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Feedback on "Community Weeks"

Feedback on "Community Weeks"

May 4, 2024, 16:1205/04/24

Feedback on "Community Weeks"

Most of us don't really care about the PR Hoopla. That is just noise. We care about advancing in the game. 

If you are going to create a bunch of ballyhoo around a multi-week "Celebration of the Raid Community", here is a novel idea for you: Make the events & rewards more fun & more rewarding than the stuff that is always going on all year long, NOT LESS SO.  

The continued point inflation & diminishing rewards were all that was really on full display during this "Celebration", which capped off with quite possibly the most poorly designed Path Event in the history of the game. 

Very glad I decided to chill out during the very unenticing Community Celebration.  

May 4, 2024, 16:5705/04/24

 diminishing rewards, wheres the 5 jam tarts gone from last milestone in TTA tourney!!

May 4, 2024, 17:4905/04/24

Fanboy to the rescue!

So first off you absolutly do not speak for me   as you try to state  MOST OF US.   I am  a  mid aged fat wallet spender who tried all the other  video games and realized...nothing even compares to this amazing game

Second is  because I love  this game I absolutely love all the  glitz and glamour Raid di   about  his week because as a veteran gamer with many years experience I know for fact if a games community sucks then so does the game!   Fortunately the opposite is  true for Raid. Hands  down the best MMO community on the planet

3rd  would  be  Raid is the single most FTP game out there and the amount of free stuff they hand out  is crazy good for FTP  so  advising they should  put out more  rerwards and  less glamour =  Disagree

Love this game (tried the rest) .  Absolutely love the video awards show  and lets not forget.. I dare you to find another  MMO video game with more YouTube streamers   or  active clans  playing ?  (FYI 40 K active clans)

Love  my YouTube community and Love Raid  = thats my 2 cents

May 5, 2024, 04:4405/05/24
May 5, 2024, 16:13(edited)

You are totally misunderstanding the entire point of my post.  Almost everthing I post on the Raid Forum is either to try to help someone with content or to provide feedback concerning the game that I hope will be on point enough to occasionally make it through the filter of the Mods and see the light of day @ Plarium.  The things that I say that are critical of the game are said with this desire in mind.

I am a diehard fan of Raid, and the game is my #1 pass-time.  However, I am also a fan of Truth, Justice & The American Way 😉.

When Plarium analyses their metrics about player engagement over the most recent series of events that have run as part of the "Community Weeks", they will find that engagment has sucked   

Here's what my seat-of-the-pants metrics tell me:

(1) Champ Training:  I finish virtually every training event and training tourney becasue I do not pass up lego books.  That means that I will always be grouped with lots of other people that do the same.  With just over 3hrs to go, there are only 5 people in my tourney group (inc. me) that have gone for the Lego book.  That is a horrible participation rate.  I am going be stuck winning gear instead of gems cuz literally no one cares about this tourney.  Worse still, drop out of the top ten, and there are only 3 people over 5k.  That is abysmal.  It is the 5th or 6th consecutive training tourney/event to feature the recent point inflation for the lego book from 10K to 11K.  A 10% increase. They also nerfed the amount of gems across the board with 7th place falling from 80 to 50.  A 38% reduction.        

(2) Tag Arena:  I hammer almost every Tag Tourney to win the 6S Lego Relentless.  I won my tourney group last week with 19K points. That means that I regularly get grouped with other people that push for the win in these tourneys.  This week, at basically the end of the first day?  My lead is 7140 (1st) to 1920 (2nd).  This will be the easiest win in my long history of Tag Tourney wins. No one is even bothering with the tourney.  Might have something to do with how bad they nerfed the rewards.  Instead of 5 Eternal Essence, we can only earn 5 Immortal Essence.

(3) My Clan:  When my clanmates are engaged in the overarching events, there is quite a bit of in-game chat.  However, it is like a ghost town most days right now, and what chat there is, is about not bothering with the Titan Event and taking the time to build toons, do masteries, work on Hydra, etc.    

I am not opposed to what I called the "PR Hoopla", but the whole point of the "PR Hoopla" was suppossed to be in celebration of the Raid Community.  The Raid Community is not just the Content Creators, the Memers & the Twitchers.  The Raid Community is the Player Base, and these events did not celebrate or reward the Player Base.  That is what I am oppossed to.    

Plarium could have done so much more with these events, but from what I can see, they are a total flop.  I am not asking for "more free stuff".  I actually think Plarium gives out quite a bit of free stuff.  I am asking for more engaging & creative event design, and an end to the recent trend of point inflation and diminishing rewards.       

May 5, 2024, 06:3405/05/24

Fanboy to the rescue!

So first off you absolutly do not speak for me   as you try to state  MOST OF US.   I am  a  mid aged fat wallet spender who tried all the other  video games and realized...nothing even compares to this amazing game

Second is  because I love  this game I absolutely love all the  glitz and glamour Raid di   about  his week because as a veteran gamer with many years experience I know for fact if a games community sucks then so does the game!   Fortunately the opposite is  true for Raid. Hands  down the best MMO community on the planet

3rd  would  be  Raid is the single most FTP game out there and the amount of free stuff they hand out  is crazy good for FTP  so  advising they should  put out more  rerwards and  less glamour =  Disagree

Love this game (tried the rest) .  Absolutely love the video awards show  and lets not forget.. I dare you to find another  MMO video game with more YouTube streamers   or  active clans  playing ?  (FYI 40 K active clans)

Love  my YouTube community and Love Raid  = thats my 2 cents

There are actual MMOs out there that you can play from morning to evening, without worrying somethings gonna run out, you have to understand, if raid wouldnt give out free stuff, there wouldnt be a f2p playerbase because f2p players wouldnt be able to play, simple as that lol. 

Im quite sure a majority of raid players has seen what gaming can offer only from mobile phone spectrum, thus they dont know what an actual f2p mmo would even remotely look like 😁

May 5, 2024, 10:5605/05/24

You are totally misunderstanding the entire point of my post.  Almost everthing I post on the Raid Forum is either to try to help someone with content or to provide feedback concerning the game that I hope will be on point enough to occasionally make it through the filter of the Mods and see the light of day @ Plarium.  The things that I say that are critical of the game are said with this desire in mind.

I am a diehard fan of Raid, and the game is my #1 pass-time.  However, I am also a fan of Truth, Justice & The American Way 😉.

When Plarium analyses their metrics about player engagement over the most recent series of events that have run as part of the "Community Weeks", they will find that engagment has sucked   

Here's what my seat-of-the-pants metrics tell me:

(1) Champ Training:  I finish virtually every training event and training tourney becasue I do not pass up lego books.  That means that I will always be grouped with lots of other people that do the same.  With just over 3hrs to go, there are only 5 people in my tourney group (inc. me) that have gone for the Lego book.  That is a horrible participation rate.  I am going be stuck winning gear instead of gems cuz literally no one cares about this tourney.  Worse still, drop out of the top ten, and there are only 3 people over 5k.  That is abysmal.  It is the 5th or 6th consecutive training tourney/event to feature the recent point inflation for the lego book from 10K to 11K.  A 10% increase. They also nerfed the amount of gems across the board with 7th place falling from 80 to 50.  A 38% reduction.        

(2) Tag Arena:  I hammer almost every Tag Tourney to win the 6S Lego Relentless.  I won my tourney group last week with 19K points. That means that I regularly get grouped with other people that push for the win in these tourneys.  This week, at basically the end of the first day?  My lead is 7140 (1st) to 1920 (2nd).  This will be the easiest win in my long history of Tag Tourney wins. No one is even bothering with the tourney.  Might have something to do with how bad they nerfed the rewards.  Instead of 5 Eternal Essence, we can only earn 5 Immortal Essence.

(3) My Clan:  When my clanmates are engaged in the overarching events, there is quite a bit of in-game chat.  However, it is like a ghost town most days right now, and what chat there is, is about not bothering with the Titan Event and taking the time to build toons, do masteries, work on Hydra, etc.    

I am not opposed to what I called the "PR Hoopla", but the whole point of the "PR Hoopla" was suppossed to be in celebration of the Raid Community.  The Raid Community is not just the Content Creators, the Memers & the Twitchers.  The Raid Community is the Player Base, and these events did not celebrate or reward the Player Base.  That is what I am oppossed to.    

Plarium could have done so much more with these events, but from what I can see, they are a total flop.  I am not asking for "more free stuff".  I actually think Plarium gives out quite a bit of free stuff.  I am asking for more engaging & creative event design, and an end to the recent trend of point inflation and diminishing rewards.       

Thankyou for clarifing this for me.  A very thought out response here  .  Point taken :)

May 7, 2024, 18:0905/07/24

Creative Event Design Example #1:

I think that RAID has a best-in-class PVP implementation; however, they have certainly lost all evidence of the creative spark when it comes to Classic Arena Tourneys.

This week, we have a new fusion event starting, so the next couple of Classic Tourneys need to stick to the tried and true basic formula.  However, the current Classic Tourney kicked off as the Titan Event was winding down and will finish before anything else really starts up.  Perfect opportunity for something fun & interesting, but what do we get?  The same old boring same sameness. 


Here are a few (better) ideas off the top of my head:  

  1. It could be rarity-limited.  I would really like to see RAID figure out how to do a Classic Tourney that is restricted to Epics on both Offense & Defense.  It would level the playing field substantially and allow people to compete based more on skill than luck or money.  If they gave it a shot and it worked, it could become big, like really big.  
  2. It could be affinity-limited.  All Magic on Monday, All Force on Tuesday....     
  3. It could go to 1000 (or even 1500) points and include real rewards.
  4. It could be faction-limited and include real rewards.
  5. It could involve the 4 Faction Pacts in some way.  Raid tries (in fits & starts) to involve these through lore and certain toon skills, but it is always half-baked. Roll out the 16th Faction and then give us Arena Tourneys that pit each Pact against each other!       


May 7, 2024, 18:1805/07/24

How much change do u want? we recently had a torney with 6star rare gear as the top prize, thats our quota of change for a while to come

May 7, 2024, 18:2205/07/24

How much change do u want? we recently had a torney with 6star rare gear as the top prize, thats our quota of change for a while to come

 😂 Yeah, unfortunately, that seems about as adventurous as Classic Arena Tourneys get.... 

May 8, 2024, 20:0805/08/24

 😂 Yeah, unfortunately, that seems about as adventurous as Classic Arena Tourneys get.... 

Jockeying for 4th place gems is all classic is

May 8, 2024, 21:1905/08/24

Jockeying for 4th place gems is all classic is

Ain't that the truth.  I got pushed to 6th this week while sleeping, but 125 nrg is still better than the garbage-level gear they give away in a Classic Tourney.

However, they could do so much more with Classic Tourneys if they just put some thought into it!

May 8, 2024, 21:3405/08/24

Ain't that the truth.  I got pushed to 6th this week while sleeping, but 125 nrg is still better than the garbage-level gear they give away in a Classic Tourney.

However, they could do so much more with Classic Tourneys if they just put some thought into it!

I don't want a reason to spend any more time in classic arena. And I'm not sure how fighting solo defenses is going to be more fun with all rares or epics... they have done this already with factions if I recall correctly. 

I view this as a well veiled request for better free rewards 😀  good try!

Live arena tournaments interest you? Assuming they expand the limited availability to play.