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Hamlets - we need your opinion!

Hamlets - we need your opinion!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 17, 2016, 16:0208/17/16

Hamlets - we need your opinion!

Hi, guys!

Our developers need your feedback and ideas about Hamlets. Please answer the following questions in the comments below:

1) What do you like about Hamlets?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Hamlets if you had a chance?

Please stick to this structure in your answers and try to be concise and to the point. This feedback will be passed to our developers.

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Settlements back. We won't.

Aug 17, 2016, 19:1208/17/16
Aug 17, 2016, 19:19(edited)

1. You can get sapphires from Hamlets...

2. ...but sooner or later you will lose everything you sent there and a few sapphires you got earlier won't even cover the losses. So why bother?

3. Let us revive for free percentage of units we lost or speed up training of new ones. This not only will increase PvP activity in Hamlets but everywhere. And I know this will be ignored as I am not the first one to suggest it.

edit: Now that I think about it  wont work without some kind of limitation factor ... like food. Wait, didnt you removed that?

/off sarcasm/

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 18, 2016, 09:0808/18/16
Stormfall said:

1. You can get sapphires from Hamlets...

2. ...but sooner or later you will lose everything you sent there and a few sapphires you got earlier won't even cover the losses. So why bother?

3. Let us revive for free percentage of units we lost or speed up training of new ones. This not only will increase PvP activity in Hamlets but everywhere. And I know this will be ignored as I am not the first one to suggest it.

edit: Now that I think about it  wont work without some kind of limitation factor ... like food. Wait, didnt you removed that?

/off sarcasm/

Thank you. Noted and passed.
Aug 18, 2016, 22:3108/18/16

These are a reasonable source of resources and cash prizes (Sapphires)

These however should allow periodic collection like any other siege, since collecting removes your control its a crap shoot at best and in most cases just another opportunity for the larger player to search and destroy to gain PvP.

The prior comment covers the what should be added, since caravans should be able to move in both directions leaving troops to continue the collection process - sort of like settlements that can be searched over and over until you want to leave or are attacked.

Also in all areas where for some reason an attack does not eliminate all units why are they not left (attacks against sieged castles that return units rather than stay on at reduced level?)

Aug 19, 2016, 00:0208/19/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:08(edited)

Sapphires are nice other resources also needed and welcome.

Its too much of a gamble to us to use them, the gain to lose ratio makes it not worth it.

 In order for hamlets to be worth using you would need some forewarning about attacks you could let spy work both ways on hamlets meaning that if you place 20 spy on hamlet you have a 80% chance of see attack coming more spy better chance of seeing attack maybe even seeing attack sooner, you could even make a new class say scoot for this purpose. this gives the holder of the hamlet a chance to pull out if attack is coming but he/she most be in game and watching if they are not then attacker still have a chance to take hamlet.

Aug 19, 2016, 00:4308/19/16

1. Hamlet's are something that gives players a chance to do with their army, and at times the tournaments do often warrant decent enough rewards to partake in, despite the high risk, moderate reward. Maybe more hamlet tournaments instead of BG/Development tournaments?

2. I am not alone when I say that hamlets in general do not usually give you enough resources for the risk. I understand that it is a pvp game but why does it take so long to get even a little bit of resources? Excluding amulets, and sapphires, the 3 primary resources are usually not needed for anything other than a quest? Why risk losing all of your defense, or a partial amount for 1,000 iron? I could raid a bot castle and get 20k of each and have almost no chance at losing units. Another problem for another thread.

3. Hamlets at least on server 2, are very rarely occupied and thus no opportunity to attack and gain PvP, but also make it easier for us to complete quests, so that kind of goes without saying. I would like to see more forms of hamlets, here me out Plarium cash accounts.

Introduce hamlets that award items such as universal boosts, soulstones (yeah, I said it) and other items that aren't necessarily easy for non-coiners to obtain, these are just a few I could think of. Sure this might be hard to incorporate, hold "Time Altering Hamlet for 10 minutes to gain 2 +5 minute boosts, etc. Obviously I do not have the best way of communicating my idea to you in words,  I do spend money on this game, and I understand that this is maybe not the smartest idea for a company that makes a living off micro-transactions inside a virtual game. If this is not something that gets passed on, can you at least provide me with why you think this would not be a good way to not only: Increase players using the Hamlets, Increase overall activity on the 2 huge and booming prosperous servers , Introduce new and small ways for people who do not spend money to gain items they would not normally be able to get. 

wall of text, sorry

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 19, 2016, 07:4808/19/16
Really good ideas! Thank you! All noted.
Aug 19, 2016, 11:1508/19/16

1) You can get sapphires

     You can get amulets

     Good offense mechanics (offense units come back after they attack)

2) Level difference

    Needing of large amount of army to collect anything

   The risk is not worth it (you collect 5000 iron but you loose units worth oh 500 000 iron)

   Low numbers of sapphire hamlets (I had not seen sapphire hamlet for 1/4 of year)

   Too low numbers and too long distance in which you can see occupied hamlets

3) At 100% I would do following

     I would go back to system of Settlements, that you would not need large army to get resources. But I would keep the offense mechanic that you would capture it and offense would go back.

    If you would be reluctant for this change then this could be done only to Food, Iron and Gold hamlets. Because of Amulets and Sapphires are unique they could remain as they are.

   I would make better density of the Hamlets and would reduce your sight range of them by 75% srsly you dont need 50+m sight.

What I would consider:

   Adding sketches hamlet. Could be in form of Ancient Library.

   Adding units hamlet. They would produce units during the time. They would be divided into Infantry, Cavalary, Occult and Beastiary. You would be able to choose if you want offense or defense units, but not the type of the unit, it would be always lower tier (Pikeman not paladin, Knight not GL ...). Speed of production could be 1/10 of your production speed, but it would count in your speed ups (Skull runes + Dragon bonus + Relic bonus)

   If you would not want that thing above, they could consider something like Obelisks of Power, if captured they would speed up building of your normal units by 10% and your Imperial units by 20% (that was only example, plarium devs would choose the exact boost by their calculus). That could also raise your income from sapphires.

   You could add something like League hamlets.

Aug 19, 2016, 14:0408/19/16

1 I like hamlet because i can choose the staying time of troops and if i sent attacking troops it gets sent back to cats after returning.

2 i dislike the traveling times. thinks that can be improved.

3 ill spped up travelling times make it a bit faster 
Aug 20, 2016, 18:2508/20/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Hi, guys!

Our developers need your feedback and ideas about Hamlets. Please answer the following questions in the comments below:

1) What do you like about Hamlets?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Hamlets if you had a chance?

Please stick to this structure in your answers and try to be concise and to the point. This feedback will be passed to our developers.

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Settlements back. We won't.

1) Nice to have a source of amulets

2) The rewards are disproportionately slanted to attackers.  Def receives no bonuses and has to be exposed a long time to get anything worthwhile.

3) No auto recall for attackers.  No auto cata for attackers.  (Attackers already get disproportionate reward; they should not be allowed to fire and forget on top of all that).  Castle bonus extends to defense at hamlets.  The "quests" for def need to be made shorter...risking my troops for two hours to get half as much reward as attackers get for 5 min of "effort" is just wrong.  The free revive from infirmary should extend to troops defending hamlets.  
Aug 21, 2016, 14:1108/21/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Hi, guys!

Our developers need your feedback and ideas about Hamlets. Please answer the following questions in the comments below:

1) What do you like about Hamlets?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Hamlets if you had a chance?

Please stick to this structure in your answers and try to be concise and to the point. This feedback will be passed to our developers.

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Settlements back. We won't.

1) source of sapphires and amulets

2) Defense troops are sitting ducks with no bonuses, the quest rewards for attackers are larger than the rewards for defenders, and for defenders to earn those rewards, they have to expose their troops for a significant amount of time.

3) I do not like the mechanics that allow attackers to "fire and forget".  I think attackers should manually recall their troops and manually cata the troops.  Considering how long defenders have to be sitting ducks to get any decent reward, there should at least be more risk for attackers (beyond the risks involved in attacking without spying first).  

Defenders should be able to see attacks coming; for a strategy game to not give even the most basic choice of fight or flee when an attack on a hamlet is inbound seems pretty lame.  

Troops defending your holdings should be subject to your castle defense bonus and should be subject to the free infirmary revive.  (Just like with player castle, this would apply to offense and defense)

Quests for defenders need to be much shorter; right now, an attacker gets same res + twice as many dragons just for capturing a hamlet as a defender gets for collecting 9k gold.  That is significantly more risk for an inferior reward (recall that attackers have their troops auto recalled and auto cata'ed; the only risk the attacker takes is that they might be attacking a stacked hamlet and would never know til they hit the wall or spy).

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 22, 2016, 08:5608/22/16
Thank you, guys! All pros/cons/ideas are noted and passed to developers. From what I've already heard: we will change the algorithm of adding them to the map. Many players were complaining that they don't have any Sapphire Hamlets in their area for weeks or even months. We are currently testing the new system which will exclude such cases.
Aug 23, 2016, 23:4408/23/16

Return us 'old' settlements instead of this money grabbers.

With hamlets you can't make any strategic decision. Mostly time, all hamlets are empty, because no one normal player will not put def inside a hamlets - doesn't worth.

With old settlements we have many respects, and when respect existed many nice PVPs. From time to time we have them still in setts, but no one (or almost no one) in hamlets, because every fight in hamlets is between players from so different levels.

Hamlets are totally wrong idea, for players and for Plarium. You will not admit that and I'm stupid for loosing (again) my time to write about that.

P.S.: I hate this thread and similar threads. You asked us for something and never did anything what we asked. We're like children on playground, frank and honest, with plenty of ideas. From time to time mummy comes and close all our dreams - go home!

One day we will rise and go. And mother? She will be left alone.

Aug 24, 2016, 15:5108/24/16
Hamlets were designed as pvp traps - end of conversation
Aug 24, 2016, 23:5108/24/16
I am dissapointed to see that from all the feedback, that the main thing the developers are considering has to do with the spawning of certain hamlets in areas.... ;( totally not even going to fix things 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 25, 2016, 07:5108/25/16
zach-rose11 said:

I am dissapointed to see that from all the feedback, that the main thing the developers are considering has to do with the spawning of certain hamlets in areas.... ;( totally not even going to fix things 
They consider all feedback. They started working on a new spawning method before we started gathering your feedback. And it's already in several games on some networks.
Aug 25, 2016, 08:3508/25/16
Aug 25, 2016, 08:36(edited)

1. they got rid of the old system of exclusivity in settlements were Big Players, and Big leagues own everything. sitting for days at end, with 1 archer

2. travel time  in Server one is just ridiculous, since most players are more spread out in the map than in S2, attacking become useless

3. -I would make relic disappear in settlements, they are pretty unfair, higher players own everything, Its and exclusive level 70+ party. Plus since you sit for hours at end with no possibility of gaining a relic make sense to rid of them, and put them in harmlets

    - introduce league attack+ defense in settlements. these will cut the above problem by half, and make hamlets a lot more fun than they are now.