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Path of Light Event

Path of Light Event

Jun 27, 2022, 12:4706/27/22

Path of Light Event

When I first read/saw information about the Path of Light Event I was thrilled and hoped for some exciting event.

After seeing the implementation ingame, I am a bit more sober.

Essentially it is an event combined from Dungeons divers and artifact enhancement. To get to the final rewards, you need to spend a lot of energy or a lot of silver or pay for it.

Therefor my stance to the PoL is:

Thanks for the base rewards which I will get by just playing normally. 

Thanks but no thanks for investments to achieve the upper rewards...they are not worth the time and ressources. I read a perfect summarization somewhere else: 'Too grindy...not fun.'

What is your opinion about the Paths of Light?

Jun 27, 2022, 12:5806/27/22

Someone brought this up just before fusion.  Concensus was in agreement with you.  

Jun 27, 2022, 13:1106/27/22

Ah, I see, the discusson was on page 6 or something....but it was a lot of guessing with the details not being known...thanks for the hint.

Jun 27, 2022, 13:1306/27/22

I think Plarium makes an impressive stance on the community with their consistent content additions, Are always hopeful that we will enjoy as much content/updates, however, The overall reception from the community as a whole, may be stiffened by the pace of their material in the first place.

Jun 27, 2022, 13:1606/27/22

Seems like some free stuff for doing normal stuff. But just a repackaging... guess I'll just go down the 1st path and see how many gems I can get using daily energy in spider.  Good time to roll gear and clean out clutter too?

Someone will do math and figure out cost to do 1, 2 ... 3 paths. Not me lol.

Jun 27, 2022, 15:0006/27/22

Seems like some free stuff for doing normal stuff. But just a repackaging... guess I'll just go down the 1st path and see how many gems I can get using daily energy in spider.  Good time to roll gear and clean out clutter too?

Someone will do math and figure out cost to do 1, 2 ... 3 paths. Not me lol.

Let's do a little math 😃

The 3 paths are around 60k points.

A run an a level 20 dungeon will bring you on average about 32 point...roughly you need 1 energy for 2 you need about 30k Energy to run this on pure energy (or about 230 energy drinks)

Upgrading artifacts will give you more points. Given, that you only upgrade 6* legendary items, you will need about 62.5 of them to get 60k points...that would be about 100 million pieces of silver.

You can for sure do some mixture to get those points...or buy 2/3 of the points needed for about 60 bucks.

If I am putting all of those together and would need to pricetag this, it would be about 230$ to buy gems to buy energy

It would be about 135$ in the combination of buying light points and gems...

Looking at the rewards I would get for this....

Thanks for the additional stuff I get by playing my normal routine....not interested in spending ressoruces on this 

Naturally, if you have saved up the ressources, it might be an easy fruit to pick...but I am saving for fusions...

Jun 27, 2022, 15:0706/27/22

If my math checks out, approximately 625 dungeon runs or 21 6* artifacts from +0 to +16 per path, give or take 15% or so depending on your luck and the path in question.

Had it been another dungeon than Ice Golem that had a tournament running for double rewards, I may have considered it. As it is, I probably won't bother and will just focus on potions and masteries that I'm behind on anyway.

Jun 27, 2022, 16:3206/27/22

I haven't picked a path yet,, running spider and roll/selling gear (down to 1111/1300 artifacts already!) and that has given me 7k points 

I am probably net up a little in silver lots of crap sold.  If you have a hoarding problem this event is perfect to address it... 😆 

I don't disagree with your math per se, but some assumptions are misleading. I think more people should do this event than not...

The typical bash greedy plarium goggles at first glance is the wrong way to look at this.

Now how to optimally do it, I have no clue. 

Jun 27, 2022, 16:4606/27/22

I mean, it's fine if you were planning on doing dungeon runs and/or upgrading gear anyway. I wasn't though, so for me I'd have to go out of my way to get the coins since I have other priorities right now, and the reward to effort ratio is not that great that I'd be willing to either re-preoritize or exhaust more resources.

Optimal approach in general would probably be to run spider 20/24 and sell most of the gear, then use the silver to upgrade the pieces you keep. Since there's an IG tournament going, you could do that until the last milestone and then switch to spider if epic books are still useful for you or if you need IG gear.

Jun 27, 2022, 17:3606/27/22

I mean, it's fine if you were planning on doing dungeon runs and/or upgrading gear anyway. I wasn't though, so for me I'd have to go out of my way to get the coins since I have other priorities right now, and the reward to effort ratio is not that great that I'd be willing to either re-preoritize or exhaust more resources.

Optimal approach in general would probably be to run spider 20/24 and sell most of the gear, then use the silver to upgrade the pieces you keep. Since there's an IG tournament going, you could do that until the last milestone and then switch to spider if epic books are still useful for you or if you need IG gear.

Optimal could be double dipping on training event and writing a macro to upgrade all gear to 4/8 and sell? Whichever results in net positive in silver. 

Jun 27, 2022, 17:3906/27/22

Hm, maybe. I forgot there was a training event going on. Can't be bothered to do the math on gear upgrade costs though.

Jun 27, 2022, 18:1206/27/22

I've been working on the training  event,  and  see this as a pretty good opportunity to grind up some food.    I've also been looking at the different paths, and the Lego book in the middle path  would be the grand prize for me.  But you have to go through two rare books and  an epic book to get it.  (I have over 300 epic books,  so.)  The first path gives a good amount of gems up until it starts awarding  chickens.  I'm wondering if it might be best to open up all three paths  and get the early rewards down each tree rather than trying to get end  rewards down  any  particular  tree?

For 500 coins you can get 50 energy or 30 gems. For only 10 more gems you can get a refill which for me is 130 energy.  So  the gems are a better value than the energy in this event.  The one day double XP awards are only 650  coins.  But they cost 140 gems in the shop.    That's the best value if you need the XP award.

Jun 27, 2022, 19:1406/27/22

Optimal could be double dipping on training event and writing a macro to upgrade all gear to 4/8 and sell? Whichever results in net positive in silver. 

Seems like a lot of work.

Suboptimally it is!!!! XD

Jun 27, 2022, 22:2906/27/22
Jun 27, 2022, 22:39(edited)

My resources are depleted after Helicath.  All I can do is the dailies and let that lead me.  We need someone to crunch the numbers for each path.  My guess is that Plarium has them very close in value for energy/silver spent.  

EDIT:  I have about 1,550 gear that I need to reduce.  That is something I can do now.  

Jun 27, 2022, 22:3406/27/22

Honestly, not really. Nothing in any tree comes close to the lego book. Void shard is closest but still way lower value.  

Jun 27, 2022, 23:3506/27/22

Path of Light???  Path to Pay for Light! You know i am all for the special events the new rewards and the FUN that should be there but is very quickly fading away. why? Plarium changes the Game just enough to where teams that will score say 10 million now only score 8 million.

Does anyone else see thisMatrim , ?  I ask  the two of you matrim you sarted this thread so i ask you out of respect. Kramaswamy i ask you due to the fact that you ALWAYS put it right out there and i appreciate that and respect it.

Jun 28, 2022, 00:0106/28/22

Honestly, not really. Nothing in any tree comes close to the lego book. Void shard is closest but still way lower value.  

This is correct.  I misread the number of gems (think I saw the coin number and thought that was gems 😆 🤣) when I first looked.... But cleaning out artifacts (under 1100) and accessories (under 400) has me close enough to lego book that I'm pot committed lol.

The purge was long overdue anyway. 

Jun 28, 2022, 02:3706/28/22

Path of Light???  Path to Pay for Light! You know i am all for the special events the new rewards and the FUN that should be there but is very quickly fading away. why? Plarium changes the Game just enough to where teams that will score say 10 million now only score 8 million.

Does anyone else see thisMatrim , ?  I ask  the two of you matrim you sarted this thread so i ask you out of respect. Kramaswamy i ask you due to the fact that you ALWAYS put it right out there and i appreciate that and respect it.

I am not entirely sure what you are referring to with 10 million and 8 million. There is a great bunch of RNG involved in this game so the numbers are naturally shifting a bit from time to time. 

Regarding CB numbers are not constant but always within a certain range which depend on the affinity of the boss.

With Hydra, it depends heavily on the starting heads AND the replacement heads...

But this shift is expected and in my opinion not due to some manipulations. 

Jun 28, 2022, 04:0006/28/22

Path of Light???  Path to Pay for Light! You know i am all for the special events the new rewards and the FUN that should be there but is very quickly fading away. why? Plarium changes the Game just enough to where teams that will score say 10 million now only score 8 million.

Does anyone else see thisMatrim , ?  I ask  the two of you matrim you sarted this thread so i ask you out of respect. Kramaswamy i ask you due to the fact that you ALWAYS put it right out there and i appreciate that and respect it.

I mean, it's free and requires zero investment, so there isn't really much room for me to complain. It's just another money sink, but that doesn't inherently make it bad. I'll take my free stuff and move on. 

Jun 28, 2022, 04:0206/28/22

Honestly, not really. Nothing in any tree comes close to the lego book. Void shard is closest but still way lower value.  


The void, at that, only comes closest by like... 1/5th of the legi book 😂

Clear choice here for choosing best path as far as value is concerned.

Jun 28, 2022, 04:2106/28/22

What is the conversion rate for unused light coins to silver when the event ends?  Light coins may have more value unused and converted to silver.