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RAID Digest (05.04.24)

RAID Digest (05.04.24)

Hey, folks! This April marked the end of the 5th Anniversary celebration season in Teleria, but also heralded another grand event we're actively preparing for (here's a teaser in case you missed it). Stay tuned for more on this later, but for now, let's kick off this RAID Digest with gameplay features!

But before we move any further, we apologize for the technical issues that caused us to shut down today's Progressive Chance event and then re-launch it again later. We are already searching for all the affected users and figuring out the appropriate compensation for them. We will provide more info about the compensation later today.

As of now, the Progressive chance event has been restarted and is functioning properly; we observe no signs of technical issues on our side.

Prism Jewels

Some Raiders may have noticed a new resource in the Altar of Souls - mysterious blue-violet Prism Jewels. You have probably already guessed that their application will be similar to another Prism resource - Crystals. Players will be able to collect Jewels in special activities and offers, and use them to summon a Champion Soul from a limited set of options. Soul wishlist won't affect summoning from Jewels. Summoning Souls from Jewels will count for Soul Chase and CvC Tournaments but not for Events, where players get points specifically for using Soulstones. Stay tuned for in-game news about events to accumulate and use Jewels.

Bugs and Fixes

Hydra's Head of Decay has a bug that makes her a bit more threatening than it's meant to be, for some Champions. Its Passive skill "Almighty Decay" should decrease opponents' MAX HP up to 25% of the HP they enter the fight with, not of the MAX HP they may potentially get due to their special abilities, as it happens now. This means that Champions like Wallmaster Othorion, Ultimate Deathknight, and Togron the Conjoined currently may increase their MAX HP to their detriment and lose more HP when facing the Head of Decay than they should have. We plan to tame this head's menace a bit in the next major update.

Siegfrund the Nephilim currently has a following bug - when he is receiving a fatal blow, his Metamorph [P] skill kicks in sometimes instead of his Passive skill “Stay the Blade” that should have saved him, making his death inevitable (and a bit more dramatic than necessary). We are going to fix this bug in the next major update.

Clan vs. Clan Tournament and Personal Rewards

The next installment of the CvC Tournament will be carried out without Personal rewards.

That's it for today's RAID Digest. Stay safe, stay healthy, and see you in two weeks' time. Bye!

Apr 5, 2024, 16:0604/05/24
Apr 5, 2024, 17:5604/05/24
Apr 5, 2024, 17:56(edited)

Compensation should be a Gnut!!! =) I spent quite a bit of money and gems on ancients before I realized there wasn't a progressive chance and I had already pulled 3 legendaries! um140627236 | 135356858 or I'll take an Acrizia =P I have a 6 star blessing waiting for her! 

Apr 5, 2024, 18:3004/05/24

Really hoping for a good compensation.. Pulled 4 legendaries. My face when I completed the event and realized that event went off.... 

Apr 5, 2024, 19:0604/05/24

I wasted some Shards as well.

Apr 7, 2024, 02:1704/07/24

on the last 2x primals, i pulled my 4 ! primal shards and got a Krixia AND a Ragash on the last shard.

Thank you Raid, Krixia is extremely awesome!! finally i can win some classic and live arena matches lol

Apr 7, 2024, 13:5204/07/24
Apr 7, 2024, 14:05(edited)

The progressive chance was bboken when I pulled sacreds no Gnut got a dupe Genzin, if you could compensate as stated.  um97151696 | 93993503

Apr 8, 2024, 12:0504/08/24

on the last 2x primals, i pulled my 4 ! primal shards and got a Krixia AND a Ragash on the last shard.

Thank you Raid, Krixia is extremely awesome!! finally i can win some classic and live arena matches lol

Hello! Thank you for sharing this great news with us. We're happy to hear that you've obtained the Champion you were hoping for! Wishing you the best of luck in your Arena Battles! 🙌💪

Apr 8, 2024, 14:2204/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌

Apr 8, 2024, 15:0404/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌

Hello, have all compensation been distributed? I have yet to receive mine and just wanted to be sure. I did also log a support ticket as well. Thanks, 

Apr 8, 2024, 15:1304/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌

Are you serious? I received less than $3 of in game materials for the $80 I lost due to the mess up. If that is all the compensation you are giving you really missed the mark and royally screwed over your players. That is sickening at the least and an outright a scam.

Apr 8, 2024, 15:4904/08/24

Cadê a compensação pelo erro de vocês no evento?? Abri 60 shards ancião azul. 9 shards do vazio roxo. 8 shards originário vermelho. 2 shards sagrado amarelo.   um40420530 | 39628374 ( se for essas 200 energia só pode ser piada e DESRESPEITO COM O JOGADOR)


Apr 8, 2024, 15:5704/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌

What was the compensation?  I got the one for the technical issue from April 4, but nothing for the progressive chance issue.  I not only pulled during the time the pregressive should have been live but wasn't, I got both an epic and a legendary that should have boosted my chances for later pulls.  I pulled 5 more epics, so mathematically the 6th one I pulled should have been my preferred champ.  (The first two should have boosted me to 25%, or a 1 in 4 chance, and then I pulled 4 more - one of those should have been my preferred champion)

Apr 8, 2024, 16:0804/08/24

Where is the compensation for your error at the event?? I opened 60 elder blue shards. 9 purple void shards. 8 red origin shards. 2 yellow sacred shards. um40420530 | 39628374 (if it is these 200 energy it can only be a joke and DISRESPECT TOWARDS THE PLAYER)

Apr 8, 2024, 16:4104/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌

Just opened up and 1 day xp and 200 energy and 200k have not recieved anything else and dependant on that will likely leave the game. Not good at all for loyal players

Apr 8, 2024, 16:4404/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌 you elaborate on how exactly you deemed players fit for receiving and not receiving compensation? because i remember pulling some shards but only getting compensation for technichal issues

Apr 8, 2024, 17:1804/08/24

Are you serious? After multiple back and forth with support they say eat rocks. I wasted over $80 in shards with their incompetence and their compensation is under $5. This company is the dirtiest,  most unethical and inmoral that I have ever dealt with. How can you in good conscious screw over your player base so badly and then scam them with the bait and switch? How do you sleep at night, oh wait I know bundled up in all the money you have taken from us ... Sick, absolutely sick 

Apr 8, 2024, 18:5204/08/24

Dear Raiders! We've issued compensation for the technical issue that occurred during the Progressive Chance event, as well as a second one for the extended maintenance on April 4th. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.🙌

I definitely didn't receive a proper compensation for the 80 shards I pulled when it first went active. All I got back was energy and silver. People are getting all their shards back, chickens and the rest of what everyone got. Where are my shards and chickens?

Apr 8, 2024, 22:5404/08/24

If all you are going to give us is 1 day xp, 200k silver and 200 energy (which is a slap in the face) is pathetic! I pulled between 350 and 400 shards and this is what you give? I guess you have no respect for the people that got you and your game to the level you are. Pathetic and disrespectful!

Apr 8, 2024, 23:2204/08/24

As a side note, I'm sure you would not treat the content creators in such a despicable manner.

Apr 9, 2024, 01:0404/09/24

But before we move any further, we apologize for the technical issues that caused us to shut down today's Progressive Chance event and then re-launch it again later. We are already searching for all the affected users and figuring out the appropriate compensation for them. We will provide more info about the compensation later today.

Still looking for the appropriate compensation? How about giving me my shards back, or at minimum 75% of them. Or maybe Knut in my inbox along with some gems (like 10k gems). I have some other ideas if you want to hear them.

Apr 9, 2024, 09:1904/09/24

Thank you for your questions, Raiders. Please note that the compensation was divided into two parts: the first part constituted a general compensation dispatched to all players who opened at least one shard during the Progressive Change event's initial launch, within the first 20 minutes, and it included 200 energy, 500к silver and 100 multi-battles; the second part which included Ancient Shards and other in-game resources was contingent upon the resources (Shards) utilized, and predominantly influenced by the modifiers upon the Legendary Summoning progression. Participants who did not summon Champions from Shards during the initial launch of the event or who had acquired the designated Champion within that brief timeframe are ineligible to receive the second part of the compensation.