out.

2 фев. 2021, 14:5002.02.21

Ive been doing prizes the last 3 days working from level 102 to level 140 doing only offence . i lost around 25 million worth of offence in total winning smaller prizes each level until i got to level 141 then dropped 20 million worth of offence so recovered a big chunk of offence. But as i was winning smaller prizes up to my big drop i was winning defence with the offence prizes and on checking i am now around 10 million up on defence so im actually in front including that . I was getting worried that i wasnt actually going to win anything back as people keep saying you cant win any more and its a waste of time . Glad i kept going . It as maybe taken longer to get back then it use to but in the end it worked out. In the past i could pretty much predict when i would drop a big prize but now i cant... is that the case in general now with most people would you say? 

10 май 2023, 06:4910.05.23

You could build 100, 200, or even 500 havens and run tests on the prizes yourself. Plarium doesn't seem to mind! Just look at the flood of new alts coming in the last year... 

Go on, work it out. lol

24 май 2023, 13:1424.05.23
24 май 2023, 13:15(отредактировано)

I just joined a BH and sent friend requests.. a few said they need to remove some friends to accept my requests but can't figure out how.. neither can I.. 

it's not in Accounts and when you select  friends in play app sidebar the option to view freind requests does not appear as described somewhere. Once I found the open invites that people had not accepted and you could remove friends.. 

now it seems there is a 500 limit on friends.. nice to know but if they have 500 or more they must remove enough to accept new.. 

They change stuff all the time.. nothing looks familiar to me... I can't even find profile page..  used to be so simple.. 

Ahh HAH!   just remembered perhaps the only way now...

 is still in your Friends Bar in game.. I feel sorry for those with over 500 friends.. they will have to scroll to right and scroll and scroll and scroll a lot more then start deleting them from there, then refresh their game and see if they deleted enough to accept new friends.. 

Nevermind LMAO

24 май 2023, 20:5124.05.23

@Webfoot Willy, I hear you, but is there a question or are you just commenting on the silly limit on the number of Friends?

Also, what does this have to do with Prizes (you chose to write in Prizes topic)?