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Are Plarium employees running Malice clan?

Are Plarium employees running Malice clan?

20 июль 2015, 17:2120.07.15
I'm honestly to "Leary" to say anything about it, less I or one of my clan members gets Banned.... Or have some kind of "Privelage" taken away.
21 июль 2015, 12:2921.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:00(отредактировано)

Hi again,

back here cause have few new questions. Can somebody explain me why my account still exist? With who i should contact? If i good remember i don't sign any pact with the devil. How much money must spend a new player to have a chance to beat army like this: http://prntscr.com/7v298x? There is 1000 berserker too in his army. Still don't believe You find a player who spend over 700$ for a browser game in one month. And yeah i know his money his problem, but for me he won. Seriously. Never ever heard about player like him. It's not suspicious that i heard 3 different anserws for one question? At last It's not suspicious that somebody tried delete this thread? Tomorrow i send my request about account to technical support. I even don't curious of results your investigation. That's all.


21 июль 2015, 13:4821.07.15
21 июль 2015, 13:49(отредактировано)

Arkhanhel said:

Hi again,

back here cause have few new questions. Can somebody explain me why my account still exist? With who i should contact? If i good remember i don't sign any pact with the devil. How much money must spend a new player to have a chance to beat army like this: http://prntscr.com/7v298x? There is 1000 berserker too in his army. Still don't believe You find a player who spend over 700$ for a browser game in one month. And yeah i know his money his problem, but for me he won. Seriously. Never ever heard about player like him. It's not suspicious that i heard 3 different anserws for one question? At last It's not suspicious that somebody tried delete this thread? Tomorrow i send my request about account to technical support. I even don't curious of results your investigation. That's all.


By all means, I am NOT Defending Malice Or any of it's players (Except for one, because I highly respect him)...

But it's safe to say that a great majority of the players in Malice probably gotten those troops by Doing their Battle Grounds.

If BG's here are like any other BG's on Plarium... then they have an extreme advantage.

(However, I'm sure some have used Funds to revived lost units).
21 июль 2015, 14:1721.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:56(отредактировано)


And i'm not attack this player. I'm just curious. That's all. I respect few players from Malice too cause i played with them. It's not about Malice, money or something like that. It's all about fair play. I'm curious from where Scorpdog knew about what bg gives what eq, because i heard 3 different answers and don't know which answer is correct. 1st i heard he know's that from math on main chat in game, next i heard from BLASPHEMY: "But just because someone says it in the game does it mean it's true?", next i heard from BLASPHEMY too: "anyone that has played these games of plariums knows the tactics of BG'S", next i heard from PEKISH: "this is the first battleground with gear". Oh 4 answers. So just tell me the truth. It's not logical. And it's not about units only but if i good remember you must meet a few requirements to be able to have a army like him like buildings, bloodpacts etc. Too many questions, too less answers. And some of answers aren't logical. That's why i don't wanna play this and another games from Plarium anymore. That's why i want from Plarium delete my account. If they distribute this game in Europe, they must respect European law. They cannot keep me here. Maybe if somehow they solve this situation, they will hold other players, but not me. That's all.


21 июль 2015, 15:3021.07.15
21 июль 2015, 15:35(отредактировано)

Arkhanhel said:

Hi again,

back here cause have few new questions. Can somebody explain me why my account still exist? With who i should contact? If i good remember i don't sign any pact with the devil. How much money must spend a new player to have a chance to beat army like this: http://prntscr.com/7v298x? There is 1000 berserker too in his army. Still don't believe You find a player who spend over 700$ for a browser game in one month. And yeah i know his money his problem, but for me he won. Seriously. Never ever heard about player like him. It's not suspicious that i heard 3 different anserws for one question? At last It's not suspicious that somebody tried delete this thread? Tomorrow i send my request about account to technical support. I even don't curious of results your investigation. That's all.

Greetings, Arkhanhel,

There are credit card warriors in every game,

Those that when a game is made they will go and buy every troop that they can not create yet

Even go as far buying there scrolls, it would not be fair to tell these players how they can play there game, As you can't tell someone who has money how to gamble with it..

The best way you can go with this is make sure you have no resources out, make sure your troops you have made are always in the catacombs ,

Give them nothing to label you as a farm,

Please don't quit you give that much more power, why not build up and show them you do not need a credit card to be a great warrior? show them the better of a doubt?

You can get these troops too by doing the battle grounds the right way the smart way, Guaranteed!!!

I kinda dare you to do this, because i know it can be done, you just have to have it in you to do it,

And want it enough, Im not saying this because im a moderator here, but saying it because I would really like you to succeed in the game, knowing you fault hard for your position and earned it the hard way This goes for everyone

Good gaming

Lady Blas

21 июль 2015, 15:4121.07.15

* Also, to add to Blasphemy's Post here on your other issue...

If Plarium were to delete your account (so to say), that in itself would take away from other castle who may want to raid your castle. Enemy or Not.

Plarium woudln't want to do that.

An Inactive castle that produces a lot of good resources keeps other people here, to help THEM out.

 * Of course, I don't speak for Plarium.

You made an account and Plarium has the right to do what ever they want to with it...I guess.

21 июль 2015, 15:5021.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:06(отредактировано)

I hate the bullshit is your money u can use them as you want in a social environment you are bound to the respect and fairness toward other people too many people confuse the concept of freedom with "i do whatever i want" when in reality freedom is a dialogue between people inside a net called society

you are not free to do whatever u want as if you were and don't let me start on people playing game they are part of the stuff... so much is a slap to social honesty respect in this game starting from the "it makes more money this way so even if is unfair it's what it is"

if we really would all follow that rule this world would be a disaster
21 июль 2015, 15:5221.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:06(отредактировано)

I knew Lady Blas i'm able to beat some credit card warriors cause i already do this in another games. I'm still talking about fair play. Scorpdog knew about game mechanics more than other players. BG is example. For me easier is count what games i never played then what games i already played. I was the first player here who told about hiding units in catacombs and spending your resources before raid. I knew about some tactics. But don't wanna fight with guy who have more important information about game mechanic then other players. Cause this is pointless and UNFAIR.


So if Plarium tell i should jump into fire i should do that? Cause i made an account here? Facebook and Google lost their cases and You think Plarium is bigger company than they? Have better lawyers? Now they using my PERSONAL DATA without my permission! So they breaking a law, right here, right now. For them only explanation is that i don't send my request to technical support. That's all. At least i can start trolling, promo another games on forum and then i break the rules. They keep my account then too?

P.S. They can do with my account what they want. They cannot do with my PERSONAL DATA what they want. Now You understand M.BLACKSTARVEGA?

Still no offense. I don't see a "fair play" here and don't wanna be a part of this anymore. Respect my request, like i respect Your opinion.


21 июль 2015, 16:5821.07.15
21 июль 2015, 22:20(отредактировано)

Arkhanhel said:

I knew Lady Blas i'm able to beat some credit card warriors cause i already do this in another games. I'm still talking about fair play. Scorpdog knew about game mechanics more than other players. BG is example. For me easier is count what game i never played then what game i already played. I was the first player here who told about hiding units in catacombs and spending your resources before raid. I knew about some tactics. But don't wanna fight with guy who have more important information about game mechanic then other players. Cause this is pointless and UNFAIR.


So if Plarium tell i should jump into fire i should do that? Cause i made an account here? Facebook and Google lost their cases and You think Plarium is bigger company than they? Have better lawyers? Now they using my PERSONAL DATA without my permission! So they breaking a law, right here, right now. For them only explanation is that i don't send my request to technical support. That's all. At least i can start trolling, promo another games on forum and then i break the rules. They keep my account then too?

P.S. They can do with my account what they want. They cannot do with my PERSONAL DATA what they want. Now You understand M.BLACKSTARVEGA?

Still no offense. I don't see a "fair play" here and don't wanna be a part of this anymore. Respect my request, like i respect Your opinion.



Plarium does not share your info outside there business,

if you want to leave you are welcome to,

your strong hold will stay the level it is but be inactive

the name of the strong hold will always be what it is,

you can have the emails plarium sends to your email blocked,

this is all stuff you can do your self...

also if you get in touch with the support team you can also get direct help on the issue

faster then what we can do for you via the forums

Good luck to whatever you do


21 июль 2015, 17:0321.07.15

I am a statistics minded person.  Spending money is fine,  You earned it or figured out a way to get it.  I am more concerned with the ethical delima.  Said person who this article refers too was listed on the Planarium website as Editor and other said items.  I saw the article myself after it had been circulating around.  NOW, my concern is why did this WEB PAGE LINK get deleted if all was innocent.  To me, you would just add a few lines saying so and so is just a contributor and is not affiliated with parent company. And that in itself contains a violation of terms of use if the information is true in this feed.

Thank you for your time.
21 июль 2015, 17:1121.07.15

Arkhanhel said:


So if Plarium tell i should jump into fire i should do that? Cause i made an account here? Facebook and Google lost their cases and You think Plarium is bigger company than they? Have better lawyers? Now they using my PERSONAL DATA without my permission! So they breaking a law, right here, right now. For them only explanation is that i don't send my request to technical support. That's all. At least i can start trolling, promo another games on forum and then i break the rules. They keep my account then too?

P.S. They can do with my account what they want. They cannot do with my PERSONAL DATA what they want. Now You understand M.BLACKSTARVEGA?

Still no offense. I don't see a "fair play" here and don't wanna be a part of this anymore. Respect my request, like i respect Your opinion.


You are your own person. If you want to jump in a fire because "Somebody" told you to, that's on You. I don't know why your bringing up other examples here. We are just talking about your account and a game of Plarium.

Like Blashemy says, your info won't be shared, and you can take steps in making sure it doesn't happen. You can at least send a ticked to them about it and ask them the proper steps in making sure your info doesn't get shared.

Fair Play? No, Plarium games are not fair play. The Money Players seriously Can unbalance any game (Sadly).

If you don't want to be a part of the games any more, please follow the steps that have already been given to you.

Go make a Ticket.

21 июль 2015, 17:1721.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:08(отредактировано)

It's doesn't work like You said. Plarium using my data for sending email for example. And i check, i can't change my email by yourself. I can block this emails but this doesn't change that i don't wanna RECEIVE from Plarium ANY EMAILS. Don't use my email to earnin money and to showin people "how much" people playing this game. I already send a email to support. Btw i saw most of Your office are in Ukraine. It's sad guys. You should know better then other people what's mean society, respect and etc. You are selfish. Like i said i already send a email to support team and waiting for answer. I'm really curious now, what's happen.



21 июль 2015, 17:2121.07.15

Arkhanhel said:

It's doesn't work like You said. Plarium using my data for sending email for example. And i check, i can't change my email by yourself. I can block this emails but this doesn't change that i don't wanna RECEIVE from Plarium ANY EMAILS. Don't use my email to earnin money and to showin people "how much" people playing this game. I already send a email to support. Btw i see most of Your office are in Ukraine. It's sad guys. You should know better then other people what's mean society, respect and etc. You are selfish. Like i said i already send a email to support team and waiting for answer. I'm really curious now, what's happen.



Well, when you get a reply, to see what they say...let us know.

At this rate, I see a lot of people leaving this game because of the Unbalance.
21 июль 2015, 17:2421.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:06(отредактировано)

Trust me M.BLACKSTARVEGA if they delete my account You will be know that :D. If not i post a reply here as you wish :). Greetings.

P.S. Another question Lady Blas. If You change the rules of the game or of the forum and i DON'T ACCEPT THIS NEW TERM. What You do?

21 июль 2015, 18:4721.07.15
21 июль 2015, 22:21(отредактировано)


I can not change the rules in the forum nor the game, but plarium can

and they can ban you if you go against these rules TOS

like I said if you want further obligations in this matter,  please take it to the help desk


21 июль 2015, 18:5521.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:09(отредактировано)


By You i mean Plarium but doesn't matter. If Plarium change rules i first MUST ACCEPT this terms. If i don't accept new terms how i can go against these rules? Now You know what i talking about when i said "Logic"? No offense Blasphemy but it's a fact. First must accept something to go against this. Ok. End of topic cause somebody can say we spaming forum ;). Like i said i send a ticket and waiting for answer. Have a nice day or evening, depend on time zone.

Btw i give You a example. If Ukraine accept EU rules then they cannot go against this rules, but they don't must accept this rules and then Ukraine just will not be a part of EU. 



21 июль 2015, 19:4121.07.15
21 июль 2015, 19:48(отредактировано)

Okay simple follow these instruction....

sorry to see you leave the game, you and your info will go with the deletion

22 июль 2015, 04:0422.07.15
25 апр. 2020, 12:07(отредактировано)

The fairness of a Plarium insider being in the first sector and leading the first and most dominant clan in the game clearly breeds suspicion, there really is no way to deny that. I can't figure out why the reason this insider was outed is barely being addressed... the fact of the programming oversight that allows player personal emails to be exposed. Plarium can add, edit and distribute updated TOS all they want, but why isn't it being fixed? You don't need "third party software", just a browser and no other software. 

All these game features being rolled out each week and they can't simply encrypt one text field? The days pass one by one that user identities are being compromised.

Plarium programming... contact me, I'll show you how to fix this! geeesh.

22 июль 2015, 16:2622.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:07(отредактировано)
THS RavFour said:

The fairness of a Plarium insider being in the first sector and leading the first and most dominant clan in the game clearly breeds suspicion, there really is no way to deny that. 

Well they are doing a great (pathetic) job at trying to
22 июль 2015, 17:0622.07.15

Did it ever occur to anyone here he may just be regular player, yes he may write plariums article in which ever game he plays for

And yes they may have had him on there site, giving him 100% credit he deserves stating what he does for them

Doing small jobs for plarium is not the same as actually working for plarium he is not a administrator or plariums game tech

he has to spend most of his time messaging other players feeding up on information, getting screen shots which im sure takes up space on his computer, All this has to be a little time consuming on his part, and for helping plarium better the game to make it MORE interesting for the players,

I trust plarium and in the future i believe they will come forward with an explanation to this whole mind boggling situation

don't get me wrong here!!! i am not sticking up for him nor malice nor of course plarium, but looking through different obstacles

i rather give them a benefit of doubt... That our game we all play would follow there own rules "YES" i trust plarium that much

I think the players here should as well,

just remember everything has an explanation,

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