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clan boy14 in 227 Ramistervag x:227 y:488 - boy14loli

clan boy14 in 227 Ramistervag x:227 y:488 - boy14loli

28 март 2018, 10:2728.03.18

clan boy14 in 227 Ramistervag x:227 y:488 - boy14loli

hy boys & girls! how are you?........hope well........if you want, you can join clan boy14 in 227 Ramistervag kingdom coordinates x:227 y:488

enjoy plarium vikings game.......and join soon our clan boy14 - boy14loli

our clan castle boy14loli is waiting for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to boy14 clan in 227 ramistervag kingdom

2 апр. 2018, 11:3102.04.18

hy boys & girls! vikings plarium gamers players & workers,

how you can see in the pics........we clan boy14......also take under our command the pop place of power !

but for sure........it is very hard so far in 227 Ramistervag kingdom (for now only....later we will see....who´s developing better.....we, you or the enemys....) .......its hard to hold place of power for longer term time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are angry about that, and it cost us around 10 Million Gold Vikings plarium gold each week !!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Million Gold vikings is mostly for bringing back in lazarette the killed soldiers of us, that need be healed and reborn.

it is hard for holding long time pop place of power in 227 Ramistervag kingdom because we also have top rank 1 to 10 Jarls players and positions rank 1 to 10 clans in global position rank 1 to 10 in vikings, jarls & clans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Global Rank positions in vikings rank jarls clans 1 to nr. 10 - with normally each gamer 1 Trillion points or more influences. !!!!!!!!!!

thats very hard fighting with someone that is rank 1 to 10 global and have 1 Trillion points or more. but ok.....in time we will check the results how developments and knowledges will show anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here a picture current from our last taken pop place of power from 2018

enjoy plarium vikings games and be Welcome to join clan boy14 - your boy14loli

(we are in 227 Ramistervag kingdom, coordinates x:227 y:488 - clan boy14)

bye boys&girls! and thanks for now.........thanks also to our plarium vikings workers & support service team

3 апр. 2018, 03:0103.04.18

Greetings & Grüße gehen an: Australia, Sydney, Perth, Japan, Tokyo, America, New York, Los Angeles, Germany, Hamburg, Dortmund, Bochum, Kiez, Reeperbahn, Rotlichtviertel, Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Minden, Europe International, Global worldwide international Galaxys & Universes, ..........etc........usw...........bla bla bla bla bla...................

ich wurde gebeten ganz besonders die stadt Minden zu grüßen, dies tue ich jetzt auch an dieser stelle. minden......wir sehen uns in Tasmania und New Zealand auf ne insel nähe Australien, danach kurzer städtetrip nach Tokyo japan und weiter nach los angeles und new york, dann wieder heim im Affenarsch land.....lol.....lach....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







bye for now......................




7 апр. 2018, 08:4807.04.18

clan boy14 - boy14loli - in 227 Ramistervag kingdom x: 227 y: 488

hello boys & girls !

We clan boy14 have now new clan Rules. just check them.

also new clan Info news.

We don´t need in our clan players that are inactivated and only parking there theyr citys and farm.

We need only Active members.

check the new clan Rules, otherwise You will be Kicked Out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We kicked yesterday out of our clan 12 Members, who was discovered Inactivated accounts.

so only Active Member - Welcome to Join !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU will be Payed and Rewarted in GOLD Vikings in time...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bye bye sweetys.....

clan boy14


16 апр. 2018, 15:3416.04.18

the website postimg.org is not available. the links i sendet you you can´t allways see.

here some pics.

clan boy14 boy14loli in 227 Ramistervag kingdom x: 227 y: 488

16 апр. 2018, 15:3616.04.18

clan boy14 boy14loli in 227 Ramistervag

16 апр. 2018, 15:3916.04.18

the links i sent you are not loading on website www.postimg.org

here the pics:

clan boy14 boy14loli in 227 Ramistervag kingdom coordinates x: 227 y: 488

6 май 2018, 17:5406.05.18

hy clan boy14loli

here from today only just for fun, because i payed before a lot real money to monkeys of plarium vikings. also no good activitys in chat of bullshit kingdom ramistervag.

so.........in game plarium vikings ...only for just for Fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and in this vikings game you need 500 Millions Gold if you want be something here. pop place of power .....etc......

so enjoy Fun..............

i will take a look into plarium vikings from time to time, even i will have the Time........................

Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lol

bye bye for now


28 май 2018, 12:1028.05.18

whats up monkeys & vikings players?

anything new on that stage? i think no......

lol............same bullshit shapes mugs like in past........lol......

enjoy......... & kill All my Enemys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bye for now...

clan boy14 - boy14loli

13 июнь 2018, 09:2813.06.18

hy plarium vikings & clan boy14,

whats up, whats new?

any new clan boy14 members available? just let me know and send me clan boy14loli invitation, i ll reply.

hope to see you soon in our clan boy14 - boy14loli - in 227 ramistervag kingdom - x 227 y 488


clan boy14


25 июнь 2018, 18:0625.06.18
9 июль 2018, 13:10(отредактировано)

clan boy 14 clan castle has now remooved allshit things from Areal boy14 that was inapropiate and inactivated things.

by the power of highest thing.......lol.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good work clan boy14

if anything its new just let me know and send me message

enjoy vikings plarium, boys & girls !  .......good luck......................


2 июль 2018, 05:0902.07.18

hy boys & girls!

hy plarium vikings world players & gamers. ,

you all are invited to join clan boy14 - boy14loli           !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clan boy14 boy14loli in 227 Ramistervag kingdom coordinates x: 227 y: 488                !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

enjoy gaming vikings & .............good luck building & working on your city & our clan castle.............

see you later...............bye for now


9 июль 2018, 09:3609.07.18

hy boys & girls!

how the vikings plarium game working ???

hope well......................we clan boy14 upgraded now our vip level to level 21 vip. that cost us some millions gold vikings. also we maked last kingdom battle kvk around 15 millions points. our last clan battle cvc was hard, but at least we won. so far we coulnt get up to next liga clans cvc battles next liga, liga of eroberer.....dont know in english. we working now on stronghold higher level and also some buildings upgrates in the city boy14.

enjoy plarium vikings....................and.............hope to see you soon on clan boy14

bye for now......

clan boy14


9 июль 2018, 13:0009.07.18
we clan boy14 upgraded now our vip level to level 21 vip. that cost us some millions gold vikings. also we maked last kingdom battle kvk around 15 millions points. our last clan battle cvc was hard, but at least we won.

Good job!  

13 июль 2018, 10:5713.07.18

hy and thank you Erna Fiery........

............the last problem we have, we need soon 150 Active Players vikings

what can we do to get members?
13 июль 2018, 11:1313.07.18

Erna Fiery said:

we clan boy14 upgraded now our vip level to level 21 vip. that cost us some millions gold vikings. also we maked last kingdom battle kvk around 15 millions points. our last clan battle cvc was hard, but at least we won.

Good job!  

Hy....and dear erna fiery,

maybe you can help us and my clan boy14 in 227 ramistervag kingdom with : we need imediatly around 150 to 350 Active members and players in our clan boy14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what we can do to get that 350 only Active vikings plarium Members and Players ????????????

tell me that, how getting members on vikings in our clan boy14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bye for now, and hope you write me and us soon back......with the solutions.

clan boy14


28 июль 2018, 12:4128.07.18

hy boys & girls!

hy clan boy14,

wish you good luck for future making good cvc and kvk battles.

as we heard, we got in last time very strong cvc battles, we need making 1b points or more, thats too much and cost too much gold.

.............we will see in future the opponents............maybe we dont need make over 1 billions points to win a clan battle we hope...........

see you later

clan boy14


15 авг. 2018, 03:5515.08.18

hy clan boy14

hope to make soon together a good Victorious Victory cvc clan vs. clan battle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i´ve buyed from plarium vikings BANK allready new Stronghold Boosters for making victorious fast Points a lot for clan boy14 Stronghold and battle cvc

enjoy clan boy14 in 227 Ramistervag

Yasmin Astrid Joenna

20 авг. 2018, 04:1420.08.18

hy clan boy14 - how are you? boys&girls!

there some pics boy14loli in jötunheim ice kingdom.....


20 авг. 2018, 04:2020.08.18

hy clan boy14..........

here´s Jarl Yasmin Astrid Joenna......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we are glad to be in clan boy14..............enjoy..............

love you boy.........hope we build bigger our vikings citys and stronghold soon !!!!!!!!!!!!

see you later...........soon we´ll got again that cvc battle.........ll see hows going on.....


Yasmin Astrid Joenna