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Recruiting active members KD 807

Recruiting active members KD 807

10 апр. 2020, 23:1110.04.20

Recruiting active members KD 807

Hi, we are a friendly clan with a peaceful kingdom. We got some players with alot of experience and some players still learning, we are now in the size of about 50+ members and 6,8T influence. 

We would like to recruit active members, preferably people with fighting experince, as we intend to grow bigger and stronger, we want to be able to still win all events and perform succesful sieges, oses and kill towers during fury.

Min requirements at all would be T6 maxed out, and have fortress gear + attack gear and shamans for both parts at lvl 60 too. 

Dont move to the kingdom before you get a invitation!

If you are intressted, leave a message here or go to kd 807 and send a message to Richard Hugosson (Elder) in our clan V_R2
