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Discount generator

Discount generator

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Sep 17, 2017, 07:3709/17/17

Discount generator

My discount generator is broken. It gives me only Dimensional gate discount for 2 weeks in a row . My cords : x, y.

Edited to remove coordinates for privacy reasons.
- fakeasnever

Sep 17, 2017, 13:3309/17/17

@Dictator (17 September, 2017, 7:37 AM UTC):
You will have to contact the Help and Support Desk regarding this, with information including, but not limited to, your coordiantes, the discount items, the days this occured, and screenshots of such (If possible).

Sep 19, 2017, 20:2509/19/17


Our devs have taken a look at the Wheel of Fortune and made a few tweaks to how it works. This means that players should see more varied offers from now on. Please keep an eye on it over the next few days and let us know if the situation has improved! Keep in mind that you might still get discounts on the same item at times, but those should not be as frequent as before.

Sep 22, 2017, 17:2209/22/17

my discount generator is broken i get now for two weeks skins 

fix it i can wait till christmas goodby and sleep well 

if jou cant fix it remove it i dont need that stoped thing 

greetz the commander

Sep 24, 2017, 19:1109/24/17

U-Gernito Gernidor said:

my discount generator is broken i get now for two weeks skins 

fix it i can wait till christmas goodby and sleep well 

if jou cant fix it remove it i dont need that stoped thing 

greetz the commander


We're not forcing you to purchase every offer you see. Just wait for the offer you need. The main bug with the Discount generator was fixed. So I'm sure you'll see the discount of your dream very soon ;)
Sep 28, 2017, 08:1809/28/17
Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

U-Gernito Gernidor said:

my discount generator is broken i get now for two weeks skins 

fix it i can wait till christmas goodby and sleep well 

if jou cant fix it remove it i dont need that stoped thing 

greetz the commander


We're not forcing you to purchase every offer you see. Just wait for the offer you need. The main bug with the Discount generator was fixed. So I'm sure you'll see the discount of your dream very soon ;)
I remember the days when it gave 90% discounts on crystals, I'm pretty sure those aren't coming back though lol. But I'll keep dreaming :P
Oct 1, 2017, 03:4610/01/17
BiohazarD said:

Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

U-Gernito Gernidor said:

my discount generator is broken i get now for two weeks skins 

fix it i can wait till christmas goodby and sleep well 

if jou cant fix it remove it i dont need that stoped thing 

greetz the commander


We're not forcing you to purchase every offer you see. Just wait for the offer you need. The main bug with the Discount generator was fixed. So I'm sure you'll see the discount of your dream very soon ;)
I remember the days when it gave 90% discounts on crystals, I'm pretty sure those aren't coming back though lol. But I'll keep dreaming :P
Big dreaming or the day dreaming. Dunno which one is it... but 90% discount. Don't think gonna happen again. Forget the reduced crystal cost, they haven't even bothered to reward with "SUBSCRIBE and get crystal" spamming.
Oct 1, 2017, 10:3810/01/17

Shubs said:

BiohazarD said:

Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

U-Gernito Gernidor said:

my discount generator is broken i get now for two weeks skins 

fix it i can wait till christmas goodby and sleep well 

if jou cant fix it remove it i dont need that stoped thing 

greetz the commander


We're not forcing you to purchase every offer you see. Just wait for the offer you need. The main bug with the Discount generator was fixed. So I'm sure you'll see the discount of your dream very soon ;)
I remember the days when it gave 90% discounts on crystals, I'm pretty sure those aren't coming back though lol. But I'll keep dreaming :P
Big dreaming or the day dreaming. Dunno which one is it... but 90% discount. Don't think gonna happen again. Forget the reduced crystal cost, they haven't even bothered to reward with "SUBSCRIBE and get crystal" spamming.

I won once; . Pretty sure I got the crystals. 

Oct 3, 2017, 07:5810/03/17
Sésano said:

Shubs said:

BiohazarD said:

Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:

U-Gernito Gernidor said:

my discount generator is broken i get now for two weeks skins 

fix it i can wait till christmas goodby and sleep well 

if jou cant fix it remove it i dont need that stoped thing 

greetz the commander


We're not forcing you to purchase every offer you see. Just wait for the offer you need. The main bug with the Discount generator was fixed. So I'm sure you'll see the discount of your dream very soon ;)
I remember the days when it gave 90% discounts on crystals, I'm pretty sure those aren't coming back though lol. But I'll keep dreaming :P
Big dreaming or the day dreaming. Dunno which one is it... but 90% discount. Don't think gonna happen again. Forget the reduced crystal cost, they haven't even bothered to reward with "SUBSCRIBE and get crystal" spamming.

I won once; . Pretty sure I got the crystals. 

Wow, you're lucky ;)