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Game stops loading at 99%

Game stops loading at 99%

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Aug 13, 2021, 02:1708/13/21

Game stops loading at 99%

I've tried all the troubleshooting I can find on-line in support for a Mac;  Uninstall, reinstall, change the DNS to the Google DNS; cleared the cache;  I emailed the pp_log file to support many hours ago and am still waiting for a response.

Aug 13, 2021, 05:3908/13/21

Hello my Lord ,

If you experience any of the issues below, please perform the Standard Loading Troubleshoot step-by-step. Please proceed to the next step if the previous one didn't help (~10 minutes):

  • - Game does not load
  • - Game stuck at 80-90%
  • - Black or White Screen
  • - Lagging or Slow performance 
  • Here is the link :

If you still have issues contact directly the Support !

Aug 13, 2021, 11:5408/13/21

I still have issues!  I went through all of those and I have already contacted support.  Support has not responded.

Aug 14, 2021, 11:0108/14/21

Support  can take  7-10 Days to respond When your removing the old Plarium Play you must Make  sure it's been completely removed  this  includes going into remove all Previous downloads, quick links and Apps  even the strings that show  in your c drive  and clearing history and then emptying your Recycle Bin  then do a restart and check though computer to be sure those bits are gone  before reloading the App. 

I recently had to do this a week ago it was tedious but after throughly removing All traces of the app before reloading it worked. 

Side note be sure to know for sure that your issue isn't your ISP having preformace troubles My computer is rather  new  so I know it's upto speed as far as being fast enough.  I found My Discord worked  My facebook loaded and so did my skype altough they were sluggish I didn't think The plarium Player would be effected. But when I checked My ISP's site I found it was a problem on their side.  If I had waited for them to fix their issue I would not of needed to of started the Process of  reloading the app in the first places I hope these steps help you get back into the Game!

Aug 17, 2021, 12:5108/17/21

Wesley- I did a complete removal of the game and all it's files on my mac- 3 times and the game still did not load using the Untamed Lands server.  I was able to load the game on The Dark Plains server the entire time.  Yesterday, I tried loading the game again and it finally worked- some 24+ hours after the last total uninstall and reinstall.  My internet has worked the entire time.

Aug 18, 2021, 10:2808/18/21

Wesley- I did a complete removal of the game and all it's files on my mac- 3 times and the game still did not load using the Untamed Lands server.  I was able to load the game on The Dark Plains server the entire time.  Yesterday, I tried loading the game again and it finally worked- some 24+ hours after the last total uninstall and reinstall.  My internet has worked the entire time.

2 Weeks ago I had the same issue it appeared the internet was working  it opened Facebook Discord and skype. But Plarium Play did not open. I got a black screen. When I checked into my ISP I found it was not operating well and had announced it was having perfomance degradation . So while some programs might work Plarium Player didn't until they got back to what they considered normal performance.

Aug 18, 2021, 10:3108/18/21

What made me check the ISP is I noticed it took over 5 minutes to download the Plarium Player this normaly takes a matter of seconds .