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"Collectible" Fleet Units

"Collectible" Fleet Units

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Dec 24, 2017, 19:5312/24/17

"Collectible" Fleet Units

Holiday Greetings Plarium! 

I have been waiting all year for December, as that was when the collectible Fleet Units came out. These two specifically;

However I was quite disheartened to see they were only available through a Holiday Pack. Will they not be available through the Black Market (As they have been in years before), and available to all non-coiners?

(Maybe even revive the -75% Fleet Unit Discount in that duration? Wink Wink Nudge.)

I think I speak for many non-coiners here (especially the ones who have been looking forward to this). PLEASE Bring these units to the Black Market!!

That is all. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to all Staff and Wastelanders!


Dec 29, 2017, 20:4112/29/17

CoolRextreme said:

Holiday Greetings Plarium! 

I have been waiting all year for December, as that was when the collectible Fleet Units came out. These two specifically;

However I was quite disheartened to see they were only available through a Holiday Pack. Will they not be available through the Black Market (As they have been in years before), and available to all non-coiners?

(Maybe even revive the -75% Fleet Unit Discount in that duration? Wink Wink Nudge.)

I think I speak for many non-coiners here (especially the ones who have been looking forward to this). PLEASE Bring these units to the Black Market!!

That is all. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to all Staff and Wastelanders!


Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

As far as I know, these Units will not be available on the Black Market. But you'll get a chance to win them in some upcoming tournaments ;)
Dec 29, 2017, 22:1912/29/17
Dec 30, 2017, 13:09(edited)

@Sergey Kryvorotchenko (29 December, 2017, 8:41 PM UTC):
Uhhhhhhh... I'm just gonna leave this here ( ).

Unless this offer is specifically for me.

Then no one ever saw this.

Dec 30, 2017, 17:1312/30/17

Ooo, I cant wait for any tournaments that would include these units, that would be fun!

However, a few days after this post, I also found them popping up on the Black Market! ( )

Thanks Plarium!    

And have a happy new year!

Jan 1, 2018, 11:1901/01/18
fakeasnever said:

@Sergey Kryvorotchenko (29 December, 2017, 8:41 PM UTC):
Uhhhhhhh... I'm just gonna leave this here ( ).

Unless this offer is specifically for me.

Then no one ever saw this.

Yeah they show up in the black market for me as well, and it says they're available for the next 17 days.