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Removing Friends

Removing Friends

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Jul 17, 2017, 05:2007/17/17

Removing Friends

If I remove a friend from my friends list does that automatically remove it from the removed friends list?
Jul 17, 2017, 12:1107/17/17

What is removed friend list?

 What I know is that once you remove someone from​ your friend list( in the profile page) they are deleted from the ingame friend list. 

Jul 17, 2017, 12:2907/17/17
so say i remove you from my friends list, i am then automatically removed from your list aswell?
Jul 17, 2017, 12:3307/17/17

kat said:

so say i remove you from my friends list, i am then automatically removed from your list aswell?

Lady Kat

effectively, when u remove a friend in ur profile page, he is removed from ur friend bar in the game and in ur exfriend friends bar also u are removed from the list.

hope this can solve ur doubts.


Jul 17, 2017, 12:4207/17/17

It does m'lord.

I am been bullied and abused by a player and dont understand how they keep finding me, I am not allied with them I have removed them from my friends list, I have even left my league and moved my castle a few times and yet I am still been found, so I wondered if my name stays on their friends list or not.

thank you for your response, much appreciated
Jul 17, 2017, 13:0407/17/17

kat said:

It does m'lord.

I am been bullied and abused by a player and dont understand how they keep finding me, I am not allied with them I have removed them from my friends list, I have even left my league and moved my castle a few times and yet I am still been found, so I wondered if my name stays on their friends list or not.

thank you for your response, much appreciated

Lady Kat

sure he has u on his contact list on the keep. you cant be removed from there till he click on the x to delete u for his contact list

i dont know if there is any posibility to hide from him in this situation but im afraid there is no way, so my tip is hide all ur troops every time u can. and spend all resources every time u were going to close the game till next day. and put weird offers on market to avoid be taken.

so this way if he cant kill troops and he cant steal good amounts of resources may be he will get tired to attack you.

hope u can evade from this guy some day

Jul 17, 2017, 13:4307/17/17
Jul 17, 2017, 13:45(edited)

 If  he has you on the contact list then the is no way of hiding from him. You have to deal with him. 

Join a good league and ask them to help you set a wall of defense to kill his offense. Another option is to ask a very strong player to help you. check the defense ranking and pen a letter to the lord's in the top 100 asking for help. Most of those players hate bullies and will set a wall of defense to protect your cattle ( sometimes in exchange for food). 

Another brilliant( evil) way is to set him up into calling you names, and report him to support, depending on how strongly you can convince the support team that you are being bullied, they can give him 3 Day- 1 year ban. But these is not easy as this is "a war game".

Jul 18, 2017, 00:4307/18/17
Thank you both for your help and suggestions, she is not attacking me, sure I have had some attacks from friends of hers, it is the letters and when i was in the league the abuse and degradation in league chat, most of it subtle there but i knew it was directed at me.  In letters and in my inbox on our league website she has called me many things and said many things, it is a collective of 2 girls and two boys that are doing this even to the point of doing it on my personal phone, they have my number as I was a Captain and i gave it out incase they needed me.
Jul 18, 2017, 04:0407/18/17
Jul 18, 2017, 04:05(edited)

Oracle said:

 this is "a war game".

yes i agree it is a war game but it should be a game where people are NOT bullied and abused personally

Jul 18, 2017, 09:3407/18/17

kat said:

Thank you both for your help and suggestions, she is not attacking me, sure I have had some attacks from friends of hers, it is the letters and when i was in the league the abuse and degradation in league chat, most of it subtle there but i knew it was directed at me.  In letters and in my inbox on our league website she has called me many things and said many things, it is a collective of 2 girls and two boys that are doing this even to the point of doing it on my personal phone, they have my number as I was a Captain and i gave it out incase they needed me.

Lady Kat

if the bulling is thru letters what u have to do is first taking a screenshot of the injuries and send them to support following this link to take measures against her as Lord Oracle said.

second put her on ur black list on letters to avoid continue receiving the letters. u can do this opening the letters window and clicking on skull icon at right area

hope this can help u


Jul 19, 2017, 08:3907/19/17
kat said:

so say i remove you from my friends list, i am then automatically removed from your list aswell?
Yes, when you remove someone from your friends list you are also removed from their friends list.